Hi everyone!
Thank you for letting us open this embassy on your forum/onsite & allowing us to officially establish relations with The South Pacific.
I will regularly keep this forum updated on the regional happenings in TRTHNBB and share our latest version of our Regional Newspaper (The Social Reformer) here too. Our latest edition was published on the 1st of March. If you are interested, check it out here NationStates | Dispatch | The Social Reformer - Twelfth Edition - March 1st, 2024
In addition, TRTHNBB holds monthly games nights which any Citizens from The South Pacific would be welcome to attend.
March Games Night; Our next Games Night is on Saturday 23rd March; we will be playing Gartic Phone, Skribbl.io, Chess, Territorial.io and a variety of discord games. See info here: NationStates | Dispatch | TRTHNBB Games Night: Saturday 23rd March
Bankless Chess Arena on Saturday 27th April we are hosting our first standalone inter-regional blitz chess competition, seeking to bring together chess players across NationStates to participate - any Citizens from TSP would be very welcome
NationStates | Dispatch | Bankless Chess Arena - Saturday 27th April
Very nice to meet you all, and I hope to make many new friends and work closely with y’all into the future!
Kind regards
New United Common-lands
Thank you for the inaugural update! We look forward to several more!
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The Social Reformer, Thirteenth Edition Released - 1st April 2024
The News You Would Rid Your Big Banks For
Good morning TSP,
Our entire cabinet just resigned. Read more here, (and upvote if you enjoyed!) NationStates | Dispatch | The Social Reformer - Thirteenth Edition - April 1st, 2024
Kind regards
New United Common-lands
Former MoFA for TRTHNBB
TRTHNBB April Games Night
Hello TSP! Another NBB game night’s on the horizon; it’s this weekend as a matter of fact! Check out the dispatch & our discord if you’re interested!
-Kind regards from NUCL, MoFA and Ambassador from NBB to TSP
Hello TSP!
Happy May to you all, I am excited to bring you a Foreign Affairs update from your favourite Bankless region. We are current in the midst of Election season, with 10 candidates vying for the 3 elected regional positions, read more in our Special Fourteenth Edition of The Social Reformer. On the Cultural Affairs front, last weekend we held an Interregional Chess Arena with Forest which had over 20 participating nations, from 10 different NS regions, check out the Award Ceremony with the best nations, and regions winning awesome trophies. Lastly, if your interested we shall be hosting a Games Night on our discord server next Saturday May 11th!
All the best
New United Common-lands,
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TRTHNBB May Elections Concluded
Election season has concluded in The Region That Has No Big Banks, seeing record political participation in the region, with 47 valid votes. Mjau has been elected as our new Prime Minister, they have confirmed our new regional cabinet, who will make up the 6th New Administration of TRTHNBB! See full cabinet here.
On a side note, I am very happy to have been re-appointed as our Minister of Foreign Affairs and I look forward to working with y’all for the next 4 months! We shall appoint our new embassy ambassadors in due course!
Kind regards
New United Common-lands
The Social Reformer, Fifteenth Edition Released - June 1st, 2024
The News You Would Rid Your Big Banks For
Hey friends, Happy June and pride month!
The start of a new month means a new edition of our Regional Newspaper, The Social Reformer! With our new Minister of Comms, Syrasia, doing an excellent job to give TSR a slight makeover and making it look sleek as ever.
The Social Reformer 15th Edition
In this edition, we have a State of the Region address from our new PM Mjau, an election retrospect from our Election Commission Member America the Greater, a piece from Krayo29 and Puttt on the International Day for awareness on discrimination against the LGBTQI+ community, a retrospective from America The Greater and Western Arba Fir on their experience of our latest regional court case and lastly Syrasia created a crossword for you to complete!
An upvote would be highly appreciated, if you enjoyed!
The Social Reformer, 16th Edition Released - July 1st, 2024
Hey friends, Happy July!
I arrive here with our July edition of our Regional Newspaper, The Social Reformer 16th Edition… I say with confidence it’s “The News You Would Rid Your Big Banks For”
In this edition, we have some interesting articles on our departure from the InterLeft, Foreign Affairs updates, and announcement of our new delegate.
An upvote would be highly appreciated, if you enjoyed!
Best wishes,
New United Common-lands
Minister of Foreign Affairs, TRTHNBB
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The Social Reformer 17th Edition Released
The News You Would Rid Your Big Banks For
Hello friends, pinch punch, it’s first of the month!
More excitingly, our regional newspaper just released! This time we have some insightful articles about a very recent restructuring of our government and a highlight on some of our Embassy happenings. A big thank you to Syrasia for their excellent re-formatting for TSR and for publishing this latest edition.
The Social Reformer 17th Edition
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Thank you for this update 
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The Social Reformer 18th Edition Edition
Monday 2nd September 2024
Hey all,
The Social Reformer 18th Edition has been released, edited by our very own Yodle! https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=2551027
In this edition, we have some interesting articles on our upcoming regional elections; including Candidate Summaries, Election Overviews and Election Interviews. (Plus a bonus article highlight our recent Bankless Liberation Forces (BLF) activity.)
An upvote would be highly appreciated, if you enjoyed!
Kind regards,
New United Common-lands
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Thanks for the update NUCL!
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No worries, thanks for reading!
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TRTHNBB Regional Elections Sep 2024
Hello friends,
Election season has concluded in The Region That Has No Big Banks, where we received 32 valid votes against our Citizen population of 45, meaning we had a turnout of 71.1%!
In under 24 hours since being elected as America The Greater has appointed all their Cabinet Ministers, and each Minister has subsequently appointed their minor officers.
Here is the 7th New Administration of TRTHNBB, to lead the region through the next 4 months;
Prime Minister: America The Greater
Deputy Prime Minister: Syrasia
Minister of Foreign Affairs: New United Common-lands
Minister of Domestic Affairs: Ardeyn
Minister of Culture: The Washington Federation
Full government dispatch
Congrats to America The Greater for winning! Also, congrats, on being Minister of Foreign Affairs once more, can’t wait to continue developing a friendship with TRTHNBB! Also, Thank you for the update! 
Hello there, hello there, TSP!
I am quite excited to announce that TRTHNBB has assigned a new diplomatic representative to you, and this diplomat will be me :D!
I am very joyous and most delighted about being assigned to this region of old, that existed since ancient times, with such a rich history on NatStat, only paralleled by other feeders (/feeder regions).
I am looking forward to continued great relations with TSP and making new friends!
I also hope for mutual participation in each other’s regional events.
With very friendly regards,
Venesia Grande
the new diplomatic representative of TRTHNBB
Welcome to TSP! It’s great to have you! I can’t wait as well continue great relations with TRTHNBB.
Thank you very much!
With this being said, I shall deliver a message from TRTHNBB to you:
Quick official message from TRTHNBB
Commend Yodle Has Passed
Hear, hear, The South Pacific, hear, hear, all ye lovely Fellows, Friends, and Fans 
NBB is coming to you today to share some exciting news:
The proposal to commend Yodle, our founder, has passed with flying colors in the Security Council!
We want to say a massive thank you to every one of you who supported our proposal – whether it was giving us valuable early advice, helping us edit the draft on the forum, approving the proposal, voting for it in the Security Council, or just generally spreading the word – all of you have been a huge help throughout this entire process. NBB is very, very grateful and truly humbled to see nothing but an incredible amount of support from everyone it has spoken to, so thank you dearly for helping NBB accomplish this massive goal!
Yodle’s official statement on the commendation can be found here:
Your diplomatic representative of TRTHNBB,
Venesia Grande