World Forum Index


WFR 6 - Leaders’ Debates in the Assembly

Current version as passed on 17 December 2018

Section A - Introduction

To foster greater interaction between state leaders, we hereby establish the Leaders Debate in the Assembly.

Section B - Purpose

The purpose of the Leaders Debate shall be to:

  1. identify the issues that each state is concerned about,
  2. allow for civil debate to occur between states on various issues, and
  3. find consensus solutions to the concerning issues of each state.

Section C - Regulations

  1. The Leaders Debate shall be held in the chamber of the Assembly at least once a year and scheduled by the Speaker of the Assembly.
  2. The Speaker of the Assembly and leaders of all member and observer states shall have the right to give an initial speech that is no longer than 1500 words in length.
  3. All member and observer states, including the state that gives the initial speech, are entitled to the right of reply twice for each initial speech, but replies must not be longer than 1000 words in length.
  4. For initial speeches, the order of precedence shall be as follows:
    1. Speaker of the Assembly
    2. Home state of the Speaker of the Assembly
    3. Member states, then observer states; which shall follow in this order:
      1. Ranking of state leader in one's government (primary discriminator)
        1. Heads of state and government take first priority
        2. Foreign ministers take second priority
        3. Other officials take third priority
      2. Date and time of submitting an application to give an initial speech (secondary discriminator)
    4. States that were unable to give a speech as scheduled may do so in the order they were supposed to do so.
  5. A final speech shall be given by the Speaker of the Assembly to provide a summary of the Leaders Debate.
  6. The Speaker of the Assembly shall be responsible for providing a schedule of the Leaders Debate.

WFR 7 - Emergency Services Cooperation Organisation

Current version as passed on 30 August 2019

Section A - Introduction

The purpose of this Resolution is to set up the Emergency Services Coordination Association (the ESCA), its associated administrative elements, its purpose, and its power.

Section B - Mandate

The ESCA is formed to fulfil the following purposes:

  1. To coordinate a multi-national response to any emergency as necessary.
  2. To train and prepare all relevant services effectively and under the recommendations set forth by the ESCA.
  3. To collect numerous data regarding the performance of emergency services among member states and process it for recommendations on increasing efficiency and response capability.
  4. To inform the World Forum on an annual basis the status of all member states’ emergency services.

Section C - Power

The ESCA shall have the power of the World Forum to carry out and enforce its mandate on all member states, and will enlist the assistance of its parent organisation as required.

Section D - Administration

The ESCA is to be headed by a Director selected annually by the World Forum, from a pool of nominees from all member states. All member states will also select their own Sub-Directors to serve on the Directorate of the ESCA, charged with the mandate of the ESCA. any decision undertaken by the Directorate may be overruled by the World Forum.

Section E - Membership

Membership in the ESCA is offered to all member states of the World Forum unconditionally, and to all external states under the conditions as set forth by the Directorate.

WFR 8 - International Anti-Criminal Organisation

Current version as passed on 14 May 2020

Section A - Introduction

To maintain greater security and order, we hereby establish the International Anti-Criminal Organisation.

Section B - Terms

  • Genocide — the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation
  • IACO (pronounced ee-ah-ko) — International Anti-Criminal Organisation
  • Incoming state — State that issued the World Arrest Warrant
  • Outgoing state — State that holds the subject or subjects of the World Arrest Warrant
  • WAW — World Arrest Warrant

Section C - Mandate

IACO shall:

  1. Be an international organisation featuring the voluntary membership of states within the World Forum,
  2. Help facilitate the legal extradition of criminals from one state to another, and
  3. Assist in bringing violators of international law before the International Court.

Section D - Responsibilities of the Assembly

The Assembly shall be responsible to pass resolutions to

  1. define the crimes that shall exist under the scope of IACO and
  2. define what constitutes a crime against humanity or war crime in addition to the provisions of the Grovne Convention.

Section E - World Arrest Warrant

  1. A member state may issue a World Arrest Warrant against a person for any crime under the scope of IACO.
  2. All outgoing states of IACO shall be obligated to comply with the WAW and extradite an individual or individuals to the incoming state.
  3. When the offences committed are genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes, outgoing states shall transfer the custody of individuals to IACO.
  4. An outgoing state shall be able to refuse to recognise a WAW if:
    1. the incoming state practises capital punishment or life imprisonment,
    2. the subject or subjects of the WAW are below the age of criminal responsibility in the outgoing state, or
    3. the crime that took place within the incoming state is not recognised as a crime in the outgoing state.
  5. The validity of a WAW may be challenged by any member state of IACO and can be nullified by a simple majority vote among the member states of IACO.

Section F - Enforcement

  1. Any member state of IACO may volunteer their correctional facilities as venues to hold individuals convicted of violating international law.
  2. Member states of IACO that fail to act on a valid WAW may be suspended or expelled by a simple majority vote among other member states of IACO.

Section G - Organisational structure

  1. IACO shall be headed by a director-general who shall be elected by a simple majority vote in the Committee for International Law.
  2. The director-general shall serve for a term of six months.
  3. The Committee for International Law shall determine, by a simple majority vote, the headquarters of IACO.