Times Act

Times Act

An act to establish a time standard for all official deadlines

1. Scope

(1) This act applies to all legal deadlines used by government entities in the South Pacific.

2. Official Timezone

(1) All legal deadlines posted on the official forums that establish a specific hour and minute must use the built-in “date” code functionality.

(2) When publishing non-legal deadlines, conformance to this act is strongly encouraged.

Addendum - Example of Compliant Date & Time Codes

  • Individual date & time: [date=2022-12-06 time=11:30:00 format="LLLL z" timezone="America/Los_Angeles"]
  • Date & time range: [date-range from=2022-12-06T11:30:00 to=2022-12-06T11:30:00 format="LLLL z" timezone="America/Los_Angeles"]

NOTE OF AMENDMENT | Updating the Times Act Passed


Following the move to the new forum, the Times Act’s provisions were largely useless. As such, [2239.AB] was introduced to update the Act to fit the new times.


Amended on the 18th of December, 2022.


(Debate thread | Voting thread)

[2439.DE.B] | Discretionary Edits compilation from the Chair Vol. II Done

This discretionary edit was presented to the Assembly for comment and was adopted on
Saturday, 14th September, 2024.

Debate thread