[2443.CN] Nomination of Concrete Slab as Admiral

Dear fellow Legislators,

As Prime Minister, per Article 1, Section 3 of the Military Code, I am seeking your approval for the appointment of SPSF Captain @ConcreteSlab to the Admiralty, to fill one of two existing vacancies.

It would be an understatement to say that Concrete Slab is no stranger to most TSPers. Besides the SPSF, he has served in various bodies, including the Local Council, the Coral Guard, as well as the Cabinet. He is someone that I daresay most of us would put a great deal of trust in putting TSP interests first when it really matters.

Slab joined the SPSF in January 2023. Since then, he been one of the most consistently active SPSF members, having participated in 189 updates to date, including 53 liberations, many of which he served in a leading role. This is not to to mention his time as Minister of Defense (and hereby at some points a member of what was then the General Corps), an office which he served with great distinction.

Slab has demonstrated great leadership in his time in the SPSF, having helped to galvanize some of the Force’s largest liberation turnouts in its history during his time as MoD. Furthermore, before he was even promoted to Captain, he already played an active role in SPSF recruitment and officer training - some of our most outstanding current Lieutenants such as Drew Durrnil and Vrigny were mentored by him.

Concrete Slab was promoted to the rank of Captain on July 2024, and since then he has served admirably in this role, contributing greatly to growth and effectiveness of the SPSF. In my mind, there is no more qualified candidate than him to bring the SPSF to greater heights in the long-term.

As such, after consulting with the Admiralty, I am pleased to put forward Concrete Slab to be appointed to the Admiralty, pending the approval of this august body.

Slab and I are standing by to answer any questions.


Can I still call you General?

You can call me whatever you like except late for dinner!

Can i call you embassy master of tsp?