The League of Cordilia Negotiations

The Rhaynan Delegation, after arguing a little between themselves about Huawan proposals, votes in favor of the first and third, although it abstains of the second decision due to the independency of decision of Hystaiga and Valkyria to agree to peace.

It also recommends a moderation in the third proposal to avoid a incorrect use of this police force.


Blisse Starke, the Hystaigan supreme voice, represented her nation in the international realm for the second time. The war-hardened leader knew very well what she wanted out of the summit.

My Cordilian neighbours, I am honoured to have come here to represent Hystaiga at a summit of great significance. Just as Hystaiga is starting to know peace, the world is starting to know less of it.

Our people know all too well the cost of war and why it must end. For this, we propose having a discussion on an international treaty limiting the use of military force so that all offensive wars must be approved by the World Forum in a resolution.

On Doge Land’s proposal to discuss free trade, Hystaiga votes against . We have seen from afar how these so-called free trade agreements ended up making poorer countries poorer, and I am not interested in any agreement that would see my nation, my people, and my land exploited by the business interests of influential foreign powers.

On the question of a mutual defence pact, Hystaiga votes in favour. Hystaiga knows all to well what it is like to fight alone, and a commitment to mutual defence will make sure it never happens again.

On the idea of a counter-terrorism body, Hystaiga votes in favour of discussing the issue further.

With respect to Huawan’s proposal to discuss an intergovernmental military alliance, Hystaiga votes in favour, but we do so in the interest of seeing what comes out of that discussion, not as final approval of such an alliance.

On discussing peace talks between our nation and Valkyria, we ask that these talks remain between Hystaiga and Valkyria for the time being. We will be having referendums soon enough on 23 October that originated from these talks that will require offensive wars be authorised by the World Forum. While we await the result of these referendums and due to the fruitfulness of our talks with Valkyria right now, Hystaiga votes against.

On Huawan’s third proposal of discussing states reforming their immigration policies in response to the instability caused by bad actors, Hystaiga votes in favour.

We look forward to having a good faith discussion about the future of this continent we all share.

Question: Shall we have a discussion on an international treaty limiting the use of military force so that all offensive wars must be approved by the World Forum in a resolution?

  • Agree
  • Reject
  • Abstain
0 voters

In personal vision of the need to accelerate the process of voting of the propositions, we propose a change to the voting and proposition method in the following manner:

  1. The voting will be made by the attachment of a poll to each point of the proposition with three options: Agree, Abstain and Reject.

  2. The abstain will not count as vote, and delegations that do not vote before the session ends will be taken as an Abstain vote, thus meaning, the totality of the votes will be composed only by the Agree and Reject votes.

  3. For the passing of the point of a proposal, more than the 50% of the votings must be Agree.

  4. For the change of the point of a proposal, the members will be able to show a counterproposal (stated explicitly as one). This counterproposal must have a higher percentage of Agree than the point of the proposal that is directed to.

  5. The voting period will be finished by the proposal of a member, with this proposal needing to reach the 75% of Agree.

  6. From now there will not be an order for the nations to show proposals, as such, each nation will be able to present again their last proposals or new ones, following the style mentioned in point one.

  7. To keep the voting method following a steady pace, it’s recommended, but not enforced, the boiling of the proposals to their very basics.

  8. The last proposal made by the Hystaigan delegation before this rule change will be voted following the first rules proposed at the start of this meeting, unless they decide to present the same proposals in the new style presented in point 1.

DATE===PRIOR TO 26.09.2022.

“Your esteemed Excellencies, I shan’t prolong this process additionally past its’ own expiration. In such spirit, we expose the following (…) Take them as proposals or counter-proposals at your disposal. The following propositions:”

Assembling Functionals (AC of Viliakmon):

  1. All members oblige themselves the delegation of national sovereignty to League of Cordilia as an international organization; possessing its’ own will and acting in accordance to its’ own survival as an entity independent of its’ members.
  2. The governing body of LoC shall be consisting of 4 attaches sent by each member. The combined number of 40 are to be called “The Legislating Council” and are to act in the name of LoC. They are to elect “Head Chair of The Coalition” which is to act as LoC’s Head of State. The term of the attaches is 3 years, whereas the term of the Head Chair is 5 years.
  3. Each member-state must authorize and keep a permanent representative delegation consisting of 4 attaches send by each member state. They are to act in the interest of the state which has authorized them. Each Delegation may request that a meeting of members’ Heads of States be held if they deem it necessary during negotiation with “The Legislating Council” and “Head Chair” over a joint mandatory policy.
  4. Only the Head Chair of The Coalition may expulse or sanction members upon their own discretion. This action may be overruled by absolute majority (7/10 members voting to overrule for it to be overruled) of member state Heads of State. If such a series occurs that this division is a phenomenon, it must be negotiated and mediated by The Legislating Council and the Permanent Representatives.
  • Aye
  • Nay
  • Absence
0 voters
1 Like

(OOC: I have made a poll on Hystaiga’s proposal.)

For the first time, the jarlskona represented Valkyria at a foreign summit with support and confidence from the prime minister. Following in the footsteps of Prime Minister Margaret Harrison, Jarlskona Katja Murphy found herself in a position to affect positive change in a tumultuous world.

Question: Shall we have a discussion on a common border policy among member states?

  • Agree
  • Reject
  • Abstain
0 voters

Question: Shall we have a discussion on a commitment to mutual nuclear disarmament?

  • Agree
  • Reject
  • Abstain
0 voters

Question: Shall we have a discussion on arms exports/imports?

  • Agree
  • Reject
  • Abstain
0 voters

The Rhaynan delegation gets up in the lectern.

“In vision of the basic points of the LoC having been made, we believe we can finish this meeting in a good note, being glad we all are in the same page and hoping for the LoC to become a great thing for all Cordilian nations that aren’t happy with the status quo and want to make this continent a better place for everyone.”

Should we end this meeting?
  • Agree
  • Abstain
  • Reject

0 voters