Bi-Weekly Briefings (48th Presidium)

:newspaper_roll: Your update, once every two weeks

Bi-Weekly Briefings deliver the latest Assembly news from the past two weeks, in a small and concentrated post focusing on simplicity. We hope you find this service useful in keeping you up-to-date with the activities of the Assembly. To view the latest briefings, please navigate to the very bottom of this forum topic. For further information about the Assembly, including links to the various different pages, guides and external documents utilised by the Assembly, make sure you checkout Assembly Concourse. For more specific and up-to-date information, we always have the Assembly Gazette, accessible either here on the forums, or here through NationStates.

Contact: If you notice anything wrong with this topic or have suggestions for improvement, please send a message to the incumbent Chair, or @BlockBuster2K43 on the forums or Discord.

This version is no longer updated!

Tuesday, October 15th — Thursday, October 31st
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


The cabinet nominees for ProfessorHenn’s premiership have been confirmed by the Assembly, all nominees were approved and have since assumed office. The vote thread may be found here.


A2410.02 a bill to amend the Citizenship Act was adopted by the Assembly. The vote thread may be found here.


The Assembly has also approved the re-nomination of @BlockBuster2K43 to serve as the Chair of the Assembly. The vote thread may be found here.

Monday, September 30th — Tuesday, October 15th
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


The Assembly passed vote A2409.02, a bill aimed at amending the Charter, with regards to prohibition of holding regional office under certain circumstances. The vote thread is here.


The Assembly passed vote A2410.01, a bill aimed at amending the Charter, and modifying the naming of the board of admirals within a specific clause The vote thread is here.

Sunday, September 15th — Monday, September 30th
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


The Assembly passed vote A2409.01, a piece of legislation removing the citizenship requirement for Coral Guard membership. The legislation met the required supermajority for passage, and was adopted on Wednesday, October 2nd. The voting topic may be found here, and the discussion topic here.


Furthermore, the Assembly also adopted A2409.02, a bill amending the Charter, with regards to the individual rights and freedoms of members of the Coalition. This legislation added specific language prohibiting Coalition members from voting or holding office if they have been found guilty at a criminal trial. The legislation was adopted by an overwhelming majority and has since been implemented. The voting topic may be found here, and the discussion topic is here.

Saturday, August 31st — Sunday, September 15th
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


The nomination of ConcreteSlab to serve as an Admiral is currently at a vote. The nomination appears to have wide support and is expected to pass. The voting thread may be found here.

Thursday, August 15th — Saturday, August 31st
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


KrisKringle introduced the following debate thread to allow for legislators to comment on the proposed nomination of ProfessorHenn to the Council on Regional Security. The debate thread may be accessed here.

Shortly after the above debate thread was introduced, Griffindor started the following discussion topic to allow for any potential comments from legislators on the nomination of Pronoun to the Council on Regional Security. The discussion topic may be accessed here.


BlockBuster2K43, as Chair has introduced the following discussion topic with regards to the implementation of a new archival policy for Assembly topics. The relevant topic may be accessed here.


Silva introduced the following discussion requesting that members of the current Cabinet answer direct questions from Assembly members. The discussion topic can be found here.


Roavin has introduced the following debate thread to discuss the Council on Regional Security, and the Sunshine Act. This debate thread also includes a draft resolution to account for missing Sunshine Act reports which were never provided under several premierships of the South Pacific.


Finally, BlockBuster2K43, as Chair has introduced the following discussion topics composed of a vast variety of discretionary edits, each volume and their links may be accessed here: Vol. I, Vol. II, & Vol. III.

Wednesday, July 31st — Thursday, August 15th
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


[2426.AB] Addition to the Charter, a vote to explicitly add Declarations of War, and their proper handling procedure was passed by the Assembly.

[2428.CN] Cabinet Appointments (Aug-Oct 2024), a vote to confirm LordNwahs Cabinet nominees has successfully passed the Assembly, with each nominee being confirmed by a large margin.


[2429.AB] IRV Amendment, Redux has failed to pass the Assembly, many Legislators raised concerns over the potential impacts this legislation would have if adopted.

