PNN - Pacifican News Network

EXCLUSIVE: Videos Show Combat in Mitallduk; Krauanagazan Refugees Being Forcibly Expelled, Beaten, and Shot

Krautallaz Province, Krauanagaz— Following the restoration of Pasture’s services in Northern Krauanagaz today, hundreds of posts and videos from users who have fled into Krauanagaz were uploaded to the social media platform. There are dozens of photos and videos of Mitalldukish towns and cities engulfed in combat or being overrun by armed individuals.

Recent Events

On the night of May 20 an explosion occurred at the Mitallduk Confederacy Refugee Office in Ta’ana, with no reported injuries. This incident was the first in a series of violent events that have unfolded since the night of May 20.

The following morning, May 21, the Krauanagazan State Department announced that it had “lost contact” with its embassy and diplomatic staff in Mitallduk. This came after an emergency alert was triggered by the embassy’s security system. Secretary of State Darius Korin expressed deep concern and reported efforts to re-establish communication were unsuccessful. Meanwhile, reporters observed an influx of defense department and military personnel in Yayyára.

Later that day Krauanagaz moved to DEFCON 3, suspending military leave and recalling all servicemembers to their units, the Starhawk Pact also placed their regional forces on high alert. This heightened state of readiness signals the seriousness of the unfolding crisis. Additionally, reports of air raid sirens and a dogfight involving MDF aircraft over Mitallduk airspace further intensified concerns and likely precipitated the change in the defense condition. Around 11 PM on May 21, Zuhlgan confirmed that they had also lost contact with their embassy and staff in Mitallduk, deepening concerns inside Krauanagaz.

One video shows what is clearly marked as a Mitallduk Defense Force (MDF) fighter jet attacking an MDF installation outside of Ta’ana in Northern Mitallduk. In the video, the jet approaches and fires three missiles into the MDF base. The initial explosions caused by the missiles are followed by multiple significantly large explosions, suggesting that possibly an ammo or fuel storage depot was targeted.

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Yayyára, Krauanagaz— The Federal Police Agency has released a statement saying that the Mitalldukish Embassy was attacked by what they called a ‘suicide drone’. According to the FPA the drone entered Krauanagazan airspace below radar detection, before reaching the embassy and nosediving into embassy grounds.

The Federal Air Force said that the drone was manufactured for the Mitalldukish military, though it remains unclear who ordered the attack. Yayyára health authorities say that over 40 people were killed, and at least 271 were injured.


Statement from Pasture

We are deeply troubled to report that our offices in Mitallduk were raided by masked armed men on the morning of May 21. In a brazen and terrifying act, these individuals stormed our premises, disrupting our operations and causing significant distress among our staff.

What is most concerning is that all of our staff members who are are not Mitalldukish citizens have been detained by these masked intruders. This unprovoked attack on our team members is a flagrant violation of their rights and an assault on the principles of free speech and communication that Pasture stands for.

We are urgently calling for the immediate release of our detained staff and for assurances of their safety and well-being. We demand answers from the authorities in Mitallduk and an immediate cessation of these violent and unjust actions against our employees.

Our thoughts are with our colleagues and their families during this incredibly difficult time. We are in communication with the Krauanagazan State Department, and are doing everything within our power to secure the release of our colleagues and ensure their safety. We will continue to update you as we receive more information.

We stand in solidarity with our team in Mitallduk and condemn these actions in the strongest possible terms. This is an attack not only on our company but on the very freedoms that underpin a just and democratic society.

— The Pasture Team


Today, the President of Alcoalitania announced a historic political reform aimed at decentralizing governance and improving local representation. The nation will be divided into six administrative regions: Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, Mountains and Central. Each region will have its own elected governor and regional assembly, responsible for managing local affairs and ensuring that the unique needs of each region are met.

The President stated, “This reform will empower local governments, enhance democratic participation, and ensure that every region of ALC can thrive based on its unique strengths and needs. We believe this will lead to more efficient governance and a stronger, more united nation.”

The transition to the new system will begin immediately, with public consultations and detailed planning to ensure a smooth implementation. Citizens are encouraged to participate in the upcoming discussions to shape the future of their regions.




The Carousel of the Privileged

→ The High Court for International Law and Customs in Nasphilitae orders Adrianna Rolston to reformulate her statements.

→ In her defense, Jonas Val had cited: UPRANs convulsion, The situation in Krauanagaz, effecting Emerald-Denver for some reason, and Ikaranaras involvement in the matter, this constant rivalry between Pelinai and Vrigny; examples of Adrianna Rolstons’ call for debate being valid.

→ As to ease the situation, the Royal Court had issued an advisory council for Adrianna Roltston, which would be comprised of Robert Stenhouse, her former colleague. However, Stenhouse refused, because this month he chose to be an egoist.

