Office of Legislator Applications



Welcome to the Office of Legislator Applications. This Office is managed by the Office of the Chair, and is where full applications to join the Assembly are housed. This Office is not for citizenship applications—use the Get Involved Wizard instead.

Unrelated Assembly business or questions should instead be posted in the Office of Assembly Affairs.

Need Help?

If you are looking to become a legislator or are getting confused, please read our own Legislators’ Guide to the Assembly!


Application Form

Applications must include your main nation for contact reasons, a link to your accepted citizenship application and your caucus affiliation, from a choice of the The Cakeists, The Pieists, or The Ice Creamists. If any changes have occurred since the acceptance of your citizenship application, please list them in Notes.

Applications must be posted as a reply in this topic. Applications made elsewhere will not be considered.

Acceptance or Rejection

Once your application has been accepted or rejected by the Chair of the Assembly, you’ll receive a reply and a telegram to your main nation. Rejections will include the reasoning from the Chair.

Maintaining Legislatorship

Great, you’ve been accepted to the Assembly! Now what?

Legislators must conduct orderly behaviour, per our Code of Conduct, and meet certain requirements:

Eligibility Requirements Voting Requirements
Legislators must maintain citizenship in the South Pacific and must not participate in bad faith. Legislators must vote in at least a third of votes in the month, provided at least 3 votes occurred. If only 2 votes finished, they must vote in at least 1 to maintain legislatorship.

Failure to meet these requirements will lead to removal of legislator status. Remember that you can always re-apply.


Main Nation: Hazahmkong
Discord (optional): None
**Citizenship Application Link: EagerHazahmkong (Hazahmkong) - Lampshade Bar and Grill / Citizen Applications - The South Pacific **


Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

1 Like

Main Nation: The Republic of Favrisko
**Discord (optional):**Kp Favrisko
Citizenship Application Link:

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly! However, next time please remember to add the link to your citizen application.

1 Like

Main Nation: Penguinpies
Discord (optional): Penguin
Citizenship Application Link:

Doing this to get things back as I have been here for many many years.

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Rejected

Unfortunately, you’ve been rejected from the Assembly! Please see the reason for this below.


The appropriate person applying for legislatorship currently does not possess citizenship. This is required in order to gain legislator status and maintain it. Please re-apply or amend/edit your application once you have met the eligibility requirements.

Main Nation: Marlducro
Discord (optional): cloudyiskies
Citizenship Application Link: Cloud (Juvity III)

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

1 Like

Main Nation: Kimaeus
Discord (optional): cmharnia
Citizenship Application Link: Kimaeus (Kimaeus)

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Main Nation: Lebatrip
Discord (optional): floptopf.kennedy
Citizenship Application Link: Floptopf.kennedy (Lebatrip)

Main Nation: Derkma
Discord: WaterGuy2028 (dog with a sweater)
Citizenship Application Link:WaterGuy2028 (Republic of Derkma)
Notes: None

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Main Nation: Pētea
Discord (optional): king.fenik
Citizenship Application Link: King.fenik (Petea)