[2431.AB] Ballot Adjudication has also failed to pass the Assembly, Legislators cited concerns over the clauses granting the Election Commissioner powers over determining the validity of certain ballots.

[2430.AB] Amendment to the Legislator Act, Banexet has introduced the following amendment to reduce the number of days that is afforded to the Chair for processing the removal of legislator status from members who have failed to meet the Assembly’s voting requirement. This bill faced criticism from various legislators, and has since been inactive.


[2432.AB] Legislative Procedure Act Cleanup has passed the Assembly with an overwhelming majority. This bill removes the legal requirement for the Chair to “archive” voting and debate topics for passed legislation. As such, the Chair has announced that in cooperation with our Deputy Chair, Welly. A review will be taking place with regards to the Assembly’s topic archival policy.


Roavin has introduced the following discussion talking about dissolving CitComm and making its current members of the CRS (Council on Regional Security). This discussion may be found here.

Monday, July 15th — Friday, August 2nd
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


There has been considerable discussion from various legislators surrounding the differences between election-based and appointment-based ministers. The debate topic may be accessed here.


Banexet has introduced the following amendment to the Charter to codify declarations of war, they argue that this area is poorly defined as is and needs amended. The debate topic may be found here.


Banexet has also introduced the following amendment to the Military Code, this amendment aims at updating the Military Code to ensure it conforms with the state of defending today.


Furthermore, Banexet has also introduced the following amendment to the Legislative Procedure Act. This amendment aims to reduce the time the Chair is given to process the removals of the members who fail the Assembly voting requirement. The topic can be found here.


Belschaft has introduced the following bill which aims to reduce the numbers of invalid ballots seen in regional elections. All may read the debate topic here.


Welly has introduced the following amendment to completely replace Approval Voting for Delegate elections with Instant-Runoff Voting. The debate topic may be accessed here.


Further discussion has taken place in this debate topic here surrounding the recent activity levels of the Assembly, both legislators and citizens across both the Assembly and the Coalition have been voicing their concerns at the lack of activity the Assembly has had in recent months.


Cryo has presented the Assembly with an amendment to remove the legislative requirement for mandatory archival of Assembly topics, the amendment also renames threads to topics. The debate topic can be found here.


PM-Elect LordNwahs has presented their cabinet appointments for confirmation by the Assembly. The debate topic may be found here.


Banexet has introduced the following debate topic to talk about the revoking the currently active Warzone Trinidad Proscription. The debate topic is here.


Finally, Domais has introduced the following legislation to amend the Proscription Act. The debate topic may be found here.

Sunday, June 30th — Monday, July 15th
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


On Friday, July 12th, the Assembly voted to repeal the pre-existing Pact of Orohena and enact the newly written Treaty of the Shining Seas. The voting thread is here, the debate thread is here.

Saturday, June 15th — Sunday, June 30th
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


The Assembly voted against adopting a new amendment aimed at preventing citizens from serving on the Council on Regional Security if they participate in raiding activities against the Coalition or any of its allies.

Friday, May 31st — Saturday, June 15th
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


Assembly debate has taken place surrounding the following proposal to amend both the Military Code and the Charter, the debate thread for this proposal may be found here. This proposal aims to update and clean up certain redundancies that may exist in these two separate pieces of legislation.


Further debate has taken place with regards to another Assembly proposal aimed at patching up a specific loophole in the Charter which may allow for members of the CRS to participate in “normal raiding” against a defender-aligned or defender-owned frontier. The debate thread for this proposal may be found here.


Legend has created the following debate thread in order to share thoughts and opinions on the the recent questions and concerns raised by members of the community, with regards to the activity levels that can be expected from our regional legislature. The link to this debate thread may be found here

Wednesday, May 15th — Friday, May 31st
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


Our Delegate Griffindor has been nominated by Prime Minister Penguin to serve on the Citizenship Committee, the details of this nomination can be found in the following debate thread here.