→ The Supreme Court intervened by issuing an order to Candice Cohen for fulfilling this task. This was heavily supported by both Claire Renske of the NNP and Evelynn Mies of the SRP, for some reason. Cohen had accepted, though with a belated arrival.

→ Probably as a result of the above, Claire Renske and Evelynn Mies had finally agreed to negotiate an additional Annex to the Bill proposed by Nowell Riley Trenton; Which involve the appending of an additional clause, together with the Higher Court one, thus post-poning the Bill even longer.

-Reporter: perennialistDeconstructor, because I ike money.



Shai Kong Prime Minister Tanu Shirong was caught by surprise by a volley of journalist while attending the latest Tom Hunter movie. Many journalists asked the Prime Minister whether Shai Kong would follow in Valkyria’s footsteps in the legalisation of narcotics. PM Shirong stated to the press: “Shai Kong has always been adamantly against any tolerance towards narcotics. Valkyria’s experiment may yield short term revenues, but we have little interest in studying the long term effects of narcorics on societal productivity, security & well being within this Republic.”


Krauanagazan Embassy Staff Arrested by ‘Takaran People’s Army’; Krauanagaz Establishes ‘No-Fly Zone’ In Mitalldukish Airspace Near Border

DEVELOPING— The Krauanagazan State Department issued a forceful condemnation following the recent raid on Pasture’s offices in Mitallduk. In a statement, the State Department expressed deep concern over the “aggressive actions” taken against the organization and the detention of its non-Mitalldukish staff members by a group identifying themselves as the ‘Takaran People’s Army.’

The Krauanagazan State Department unequivocally demanded the immediate release of all detained Pasture staff members, highlighting that their detention represents a grave infringement on their rights and freedoms. “The detention of Pasture’s staff members who are not Mitalldukish citizens is a grave violation of their rights and a clear infringement on the freedoms that we hold dear. We condemn this unjust and violent action in the strongest possible terms,” the statement read.

The Krauanagazan State Department also revealed that its own diplomatic staff and ambassador to Mitallduk were detained by the Takaran People’s Army. This has raised serious concerns about the safety and well-being of Krauanagazan personnel and refugees in Mitallduk.

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The results of the latest political poll have been published. Vrigny is still pretty much 4 years away from the next election, but this is how the results would look like if there were to be one right now:

  • GPV: 56.47% (240) → 31.25% (133) ↓
  • LPV: 20.33% (87) → 34.02% (145) ↑
  • ISPfWL: 10.64% (46) → 14.28% (61) ↑
  • SPV: 7.23% (31) → 13.81% (59) ↑
  • EVDP: 3.58% (16) → 1.32% (6) ↓
  • PFtA: 1.21% (5) → 0.82% (0) ↓
  • CPV: 0.31% (0) → 2.6% (12) ↑
  • Z-D Kresbo: 0.23% (0) → 1.9% (9) ↑

With these results, the GPV wouldn’t be able to continue leading the government without a coalition, most likely needing to form a coalition with both the center-left SPV and far-left ISPfWL to keep governing. Another thing to mention is that the far-right CPV and Z-D Kresbo would make it into the Parliament once again.


Ikaranara has allegedly identified spending traces in Losavra that led to @Bruuma, in support of the Losavral LPF, a communist alligned terrorist group. Ikaranara, however, has yet to comment on this and confirm whether it is true.

However, earlier today, Ikaranarean and Losavral forces raided a base of PL operation and captured individuals they have confirmed to be RIM operatives. This confirms suspicions that the RIM has been operating within Losavra- however, Head Governor Garovo Alertz has stated “We will not let Losavra go the way of Hazelia,” referencing the successful RIM coup against Snolland against Hazelia, which Ikaranara still does not recognize as a country due to it not wanting to legitimize the actions of the RIM.


BREAKING— In the first statement from the Mitalldukish government in days a spokesperson from Mitallduk’s Foreign Ministry stated that the nation was in the midst of, “an internal security dispute.” The statement was posted as a video on Pasture at around 7:00 PM local time today.

In the video, the spokesperson acknowledged the escalating violence and unrest but refrained from providing specific details about the incidents or the groups involved. The spokesperson emphasized that the situation was “under control” and urged citizens to remain calm. “We are addressing the security concerns with utmost urgency,” they said. “Our priority is to restore order and ensure the safety of all citizens and guests.” The spokesperson also stated that martial law had been implemented nationwide, but provided no further details.

Despite the reassurance, the lack of specific information about the nature of the ongoing situation has left many questions unanswered. Observers and analysts say they are concerned about the transparency of the Mitalldukish government in handling the crisis. The vague terminology used has sparked speculation about the true extent of the conflict and the government’s ability to manage it effectively.

