What (else) are you listening to?

In the spirit of What are you listening to?, I figured I’d ask, what else are you listening to? For all the things we listen to that aren’t songs.

I’ll start: I’m listening to season 1, episode 1 of the Bellingcat Podcast.

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This is a great addition to the Lampshade Bar. I’m listening to two podcasts right now.

  1. If you enjoy history:
  1. If you enjoy (or are at least interested in) the U.S. Supreme Court:

If I knew y’all were such nerds :stuck_out_tongue:, I wouldn’t have tagged this hall-of-spam — I’ve edited it now, but honestly not sure, so @mods feel free to move it back.


Oh wait you guys can’t understand this…

wild LKY spotted :pikathink:

Anyway, this interview with a UK politician is worth listening to (she is now the Deputy PM and their Housing minister after the recent general election there):

By the way, are you Malay, Indian, Chinese or Indian Singaporean? You might understand the video if you know Malay…


Don’t search for the original. I did it and i regretted it…

I didn’t consider myself much of a history person but I’m currently listening to the series from The Rest is History on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and it’s been quite interesting.


I suppose this really belongs here, but that topic has been closed. So I will just add that if you find the outbreak of World War I interesting, you might consider Barbara Tuchman’s The Guns of August. An incredible book and hard to put down, unlike most history, which can be fairly dry.

Only recently got around to digging in to Divided Argument. Seems really interesting so far!

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This is a great time to start too; you have the full backlog of cases from last term to get through, and the new season is about to start with the Court term in October. My one frustration is that they really do live up to their promise of being “unscheduled and unpredictable.” Sometimes they will go for months without an episode and then suddenly drop four in one week. But it is definitely the best Supreme Court coverage on any media source that I have found.

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Ask and you shall receive

So, I realize now upon looking at this full thread that Nwahs already posted one of this podcast’s long-form interviews. But for folks interested in politics and world affairs in general, here is the main pod. Well worth a listen.