[Res.] Resolution on the Protection of Minors in Entertainment Media

Esteemed delegates,

The Central Bailtemmic Republic must rise in opposition to the proposed clause C(2). The International Anti-Criminal Organization (IACO), as established by WFR 8, holds no power to conduct law enforcement investigations on its own and instead operates based on World Arrest Warrants (WAWs) issued by member states. The provisions stipulated in this draft would be a significant contradiction of these principles and a dangerous violation of national sovereignty. Law enforcement within each nation should be handled by the national law enforcement, not by an international entity, especially one without defined enforcement mechanisms. Furthermore, WFR 8 specifically states that IACO membership is voluntary for World Forum member states. Such a provision should especially not be enforced for member states that are not even IACO members in the first place.

Li Huang
Representative of the Central Bailtemmic Republic