PNN - Pacifican News Network

The Weissersteiner Imperial Government has expressed its concerns with the instability in Akarina and that it would closely monitor the situation.

Commenting on the recent discovery of RIM & possibly Bruuman involvement in the conflict in Losavra, the Weissersteiner Imperial Government had reiterated its commitment to ensuring regional security amongst “East Cordilian” states and that it is monitoring the situation in Losavra closely.


Akarinan Republican News
Our own navy has launched a treasonous attack on Arata Island as they seem to still support the Quirin family, who have gone missing from their new home on the island. This is a clear betrayal of our navy as they are loyal to the Quirin family, and still fly the royal flag. This should not come as a surprise, as all unfinished naval vessels have been stolen when we took power.


Krautallaz, Krauanagaz— The Krauanagazan Defense Department released a statement today saying that the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between Mitallduk and Krauanagaz has been fully reestablished and that it would be enforced against suspected militants. At a press conference, Krauanagazan Secretary of State Darius Korin reassured the international community that refugees would still be able to access aid and enter Krauanagaz at designated aid stations and crossing points.


The Coalitanian Minister of Foreign Affairs has officially announced that they will not be accepting flights from Akarina to Alcoalitania until the conflict ends. He has also added that Alcoalitania will not allow flights to Akarina either.


Humanitarian Crisis: Militants Target Aid Convoy - Krauanagaz Plans Military Escort

According to the Krauanagazan Department of Defense, militants belonging to an organization known as the Purity Vanguard (PV) have reportedly attacked an aid convoy entering Mitallduk, resulting in casualties and the hijacking of aid trucks. The incident, which occurred just hours ago, marks a dangerous escalation in the ongoing crisis engulfing the region.

Aid agencies have been raising alarm for days over the repeated rejection of international aid by armed individuals at Mitallduk’s border, affiliated with the PV. According to one aid truck driver, PV militants are labeling aid workers and the aid itself as attempts to undermine Mitallduk’s “sovereignty and purity.” Despite pleas from humanitarian organizations, Mitallduk authorities have consistently refused to intervene, citing the ongoing “security dispute” in the north, exacerbating the already dire humanitarian situation in the country.

Today’s attack on the aid convoy resulted in the death of three Krauanagazan Federal Army soldiers and one aid worker. According to a spokesperson from the Krauanagazan Department of Defense, the PV militants opened fire on the convoy as it attempted to enter Mitallduk, leading to the tragic loss of lives. The militants then proceeded to hijack the aid trucks, driving them into Mitallduk territory.

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Akarinan Republican News
The navy has done another treasonous attack on us, at 2:16 am local time there was a naval bombardment on port Kyoto. This cowardly attack lasted four and a half hours and resulted in 12,000 civilian casualties.

In other news: Kaleara has not gone along with our coup.

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Roiwek Times | Worldwide

San Marsico Air Force sends in helicopter to rescue Marsicoan citizens from unrest - As the situation in the United Empire of Akarina worsens, San Marsicoan President Weliki Vanzuik has called upon the San Marsico Air Force to save San Marsicoan citizens stranded in Akarina. The San Marisco People’s Party, and the Ministry of International Relations did not respond to the question of saving citizens from other nations that are stranded in Akarina. // Yannick Foze, Uni Padik.



Akarinan News Network
The Imperial Akarinan Navy has launched naval landings on the Corvun coast and Kynto. Emperor Hinata Quirin has been returned to the throne, but for now the battle for power rages on.

Government issued airlifts continue as the Huawanese Embassy in Akarina calls its expats back. Applications for refugee and political asylum are also steadily going on.

Huawanese naval presence intensifies in the Kringalian strait as Lord-High Admiral Kuba Yamata and the Department of Foreign Affairs meets with its Kliegmean, Karnetvorian and Valkyrian counterparts to increase security of the Crabry EEZ


Krauanagaz Government Appeals for International Aid to Combat Economic Downturn, Humanitarian Crisis

Yayyára, Krauanagaz— As the economic crisis deepens in Krauanagaz, the government is implementing a series of emergency measures to navigate through the turbulent times ahead. The situation is dire, with the conflict in Mitallduk exacerbating economic woes and deepening security concerns within Krauanagaz itself.

