PNN - Pacifican News Network

King Andrei III of Stoinia has voiced his interest to host a visit of Stoinia by monarch Yuhfek of Draconica upon the news that the nations wishes to open up to the international community.

President Henry Trout has invited Draconican Monarch Yuhfek the 11th to the Federal Republic Of The Island Of Nova Colradia(New Colradia).

Yuhfek has announced that he will take a visit to Nova Colradia and bring local food to the island to demonstrate to Henry Trout

Yuhfek has announced that he will visit Stoina after his visit to Nova Colradia and will bestow the title of Yheatfek on the foreign monarch

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Qaweritoyu: Deputy Prime Minister Ortiz has said that the Prime Minister’s decision on the General Election date has not been decided and that the Prime Minister cannot be judged on any date before a date has been set in stone.

President Elliott and Vice-President Appleton have signed the Book of Condolence in the Presidence on the passing of former President Tanner Diaz, at the age of 81.

Cornelius Astarris, the foreign minister of Esfalsa, has said Esfalsa will welcome visits by foreign leaders.

The Gianlucian foreign ministry has expressed interest in meeting with the Draconican leader. Noting the open invitation by the Esfalsan foreign minister Astarris, plans for Esfalsan-Gianlucian talks in the near to mid-term future are also underway.

Yuhfek has declared he would like to take a quick visit to Esfalsa and share traditional Vippian beer with the leader

Yuhfek has agreed to visit Gainatla and promises to bestow gifts upon the foreign parliament

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Following outcry from civil rights groups, Valkyrian Prime Minister Steve Bennett clarified that dual Ryccian-Valkyrian citizens will be able to retain citizenship in both nations if they were originally refugees in draft legislation that bans dual citizenship between Ryccia and Valkyria.

The Izaakian Air Force has confirmed that another downed pilot has been captured by Ryccian forces in Valora.

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Amidst everything else ongoing which his personal assistant was listing as ongoing both internationally and domestically (“Resolution on Orbital Safety”, “T.C.P. invited to form a pressure group”, “Pelinese Navy” …) the one thing that caught Iakov Xhuglini’s attention was the notification of monarch Yuhfek the XI of His Name from the Realm of Draconica ending isolationism is what interested him.

“Write back to Lord Yuhfek XI and tell him that the Head of State of Viliakmon wishes to visit Draconica instead as he is very interested in this Realm. Iakov Xhuglini will personally bring Yuhfek XI to Viliakmon upon the ending of Iakovs’ visit to Draconica.”

Office, you form a regency also appoint Tayna while I’m gone.” This might be the most ecstatic which the clerks have seen him in years.

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Yuhfek has declared that he will allow a short visit of the foreign head of state to the capital of Draconica where he will give him a quick tour of the imperial palace before they depart to Viliakmon

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Phase 2 deployments have arrived in Doge Land, Ikaranara and Terelia. Including some heavy armour detachments and a second mechanised infantry battalion. Artillery deployments barrages continue on the border

Sallodesia & Andrendia have launched a surprise aerial attack on Ryccian forces in the Terelian-Ikaranaran front from a joint aircraft carrier strike group.

In other news, Stoinia officially supports the defending nations by granting military hardware to Terelia, Ikaranara and Doge Land.

The youngest son of Yhufek has recently fled the country, the 18-year old Kazfek has fled the country claiming that after the 87 year old monarch Yuhfek had finished his foreign visits the nobles and the imperial guard the Wardyheat had launched a coup against the palace government in order to protect the traditions of the imperial system including isolation, the young Kazfek has claimed that they have put the royal family under house arrest and also may be considering fully restoring serfdom and destroying the few old factories built in the capital. Kazfek is currently seeking asylum and wishes to spread awareness of the internal situation in Draconica to the wider world.

King Andrei III of Stoinia has announced that he’ll offer Yhufek’s son, the young Kazfek, asylum in Stoinia.

Kazfek the 18 year old child of Kazchik Yuhfek of Draconica has accepted asylum in Stoinia

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Qaweritoyu: Prime Minister Barrett has scheduled the October 2022 General Election for Friday, 21 October, 2022.

A Valoran autocrat military tribunal has sentenced the Izaakian pilots to death. Their execution is to be carried out tonight.