PNN - Pacifican News Network

Phase two Peonic mobilization to the Rycco-Cordilian front is underway. The government has yet to redraft reservists, aiming for a swift end of the war.

Alexander Hadzic, who was in power since 2014 after being appointed by Nicholas’ government when Kalinskia was part of Nicholas and Great Britain, has won the Kalinskia 2022 General Election with a landslide victory despite polls suggesting that the main opposition candidate, Dmitri Zaitsev, was more popular.


After intense battling, surrounded Ryccian troops have surrendered to the 151st Mountain and 155th Airborne Infantry brigades. Ikaranara has begun to advance further into Ryccian territory.

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The Resolution to the Rycco-Cordilian War sits at a standstill when Gianaltan ambassador Helena Meise asks for a technicality review of the proposed resolution by Valkyria. Peonic diplomats are visibly annoyed, as experts see the act by Gianalta may block the provision of a streamlined unified humanitarian aid line, an amendment proposed by the CBR.

“These people are toying with lives!” Remarked Lord-Delegate Gideon Kwah, exiting the WF chamber in anger.

The illegitimate Free Republic of the Kabaou has announced its support for Ryccia.

Efladian and Gianatlan police press officers announced that the last figurehead of the FF has been captured. She is being transferred to a remand center in Eflad, were she will await trial with the other figureheads.

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The Sænat has passed the “Responsibility Act” by a majority of 51,4% (220 Aye, 208 Nay) replacing civil marriage by a responsibility partnership. Marriages in religious community will remain untouched. This is a major breakthrough not only for same sex couples, but for single parents as well.


Huawan opens borders for displaced Refugees from Doge Land, Terelia, Ikaranara and Ryccia. They are housed in the city of Hai Men

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Government News: V.A.F. has successfully completed their role in accordance to joint battleplans through the use of airforce. Most of its’ infrastructure and detachments will be returned to Viliakmon, leaving only Group I in Mountainton to continue defending the city from chemical warfare and several light-weight helicopter in Tento to transport the remaining troops of Group I to Viliakmon upon the war ending.

“Other” News: T.C.P. International Broadcast regarding the war was postponed following an invitation from several NGO’s and research institutes to attend a meeting in Merimang Island with the goal of forming an umbrella pressure group in Viliakmon.

The Royal Palace of Huawan passes an edict to streamline and provide a temporary citizenship channel for refugees in the Rycco-Cordilian War.

A separate edict was also passed to increase security measures and reintroduce emergency simulations in schools and workplaces

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In Polar City the coldest BBQ competition in the world begins over the weekend. International cooks go head to head with their Izaakian counterparts for the top prizes in Ribs, Pulled Pork and Kebabs amongst many other categories.

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The Pelinese Navy reports that the East Mediterranean Oceanic Surveillance Array is nearly ready for activation. Officials say that the Zholtiya Zemla-based sonar installation will allow the Pelinese Navy to more closely monitor transit of the Golden Strait and Strait of Tanis by submarines.

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Terelia kindly asks that neither they nor the Junta bomb civillian targets or infrastructure (such as railroads).

The junta has bombed a railway on the Terelian side of the border. It is believed this is a response to Sumeti to not make any requests from the junta.

Official response from Sumeți: “go choke on a deflated bagpipe”. Attached to the message was an image of cooked bacon.

Prytanis Boutros Georgiou assisted a press roll: "We congratulate the Pelinai nation for doing the right decision by sending aid to Doge Land and Ikaranara.

We personally think in the Rhaynan government that the relations between Pelinai and LoC has started in a wrong path due to misconceptions of the pact, it’s missions and it’s goals after the war due to unreasonable fear of it.

We ask cordially for the Pelinai government and the Rhaynan government to have official talks in the moment they see fit to explain the true meaning of the existence of the LoC, and future relations."

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2 Cordillian Science Teams give go ahead for long term research mission.

FIBR [Vilikamon] and UGR [Koros] Mutual Research

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Qaweritoyu: Doctor Speaker Johnathon Wallace has criticised the Prime Minister on her choice of day for the election. He has said that the Prime Minister’s decision could have implications for lost time in Parliament and could effect the amount of time before the next General Election takes place.

Former President of Qaweritoyu Tanner Diaz has died aged 81 years old. President Diaz was President briefly in 1971 during the 1971 Presidential Crisis. His family said his death was caused naturally.

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Merimeng Island Report:We are glad to be hosting an international research venture of two esteemed and independent research groups on this very Island - We wish them good luck in their efforts.” -One of the anonymous sponsors behind the research facility, resident of Merimeng Island.

FIBR and UGR: Initialized

To the dismay of is nobles in court the leader of isolationist nation Draconica is asking for invites to visit foreign nations, the 87 year old monarch Yuhfek the 11th is reported to have already had essentials backed for a potential visit to foreign countries