The Region That Has No Big Banks - Embassy

The Social Reformer, 19th Edition Released - October 1st, 2024
The News You Would Rid Your Big Banks For

Hey friends,

I arrive here with our October edition of our Regional Newspaper, The Social Reformer 19th Edition!

We also have released The Yodcast, a new regional Podcast!

We would love any feedback on our new Podcast and an upvote would be appreciated on TSR!


Thanks for the newspaper link, boss.

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Official announcement from TRTHNBB

Good day to all of you, TSP,

Today I bring sad news from TRTHNBB, as NUCL, our long-standing MoFA, and a very reliable and committed member of our region, stood down from his position as MoFA and other governmental roles including the current cabinet.

He always was a great boss to work for, an excellent mentor, and still is a good friend and well-respected community member. I wish him only the best of things, and hope he recovers, and will hereby reäffirm my offer to help him through these times as a friend.

This left us with a vacancy, that promptly got filled with Faralried being appointed to the position of MoFA, and leaving our PM America The Greater, to also fulfil the role of Head of Diplomacy and Outreach and overall interim-FA assistance, as in accordance with our constitution.

Faralried, despite not being in TRTHNBB’s FA for long, will also make a good MoFA, and great boss to work for, I am sure. In fact, when he joined our government earlier last month, I noticed I already knew him from the chess tournaments back in the summer of ‘23, during our last Summerfest. You may also already know him from leading JEFF during N-Day.

This situation, alongside the resigning of our former DPM, Syrasia, earlier this month, and though DPM snap-elections are upcoming (as had to be called by our Founder, Yodle), this may seem like we are currently a bit thin-stretched in our government right now, but as the old guard returns to their homes from their service in the cabinet, new opportunities and chances are made for new people to join the government!

We are also currently recruiting new diplomats, as a former diplomat and highly integral community member had resigned earlier this month, too; however, TRTHNBB will handle and overcome challenges and situations like these, as we have many a time before!

Venesia Grande,
Head of Diplomats

Further sources on the topic:

NUCL’s standing down-message:
NationStates | RMB Post

ATG’s State-of-the-Government address:

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Thank you for this update! Sad to see NUCL go, I thought he was going to be here forever! Congrats to Faralried for becoming MOFA!

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Thank you for the congrats wishes and all the nice words!-Tbh, I thought NUCL would keep heading the ministry, too. Unfortunately, the burn-out has caught up with him, and he needs time to heal and recover now. I will support him if I can, and if he wants my help, of course.

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