What Krauanagaz is describing as an ongoing civil war in Mitallduk has spilled over into neighboring Krauanagaz, leading to increased cross-border militant activity and border skirmishes. These incidents have not only resulted in casualties but have also disrupted trade routes and caused widespread fear among civilians. With Mitallduk being a key trade partner for Krauanagaz, even prior to the Münnen Protocols, the economic repercussions of the conflict are being keenly felt across the nation.

Contributing to the economic strain, the new influx of refugees fleeing violence in Mitallduk has put immense strain on Krauanagaz’s resources and infrastructure. Refugee camps in Northern and Central Krauanagaz are overcrowded, and basic necessities such as food, water, and medical supplies are in short supply. State Department officials say the government’s humanitarian aid efforts are stretched to their limits, and without additional funding, the situation is likely to deteriorate further.

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Sedunnic foreign minister Hevv Gjieramm has said that Sedunn is ready to provide humanitarian aid to Krauanagaz but that no specifics have been discussed yet.


An anonymous official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has described, during an interview with ITAK, the Krauanagaz situation as a “black hole.” Military aid by the Starhawk Pact returned nothing. Humanitarian aid from various nations, including Kliegme, resulted in nothing. Kliegme’s preliminary withdrawal of assets and citizens from the nation earlier this year, once condemned as abandonment of those in need, is now commended (by the population) to be a result of Governmental Foresight. Kliegmean trust regarding the Krauanagaz government, who couldn’t improve their situation despite international aid, has collapsed.


After discussions with Kraunagaz, The Imperial palace of Huawan plans to commit over TSP$ 2,000,000,000 to Kraunagaz for development aid and humanitarian aid within the span of 10 years.

In other news, Huawan also plans to offer help to broker a clearer treaty between Kraunagaz and Mitallduk to help alleviate the ongoing crisis of Southern Cordilia


The Frost Empire has started large -scale military drills across Reizen with the intentions to “maintain force readiness and preserve regional security”. The DPRR has condemned the exercises calling them “a dangerous provocation and a thinly veiled mask to prepare for their invasion.”


The Yttrian government has just passed further subsidies for the deep-sea exploration industry.


Akarinan News Network
Most land previously owned by the UEA has been annexed, only excluding some parts of Austro.


The current Prime Minister of FiHami has announced that she is not running for re-election. She has endorsed the Finixi Left candidate Kai Hastofi, who has received pushback for their openness on discussing mental health and their healing journey with complex PTSD and DID.

“Some of my opponents are uncomfortable with how I intend to bring mental health front and center to the discussion. A large amount of citizens are struggling and we as a country need to do more.” Mx. Hastofi spoke at a campaign rally on Tuesday morning promoting her agenda to work with the Ha’Coron’ on social welfare to continue improving the lives of FiHami citizens. “If elected, we will work to fund research in mental health. We will work to fund programs to help combat addictions, help alleviate grief, we will work to rework FiHami’s healthcare system and make good therapy accessible to all. We will continue supporting FiHami’s economic growth and make sure that every breathing body in FiHami has every opportunity to a healthy, happy life.”

The FiHami Conservative Party has been in uproar, claiming that Kai Hastofi is unfit for public office due to the nature of their mental health.

“It’s ridiculous that there are STILL some rich old Antarchi men who deny that they ever did anything wrong, and deny people who challenge their narrow worldview the right to speak up and try to fix things. We are perfectly capable of serving in public office and representing FiHami on the international stage. We have come a very long way over 20 years of living a disjointed life and the rich [censored] who say we can’t do anything actively disregards thousands of survivors their healing journeys. They spit on the face of the survivors who have worked so hard to stand up after having been kicked down. It’s disgusting.” Kai Hastofi posted on Stream shortly after videos from the FiHami Monarchs Party candidate Patrik Anasta came out with a variety of attacks directed to Kai specifically.

In current polls, Kai Hastofi leads at 34%, followed by the Finixi Rebirth Party’s Hafi Kahashi at 30%. Patrik Anasta had 24% of the projected vote.

FiHami will be turning to the polls in August to elect the next Prime Minister.


After weeks of wrangling through both Houses of Parliament, Montwælda Rombold signs into law the Restoration of the Monarchy. Empress Astrid is expected to fly from Montacia to Izaakia in the coming days to be formally reinstalled as monarch.


Josif Tintor has become the new leader of the National East Romordian party to replace Boris Rađen.