The three years and forty-seven days late Confession

Please read until the end.

3 years and a month ago, I was stupid and did something I shouldn’t have ever done. After doing that and getting my punishments, I became a coward. And only one or two people other than me knows the truth until this moment, when I confess the entire thing on the region forums.

Not so sure if I am allowed to post this in lampshade bar and grill, but I thought this would be the best place. If this is not the right place, oh no, I became stupid again.

Finally I got my courage to reveal the entire thing to you all. I was a coward, I was a lier, and I was very, very dumb back then. I may still be a coward, as I did not post this in NS.

I am talking about the banning of Nation States Cayo, my former main nation.

If I didn’t write this, this would have been forever forgotten and people will think me innocent maybe. But I believe that I should reveal this all and ask for forgiveness. I wanted to finally be free from this and move forward.

How did this happen?
Well… I got into this long argument with two nations. Unfortunately I do not remember what it was exactly about, but it was long, and made me quite unhappy and mad. The really mad me became stupid, and that stupid kid called Cayo decided… well… to press the ‘Switch’ button on the top right, enter that nation he had been arguing with in the nation part, and put in something random in the password part, and press Login. That is the worst thing I have ever done on NS, the most stupid thing I have done on NS, and what I most regret to this day.

An hour or two later…
I was about to go to sleep when I received a telegram saying, ‘you have been identified as the nation attempting hijack’ or something similar to that. But I didn’t think much of it and just went to sleep.

The next day afternoon…
I came home, and as usual, tried logging in to NSC. It showed that NSC was deleted, and I soon realized that it was banned. I think that was when I regretted my choices the previous day the most, as NSC… was my first nation and I had a lot of fun with it.

The Greatest Coward in the World
I made Guest No 1 (one of my puppet nations) my emergency main nation and desperately tried getting NSC back. Sent several telegrams to the mods containing, well… some lies. During my conversations with the mods, they told me only NSC is banned and the other nations of mine will be okay. And I won’t be banned from WA.
On the TSP RMB, this is where I was very foolish, I decided to say this:

Telling you all that I am innocent. What a coward I was. How foolish I was. Should’ve got slapped on the face when I lodged that message.

After a few miserable days, I gave up trying to get NSC back, and thanked the NS moderators for keeping the site safe. But I never told my TSP friends the truth. A few months ago, I got the courage to tell a friend in NS about this, and finally I am brave enough to talk about this to you all.

I really want to apologize.
To the two people I argued with.
To the mods for trying to get NSC back and saying I am innocent even though I was not and got my proper punishment.
But most importantly, to the TSPers that believed my lies and my nonsense. I lied to them and made them think that I am innocent.
I am very sorry to everybody who was involved in some way.

I learned my lesson then. I got my punishment and I promised myself that I will never do such a foolish thing again. With this post, I wish for your forgiveness. And I promise you all that I am not that stupid Cayo 3 years ago, and that you can believe me now.

Again, I am very sorry.

And, thank you for reading.


I wasn’t around for any of this but you seem chill so it’s fine.

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It’s okay man you didn’t do something extremely serious. Once I lost a YT account it was at my teens when I was an right wing extremist. And yes most people in your place (ok like me) would have done the same thing of not telling your friends the truth. Your honesty at the end should be appreciated tho :+1:.


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