Greetings to the Coalition.
Once again, thank you for your confidence in me to serve the Coalition of the South Pacific as its head. I am, as always, at your service.
The new term brings with it new priorities, and my campaign outlined where I believe we should focus our energies in this term. Except where noted, all previous Ministers’ terms will end on October 31st, the last day of the term. I’m pleased to present the following names to serve as my Cabinet ministers, and we await the Assembly’s approval:
- @Legend will continue in the Cabinet, but as the Minister of Culture, reviving the title to reflect the additional responsibilities that he is being charged with. In addition to continuing on-site events, he will also organize forum and Discord events, leading the charge on planning a major festival for the South Pacific to enjoy.
- @ConcreteSlab as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, taking point on our outreach to regions that we haven’t had as much contact with. A long time advisor to myself and previous MoFAs, his experience with the SPSF and uncanny charisma will be a huge benefit to building and strengthening newer ties.
- @Banexet will take over as Minister of Defense, focusing on the revival of the Tidal Force and seeking to greatly expand the SPSF during the term, as well as working on a rank remodeling scheme to be presented to the Assembly soon. He will serve as the designated minister on the General Corps for voting purposes.
- @USoVietnam will assume all duties and responsibilities of the Minister of Integration, continuing on with executing their agenda.
- @Of_the_Ages will take over as Minister of Roleplay, assuming the same responsibilities and portfolio as his predecessor.
- @EmC will continue as Director of the Office of World Assembly Legislation, with no additional changes to her portfolio at this time.
A list of the previous portfolios can be found in the previous Cabinet Appointments topic. I’ve anlso invited the appointees to post their more detailed agendas. Appointments to the Domestic and Foreign Affairs Councils will come following the successful approval of the relevant ministers, but I also do not anticipate making huge changes to the current compositions of both. With the time table for this approval, I’ll be seeking an expedited discussion and will petition the Chair to take this to a vote on Monday, with a possible petition on Sunday if there are no objections from enough of the Assembly. My understanding of the law is that all currently serving Ministers will cease to operate upon the start of the new term, and I’d like to keep that lame duck period as short as reasonably possible.
We are standing by for any questions.