[2436.AP] New Assembly Topic Archival Policy Draft

Hello all,

I come to you today to present the following draft for a new topic archival policy for all of the topics within the Assembly categories.

  1. For all pieces of legislation and general discussions, the debate and voting topics will be left open.
  2. Topics will only be closed if they are gravedug or extraordinarily need to be closed.
  3. Topics with the communication tag, will be closed after they have been inactive for a period of five days.
  4. Topics with the info tag, will be closed immediately. Excluding the OoAA and OoLA topics.
  5. Legislators may petition a closed topic be re-opened by the Chair; and,
  6. Legislators who gravedig a topic may be subject to disciplinary measures as described in the Assembly Code of Conduct.

Gravedigging (gravedug, gravedig) — Gravedigging is the act of posting in a thread which has seen a significant period of inactivity—typically a month or more. Restarting discussion by adding legitimate new material is acceptable, however, the material in question must be relevant to the topic, as judged by the Chair.

As usual, I will be standing by for any questions.

Yours faithfully,
BlockBuster2K43, Chair of the Assembly

Why do topics need to be archived at all?

I personally believe that topic archival is a good thing, but there has been support for removing archiving from Assembly topics, and I won’t stand in the way of this. That being said, the only topics that will be getting archived are topics used for information, with communication topics only been closed after they have been inactive for a number of days, alongside any topics that are gravedug. Topics relating to Assembly proposals, legislation, etc. Will stay open regardless of if they passed, failed or never went to a vote. The vast majority of topics will stay open, only a small number will be closed.

The aim of closing info topics is to prevent replies in these specific threads that are supposed to only have the original post. The idea behind closing communication topics after they have seen a period of inactivity is to preserve these topics in their current state around the time they were first published.

As a broader matter, I’ve begun feeling that we could do with a trimming of the rules and regulations concerning the Assembly, but at least for this, the draft policy is fine. Communications doesn’t really need to be archived though, the original post will still stand regardless of future replies.

This new policy has now been adopted!

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I have amended the new policy here, topics with the communication tag will be left open and handled the same way as general discussion and legislative topics are handled.