Hello my name is Jamij better known as The Weirdo and i want to become the delegate.
Because I want to and I want to help the region the best I can
Now should you vote for me?
its your choice your voice so you can decide who to vote for not me tell you why also with (now approaching) 7000 rmb post I am someone who is a staple of the gameside community and can relate with them
What am I going to do?
Why I’m going to stop the divide between the pieletariat and cakist.
Well I’m something almost more unholy than religion, that’s right a moderate. I will unite us against our true enemy… THE STEAKISTS they stalk us in their stake outs, and put our friends and family on stakes and all this bickering allows them to grow strong so it is time to join forces and wipe out the steakist’s extremism. Oh and also try to help against the disease that is sleep. I’m going to making desserts obsession not just cake. I will be spreading another message that sleep is a disease (I will be saying this but I mean it in joking I know it’s not a disease and I won’t say this everytime because I HOPE that we don’t have people who need to read the instructions for soap). I will ask the government to have on April first pretend to be coupes taken over by raiders and/or sentient coco. I will also be continuing the fortnightly meetings but I may just ask the pm to create a ministry of news or something similar so that fortnightly meetings or now news reports would be much more accurate and detailed then I could provide . I will ask who ever hasnt endorsed me to endorse me every week or so.
Are you going to do anything by else?
Of course I am going to be a lot more diplomatic with other regions by popping into there rmbs/discord every once and a while and also have a more game side delegacy by hanging around our rmb/discord. I will also help mend the cultural rift between the rmb and forum.
How can you trust me with the delegacy powers?
I know and fundamentally believe you must keep people happy to not lose your rule and the only way I can do that is to not abuse powers and try to be a dictator also I think the idea of a dictator is honestly punishing with many irl dictatorship have massive corruption problems (for example Russia) dictatorships also pause societal and cultural growth (are those the same thing I think they are but I’ll keep) for example pre democratic Taiwan before they thought of themselves to be Chinese however more and more are starting to see themselves as Taiwanese. Also I don’t have the time nor the popularity to maintain a dictatorship no one has the latter also even if I successfully coup and take over or get away with power abuse people will leave and I won’t be able to stop them also some people are still sore over the new pacific order and that was very long ago I feel like I have made friends here and I don’t want to lose them to me being power hungry
Now time for the least important question for any politician, who am I?
Well I’m a weirdo.
You want more?
I’m active on the discord and rmb not so much on the forums (but I plan to be more active) I have a problem with not sleeping [AS SLEEPING IS A DISEASE] I sometimes manually farm some cards I have a Vice-Delegate of another region be the leader of my cult (discord only) I’m american and I have a great grandparent who’s (this isn’t a joke) nickname is Papa Pie, I also have 10 easter eggs on my main, and I can name any country on a map.
My alts are:
Weird Card Farmer 1-50, Weird Card Factory 1-50 {The Weirdos Card Farming Lands}
A Weird Bank {The Region That Has No Big Banks}
The Weirdigo, Da Evil, Spsf Card Storage, The Weirdo Alt Thingy, Tsp Pie Company {The South Pacific}
Pings {The North Pacific}
Bribe {The Council of Asia}
Jamijia {The Pacific}
I have had no other positions in any region beside a region from years ago that has long died I don’t remember the name of and my card puppet region The Weirdos Card Farming Lands