zGry 20920398943739438th, 1600 CE, 30:25 UTC
ALTERNATIVE DATE: 250 years, 50 days, 21 hours 22 minutes Aftermarch
This was the date that Captain Afaren Alertz woke to. He wasn’t privy to any 20 quadrillionth of the month zGry, or to the idea that there were 30 hours in a day, so he was fairly certain that their calendar system was broken. Whatever designer had the idea of adding the “Aftermarch” system was a genius. Of course, he couldn’t remember what day the launch was- there was so much chaos on the ground that nobody really cared at the time. After he finished stabilizing himself, he was able to process what was going on to some extent.
He had been woken up. His first instinct had been that the ship had found a planet that was habitable; but in 250 years? The design of their ship was rather rushed due to the circumstances of leaving. While everything was safe, they weren’t travelling at FTL speeds; they’d have been lucky to reach the nearest solar system by now, let alone to have reached a fully inhabited planet.
In the couple seconds he had to think, the computer that he was looking at told him; ANOMALY DETECTED. SHIP MOVEMENT COMPROMISED. REQUESTING WAKE OF ENGINEER.
Well, wasn’t that just splendid.
As he reached for the confirmation button, something in his subconscious told him to look at the problem first. He put in a command.
All of the cameras focused on the ship showed no signs of injury whatsoever. But the cameras outside of the ship told a different story. A gigantic white and black… opening? It almost looked like a more sinister depiction of a wormhole. He couldn’t believe his eyes.
But there was no time for wonder or scientific inquiry. The cameras showed him something else as well. They were being pulled in.
Rushing to the controls, he attempted to push full throttle away from the anomaly. But the struggle seemed to only pull them in more. Error messages came up as well- some parts of the engine needed repairs. He couldn’t, however, reasonably call the engineer to fix things in these conditions. He resigned. If he continued to push the remaining engines, he wouldn’t escape, and even if he did, he’d have depleted energy storage so much that he wasn’t confident they’d be able to finish their trip. Better to be pulled in with engines- with hopes that being pulled in wouldn’t destroy them outright.
Captain Alertz found himself praying- despite the fact that Bvarai had no gods. He prayed that Indavrals would not die out. 250 years into an estimated 2000 year voyage, and suddenly there was a threat to their existence.
Yet all he, the captain of the Êmanka, the hope of Indavra, could do, was watch as he was pulled into the rift between dimensions.