Assembly of the World Forum
Distr.: General
Call for Debate # adopted by the Assembly on DD Month YYYY
Call for debate on:Establishing regular convening in the Assembly
Initiate debate on providing opportunity for regular, voluntary convention of Representatives, Committee experts, and World Forum Administrative Staff. Purposes which would be discussing discrepancies arising from conflict of law where international human rights instruments are inexistent or unclear. The debate normatively calls upon the universal jurisdiction of erga omnes and ius cogens.
Section A — Call for debate on:Establishing regular convening in the Assembly
(1) Call for debate on establishing regular convening of the Assembly in aims of clarifying secondary instrumentation within international law and customs.
Section B — Explanation of Necessity
(1) Due to arising disagreements on rules of procedure as observable in standard measure of complaint initiated by Pelinai.
(2) Nature of these disagreements covering issues mentioned in the preamble, observable as;
Ensuring the enforcement of: Charter of the World Forum Article I Section A No. 2., 3.;
Disputes over Article III subsections 1-3 coverage and implementations.
(3) Necessity arising from limits set by World Forum Resolution 6 in the aspects of:
Section C — Utilising available measures
(1) Utilising WFR 1D - Debate and voting procedures and WFR 6 - Leaders’ Debates in the Assembly, in particular:
Section B No.2 of WFR6, in which its observer states’ status is explicitly defined.
Section C No. 1. of WFR 1D on debate procedures, which allow Nasphilitae, as an observer, to call for debate on political matters.
Section D — Suggested (Implementation)
(1) Establishing a channel of communication between non-leader permanent Representatives in the World Forum, alike that of WFR6;
(2) Providing legal framework for enactment of secondary instrumentation in matters related to:
Interpretation disputes.
Unclear ius cogens.
Boundaries between ius cogens, erga omnes and national sovereignty.
3 . Implementation on rulings of the matters mentioned in sub-sections 2.a.-2.c. would take the form of a legal opinion and thus be non-binding.
– Addressed: Jan Saats - Speaker of the World Forum, Ambassador for the Republic of Eflad.
– Head Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae (observer mission) to the World Forum, Adrianna Rolston.