[2418.CN] Griff for CitComm

Greetings to the Assembly.

In accordance with Citizen Committee Act, the Prime Minister appoints @Griffindor to the Citizen Committee, and presents this to the Assembly for their approval.

A long time member of the Coalition, having served in a variety of roles to including being our current Delegate I believe that he has the ability and competencies that serve a member of the Committee well. Griffindor is over 18.

We are standing by for any questions.


Wow griff is old :older_man:

Full support from me! It’s been no secret that I’ve made a big fuss about citizenship processing on the TSP Discord in the past, but I do understand that it’s a thankless job. I hope that having more members in the CitComm will help, and I firmly believe that Griffindor is someone that we can trust with this role.

It is an honor and privilege to be nominated to one of the most essential (and thankless) positions within the region. I thank the Prime Minister for the nomination. As Penguin said, I am happy to take any questions.

Obviously, I will get the most obvious and important question/answer out of the way: My purge of pie supporters will continue post-haste! :wink:

Do you have any thoughts on the process for handling citizen applications and whether that has any bearing on the frequent issues we seem to have in processing times? Is there any logic in simplifying the process?

Past administrations have often (though I think not always?) put out public calls for applicants.[1][2][3] Was it an intentional decision to forego that process here? How many prospective members did the Cabinet consider?

  1. Office of the Cabinet - #48 by ProfessorHenn ↩︎

  2. Office of the Cabinet - #79 by ProfessorHenn ↩︎

  3. Now accepting applications to the Legislator Committee ↩︎

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If all goes well with this and things get under control, I will be putting out a call if it seems warranted. This was just a right time right scenario kind of situation where everyone around was agreeable as long as everybody else is agreeable.

What does this mean? If things get under control (i.e. if citizenship applications are being processed well and timely) you’ll be putting out a call for more CitComm members? Why?

This is not the first time we have had backlogs with citizenship applications (or legislator applications before that). A common theme behind many of the backlogs is not usually a lack of manpower, but a buildup of burnout, a lack of equal contributions from all citcomm members, or both.

I generally have a type A personality when it comes to things that need to be done so others can get their parts done. That being said, I envision that I would be more driven to ensure that there are as few pending applications at any given time as possible.

I’d have to get back to you on that, as I am not aware of the full process that goes into a citizenship check, though I do understand the general concept and broadstrokes. The process should be thorough yet simple, secure yet expeditious.

It means that if things are going well with the three of them I won’t do anything without discussing it further. If they feel more would help, then I would put out the call for more. If they think they can handle it, it will stay.

Although now that I think about it - it may be nice to just have a stack of applicants ready if the case is needed…

I motion this nomination to a vote.

I second the motion.

We are now at a vote!

Does the PM intend to produce an answer to Pronoun’s question that isn’t a pile of nonsense?

Who initiated this appointment process?

Was CitComm consulted?

Did the nominee self-nominate?

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My understanding was a person was needed quick even though it had been brought up a bit ago. Griff had put his name in the hat and after clearing it with both members of Citcomm to make sure it would be okie with them an emergency appointment was put out with the understanding that if it worked well it would lead to a possible catalog of people who would pass the check list when an All Interested Parties Call went out