Tuesday, April 30th — Wednesday, May 15th
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing


The Assembly undertook one vote on amending the Criminal Code, this vote was aimed at handling accomplice liability. The debate thread can be found here, and the voting thread here.


Further discussion has taken place in the two following threads. The first thread is accessible here, and the second one here.

Monday, 15th April — Tuesday, 30th April
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing

First: The Assembly undertook one vote on the confirmation of PM Penguin’s cabinet appointees to their relevant portfolio(s). The debate thread for these appointees can be found here, and the voting thread is here.

Second: Discussion has taken place on the following legislative proposal to repeal and replace the pre-existing World Assembly Act. If adopted, this legislation would implement several changes to different processes which already take place with regards to the World Assembly within the Coalition, and the operations of the Office of World Assembly Legislation (OWL). The debate thread for this proposal can be found here.

Third: Further discussion has taken place with regards to the handling of accomplices who participate in crimes within the Coalition, the proposed amendments to the Criminal Code would enshrine criminal liability within the Criminal Code.

Monday, 1st April — Monday, 15th April
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing

HumanSanity presented a motion to recall the Prime Minister, Drew Durnil. However, after Drew Durnil’s resignation, voting on this recall motion was cancelled.

Friday, 15th March — Sunday, 31st March
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing

First: The Assembly undertook one vote on amending the Assembly Resolution to Restore the Coalition of the South Pacific, the resolution adopted repeals sub-section 2 of section B of the the above linked resolution. The debate thread for this legislation can be found here, and the voting thread is here.

Second: Further discussion has taken place on the following legislative proposal to establish additional grounds for proscription. Some legislators have voiced their concerns about this legislation. The debate thread for this proposal can be found here

Third: Griffindor, our regional delegate has declared themselves as Emperor of the South Pacific. All interested party’s may read their statement here.

Friday, 1st March — Friday, 15th March
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing

First: The Assembly undertook one vote on amending the Criminal Code to include a clause on the clarification of ‘impersonation’. The debate thread for this legislation can be found here, and the voting thread is here. Further discussion has also taken place on a wide variety of different topics and legislative proposals across the Assembly.

Second: ProfessorHenn has introduced a co-written resolution proposal to clarify the provisions of amnesty and the responsibility of the perpetrators with regards to the 2016 coup d’état. The link to the debate thread is here. There has been both support and disapproval of this proposal, with some legislators raising concerns about its potential side effects and dangerous if adopted by the Assembly.

Third: EmC has also introduced an amendment which would codify an appeals process within the Citizenship Act. This change would allow for one to appeal a denied citizenship application to the Assembly, their denied application would be overturned by the Assembly, if the vote was in the affirmative. The debate thread may be found here.

Fourth: Alongside the above statement, EmC has also introduced another amendment which aims to introduce additional grounds for proscription. This amendment modifies the Proscription Act, and adds ‘innocent regions’ as another entity, which if subject to aggressive actions, are also considered hostile by the South Pacific. The debate thread may be found here.

Thursday, 15th February — Thursday, 29th February
📰 Bi-Weekly Assembly Briefing

First: The Assembly held two votes on the proposed changes to both the Military Code and the Charter as detailed in the following debate thread, it can be found here. The two votes differed, one included the original proposal and its changes to the Charter, and the other vote did not, the second vote also included a slightly modified version of the proposed changes to the Military Code. Both votes failed to pass and were not adopted by the Assembly. The first vote thread is here, the second here.

Second: Further discussion has taken place on the proposal to adopt instant-runoff voting to replace approval voting in elections for the office of the Delegate. Debate has taken place with regards to this proposed change, and its advantages/disadvantages compared to approval voting. The proposed amendment to the Elections Act modifies the voting procedure for Delegate elections, alongside altering a few other small clauses. The debate thread for this proposal can be found here.

Thanks for reading! I am aware that this is indeed a short briefing compared to the last one, however, I am hopeful that I am able to deliver you a slightly more content heavy briefing in the coming week (Friday, March 15th). Until next time!


Topic closed, if you notice any issues or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact the incumbent Chair, or BlockBuster2K43 either here on the forums or via Discord.