CayonNS (Altnavia, New Altnavia)

CayonNS’s Citizenship Application

Question Answer
TSP Nation Altnavia, New Altnavia
Main Nation Altnavia
WA Nation Altnavia
Discord CayonUnion / cayonunion6024

Other Involvement
NSC, Cayo
Other Regions:
I own a region named Sub Pacific and most of my puppet states are in it. My nation of NSC SPU Representative is located in The South Pacific Union Affairs Chat, and it has communications and polls. Testerasia is located in Arcturus System and holds several authorities. NSC TNA Representative is located in TNA HQ. Shibje is located in East Asia. Metadorasia is located in Te Ao.

(250225 edit: sorry for not realizing I have some info missing) NSC TPOT Representative is located in the region TPOT.

From TWP. I am not quite sure what happened then as it took place some time in 2021.
From NationStates, for one nation. I have written and posted an explanation of that event in: The three years and forty-seven days late Confession

I don’t think there were other bans.

I pledge to uphold the laws of the Coalition of the South Pacific.

Welcome! Your application is pending.

While you’re waiting, feel free to check out our Discord server.

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You have been accepted!

Congratulations on becoming a Citizen! If you haven’t done so yet, you can join our Discord server here. And of course, feel free to ask any questions!

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