The weirdos campaign

Do you believe it is appropriate for an apolitical head of state to be so intimately involved in the government’s political decision-making?

I won’t speak for Kringle, but it wasn’t only the reference to Israel that surprised–indeed stunned–me about your post. In what way is our current Delegate “radical,” such that they merit comparison to real life conflict?

What officials are appointed by the Delegate?

well the ministry of news will just be dealing with or at least planned to be the fortnightly also based on the charter saying that the delegate is to be a adviser its not a apolitical however I agree that it is overreaching and I wont be helping picking the cabinet and leave it up to the prime minister as the current candidates seem more then competent to choose their own cabinet

I was trying to use a example form irl from radicalism increasing other sides radicalism and first that came to mind was Israel and I stupidly didn’t think anymore then that which is why now its turkey

I meant helping the pm appoint not me appointing them and I think the prime minister candidates are more then competent enough to appoint

sorry for late reply forgot to reply

I will also be continuing the fortnightly meetings but I may just ask the pm to create a ministry of news or something similar so that fortnightly meetings or now news reports would be much more accurate and detailed then I could provide .

If I understand you correctly, are you suggesting that a newspaper, like the one I’ve proposed in my campaign, should replace the Delegate’s Fortnightly Briefings? If so, would you at least commit to supporting the newspaper and helping to distribute it via telegram instead of the briefings?

I will also help mend the cultural rift between the rmb and forum.

I agree; this is an important point. We should actively encourage greater interaction and movement between the RMB and the forum.