OOC Note: This RP thread is exclusive for nations who have living nobility. Furthermore, although the ball takes IRP place on 10th December we may RP beforehand & afterwards if we so choose. In other words, this is a perfect laid-back RP without any form of stress!
Tradition… The one word that could summarise all monarchies around Pacifica. It is what has kept their nations unified, patriotic and preserved. Perhaps the one nation that has become the most synonymous with tradition remains Stoinia still. Ever since King Alexandru I’s Stoinian unification in 1.222 CE, the Stoinian monarchy has never waned. Resisting the ebbs & flows of time, overcoming both challenges & perils and providing stability to the realm. Forever in service of its people.
To virtually all Stoinians, the monarchy is what has kept the realm stable and what allowed Stoinia to become a flourishing nation. However, other nations have since risen & fallen together with their monarchs and monarchies have been replaced in favour of other forms of government. Yet now in the anniversary of 800 years of Stoinian Unification, the Stoinian Royal House of Cuza has invited all nobility from Pacifica, both enthroned & dethroned, on Saturday 10th of December for a grand ball in Siraniu Palace, Kingdom of Stoinia. With one exception: Sedunn. Although former-King Vimmru II Innien has called for a rebrand of his nation from a kingdom to a republic, too strong are the bonds of friendship between Sedunn & Stoinia. Forever a friend of the Stoinian people & its Crown.
The largest summer palace of the Stoinian royal family was Siraniu Palace. A large complex surrounded by lush gardens still blooming under the summer’s sultry sun. Built in between 1835 & 1842, it was meant to host regular royalty events from across Bailtem & the Mediterrranean. Allowing hundreds if not thousands of noblemen & noblewomen to discuss matters of state over a dance or fine Stoinian wine. Now it would serve as the host of perhaps Pacifica’s largest ball of nobility. Providing them from breakfast & dinner, to dance floors to bedrooms. A palace renowned for its size. Befitting of a humongous event such as this one.
Security of such prestigious guests is not only demanding, but also rigorous. A challenge few willing aids would be proficient in. Yet one such group exists: the Stoinian Royal Guard Brigade. Roughly 10.000 dedicated guardsmen dedicated with the protection of the Stoinian royal family. Through fire & flame they have protected the King, his family & his heirs against communist revolutionaries, overseas campaigns & in defence of their country. Soldiers gilded by valour, honour & tradition. Prouder even than the Stoinian Lion. The ever watching eye of Captain-General Valerian Averescu shall safeguard the thousands of VIP’s during their stay in Stoinia.
All guests will arrive by a horse carriage into the palace as is tradition for such festive occasions. All rpovided by the Cuza Household, ecorted of course by members of the Stoinian Royal Guard Brigade. Upon their entry they will receive the reception befit of their status, greeted by the royal couple or their heirs, and make their way throughout the palace during their stay.
Once inside, the guest will relish in classical architecture filled with extrinsic artworks such as paintings & sculptures. All celebrating Stoinia’s heritage from the ancient Tolosan Republic to the virtues of the Stoinian people. With the Stoinian Lion being an omnipresent motif throughout the palace. For the Cuza pride is as proud as the animal of their sigil. Roaring virtuously in service of Stoinia.
A dining hall of Siraniu Palace.
Siraniu Palace has many rooms & halls for the festive occasions. However, due to the enormous amounts of guests, they will be split between several dining halls according to their noble ranks with royalties sitting together in the same hall. Therein, a five course meal shall be served to the guests ranging from fresh vegetables to hunted game accompanied by culinary wonders from Stoinia’s finest chefs.
Afterwards, the guests are invited to the dance floor for waltzes, including its Stoinian counterpart the ondulea otherwise known as the inverse waltz, among other dances for all to enjoy. The birthplace of fairy tale as princes & duchesses dance again like the days of old between gilded chandeliers of unrivaled design. Music shall be provided throughout the night by the Royal Siraniu Ensemble which shall perform the Waves of the Siniliu among other classics from the world of muses. For those less inclined to the dance floor, a number of assortments will be brought ranging from Stoinian wine to exquisite nibbles emphasizing flavour. To each a path to socialise over the night or perhaps walk both.
The Stoinian royal couple shall welcome all nobility of Pacifica to this ball. Bringing a dying breed of nobility together to showcase the world their merits & style. King Andrei III & Queen Melea shall wear their finest dresses with full regalia on the occasion. The peak of Stoinian royal fashion. Furthermore, they challenge the nobility from around Pacifica to bring out the best & noblest of tenures to this ball.
In addition to the royal couple & their children, the guest can expect the presence of King-Odinior Iulian IV & Queen-Odinioara Alexandra VI and all of their children’s families of Princess Valentina, Duchess of Cordana, Prince Valeriu, Duke of Forișana & Princess Relia, Duchess of Sebeș.