CN2409 [2447.CN] ProfessorHenn Cabinet Appointments

CN2409 | ProfessorHenn Cabinet Appointments

@legislators of the South Pacific,

There has been a seconded motion to confirm a new Cabinet (individually). The debate topic can be found here.


This is a Cabinet confirmation vote (individually). According to the Legislative Procedure Act, each appointment shall require a majority greater than 50% to pass. The voting period will be 3 days.


Unlike normal votes, you only need to vote in one of the following polls to maintain legislator status (other than the dessert question).


Please vote by poll if possible. Do not vote both by poll and post.

If you cannot vote by poll, post ‘Aye’, ‘Nay’ or ‘Abstain’ in this thread, and note which Minister-designate is being voted on. Comments and discussions belong in the debate thread and should be posted there.

The Ministers-designate are as follows:

:mod: Minister of Defence @Vrigny (appointment statement)

  • Aye
  • Nay
  • Abstain
0 voters

:mom: Minister of Recruitment @HumanSanity (appointment statement)

  • Aye
  • Nay
  • Abstain
0 voters

:owl: Director of the Office of World Assembly Legislation @lordnwahs (appointment statement)

  • Aye
  • Nay
  • Abstain
0 voters

:cake: Cake, :ice_cream: Ice Cream, or :pie_tspie: Pie?

  • Cake (the best)
  • Ice Cream
  • Pie
0 voters

CN2409 | ProfessorHenn Cabinet Appointments Confirmed

Final Results

All votes were Cabinet confirmations, requiring a 50% majority, excluding abstentions to pass.

Vote Charts

vote_diagram_cn2409a vote_diagram_cn2409b



Type Tally Percentage of Legislators
Total 37 86.0%
Absent 6 14.0%


Type Tally Percentage of Legislators
Total 36 83.7%
Absent 7 16.3%


:mod: Minister of Defence @Vrigny Confirmed

Type Tally Percentage of Vote Final Percentage
Ayes 30 81.1% 96.8%
Nays 1 2.7% 3.2%
Abstentions 6 16.2%

:mom: Minister of Recruitment @HumanSanity Confirmed

Type Tally Percentage of Vote Final Percentage
Ayes 26 72.2% 92.9%
Nays 2 5.6% 7.1%
Abstentions 8 22.2%

:owl: Director of the Office of World Assembly Legislation @lordnwahs Confirmed

Type Tally Percentage of Vote Final Percentage
Ayes 31 86.1% 96.9%
Nays 1 2.8% 3.1%
Abstentions 4 11.1%

Dessert Results

Dessert of Choice Tally Percentage Status
:cake: Cake (the best) 13 30.2% Winners
:ice_cream: Ice Cream 11 25.6%
:pie_tspie: Pie 5 11.6%
:desert_island: Confused Dessertists 14 32.6%

In light of these results, each Cabinet appointment is confirmed, as each vote has met the required majority.

Alongside this, :cake: Cake has won the dessert poll! The Chair congratulates the :cake: Cakeists, and acknowledges that each and every Legislator, deep down, is a cake lover!

CN2409D | ProfessorHenn Cabinet Appointments - Minister of Culture (MoC)

@legislators of the South Pacific,

There has been a seconded motion to confirm the appointment of @Silva as the Minister of Culture (MoC). The debate topic can be found here.


This is a Cabinet confirmation vote. According to the Legislative Procedure Act, this appointment shall require a majority greater than 50% to pass. The voting period will be 3 days.


Unlike normal votes, you only need to vote in one of the cabinet confirmation polls to maintain legislator status (other than the dessert question).


Please vote by poll if possible. Do not vote both by poll and post.

If you cannot vote by poll, post ‘Aye’, ‘Nay’ or ‘Abstain’ in this thread, and note which Minister-designate is being voted on. Comments and discussions belong in the debate thread and should be posted there.

The Minister-designate is as follows:

:moc: Minister of Culture @Silva (appointment statement)

  • Aye
  • Nay
  • Abstain
0 voters

CN2409D | ProfessorHenn Cabinet Appointments - Minister of Culture (MoC) Confirmed

Final Result


This vote on confirming the appointment of @Silva as the Minister of Culture (MoC) required a 50% majority of votes in favour, excluding abstentions, to pass. The results are tabled as follows:

Caucus Aye Nay Abstain Percentage of Vote
The Cakeists 5 2 2 30.0%
The Ice Creamists 6 1 0 23.3%
The Pieists 1 0 0 3.3%
Independent 10 1 2 43.3%
Type Tally Percentage of Vote Final Percentage
Ayes 22 73.3% 84.6%
Nays 4 13.3% 15.4%
Abstentions 4 13.3%
Total 30 81.1% of Legislators
Absent 7 18.9% of Legislators

In light of these results, the vote is confirmed, having reached the required majority.

CN2409E | ProfessorHenn Cabinet Appointments - Minister of Culture (MoC)

@legislators of the South Pacific,

There has been a seconded motion to confirm the appointment of @Ray as the Minister of Culture (MoC). The debate topic can be found here.


This is a Cabinet confirmation vote. According to the Legislative Procedure Act, this appointment shall require a majority greater than 50% to pass. The voting period will be 3 days.


Unlike normal votes, you only need to vote in one of the cabinet confirmation polls to maintain legislator status (other than the dessert question).


Please vote by poll if possible. Do not vote both by poll and post.

If you cannot vote by poll, post ‘Aye’, ‘Nay’ or ‘Abstain’ in this thread, and note which Minister-designate is being voted on. Comments and discussions belong in the debate thread and should be posted there.

The Minister-designate is as follows:

:moc: Minister of Culture @Ray (appointment statement)

  • Aye
  • Nay
  • Abstain
0 voters