Krauanagaz, Prydon, and Zuhlgan have reacted with cautious optimism to the statement. However, widespread skepticism remains surrounding the Mitalldukish government’s assurances. Krauanagaz, which has been deeply affected by the influx of refugees and the detention of its diplomatic staff, continues to call for more clarity and international action to address the humanitarian crisis.


The Akarinan ministry of defense has put the 35th fighter squadron, 14th bomber squadron, and 9th ground support squadron on standby. The ministry of defense has also given the 16th and 35th fighter squadrons access to F/N-26 “Raven” stealth fighters.

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BREAKING— Security sources in Zuhlgan say that a group of 40-50 armed individuals have stormed the Arkava’s Residence in Ozákla. Reportedly gunfire and explosions can be heard from outside the residence. It is unclear if the Arkava has been evacuated at this point, but it was confirmed that he was present at the time of the attack.

This is a developing story.


Kliegme and Myria has signed multiple agreements that would allow bilateral cooperation regarding trade and industry. Kliegmean and Myrian sources have stated that they hope this agreement would be a boon for both sides.


BREAKING— On Zuhlgani state media the nation’s foreign affairs chief, Autark Kula H’kara, said that “armed insurgents” carried out a coup attempt in the Zuhlgani capital late last night. According to H’kara the Arkava was hastily evacuated from the Arkava’s Residence and is in an undisclosed location at this time.

H’kara stated, “Late last night, a group of armed insurgents launched a violent and cowardly attack on the Arkava’s Residence in Ozákla[…] As of this morning, the Arkava is safe and unharmed […] In the course of quelling this assault, numerous insurgents have been detained, and the remaining attackers neutralized.”

H’kara added that Zuhlgani authorities are conducting extensive investigations to uncover the full extent of the plot, and declared that all involved would be brought to justice.


For the first time since the 18th Century, a new Allxervar has been elected to lead the, now newly established and reformed Circle. The Circle was a very limited branch of the Zarkanxiz clergy, which controlled Vrigny’s affairs, politics and pretty much everything in the country since antiquity until the Vrignyan Revolution.


Symbol of The Circle, and Zarkanxiz Faith overall

The new Allxervar, Alexandra Viren, has proclaimed a new start to the Zarkanxiz, stating that: “All of the remaining Zarkanxiz faithful have never had the opportunity to practice Zarkanxiz since centuries. Although we had adapted and transformed the Zarkanxiz into a more private and personal religion, I’m sure that with this change, we’ll eventually remember what our ancestors had taught to our great-great-great-grandparents”. She has also explained, that: “Even though Zarkan has always preferred to control a physical body and rule Vrigny himself, he has learned that it is now uncompatible with Vrignyan culture and history, and will talk to us from above”.

The Circle and some Zarkanxiz members have funded the construction of a small temple, dedicated to Zarkan himself, in the city of Vraks. Although it was hard to get the permission from the city hall, due to Vraks being governed by the LPV, the national government pressured the local government until it finally conceded. Now, the construction of the first Zarkanxiz temple since the 19th century has begun, and it is expected for the construction to not take too long.


Prince Edward and his wife, Princess Grace, have publicly announced that Grace is pregnant with twins, having apparently tested positive nearly 4 months ago. Prince Edward spoke to Eaglestar Times stating “Since I’m heir to the throne, and because, deep down, both of us want children to call our own, we decided to have a kid. We didn’t quite expect twins, or for Grace to get pregnant this quickly, so, with the royal family’s approval, we decided to hide the fact until we were ready. Well, we are now, thats for damn sure.” The names of the twins, one a boy, and the other a girl has apparently already been decided, Jason, named after the King Jason II, and Anne, named after King Jason II’s Wife, King Joshua VII’s Great Grandmother.

However, this has caused some debate online on how the eventual succession will work, this being the first time an heir to the throne has had twins as their first children. Only time will tell.


Akarinan News Network
A government coup in Akarina that has resulted in both, the exile of the Quirin family, and independence for the “Free Union of Corvus”.


The Yttrian government has expressed concern over the growing instability within the United Empire of Akarina, especially in matters of governance.


the Kliegmean Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed that it will monitor the situation in Akarina.


Although it is still too early to learn the possible effects and future the coup will have on Akarina, as it is not clear what kind of ideology or goals those who have suddenly taken power, the Vrignyan Foreign Ministry has commended, what they would now like to call the “Republic of Akarina” for the independence of the Free Union of Corvus.

While Vrigny’s Republicanist ideals may make it seem like those who exiled the Quirin family have Vrigny’s support already, the Government’s official stance is to continue having a cautious stance on Akarina, since the country is still too unstable to hold standard diplomatic relations with.