The Lampshade Accords (with Spiritus)

The Lampshade Accords

Wherein the Coalition of the South Pacific and the Elemental Republic of Spiritus formally cement their ties as friends and allies.

Article 1 - Recognition of Government

1.The Coalition of the South Pacific (hereafter known as The South Pacific) and the Elemental Republic of Spiritus (hereafter known as Spiritus) hereby declare recognition for the legitimate governments of the other signatory and acknowledges their sovereignty and our shared ideals in the interests of democracy, cultural advancement and community cooperation. In addition we recognise the sovereignty of each member in their respective diplomatic, cultural, military and legislative matters.

1.1 To that extent, The South Pacific and Spiritus hereby declare this document to be a symbol of the friendship between both Governments and their respective communities.

1.2 The South Pacific recognises the Elemental Republic of Spiritus under the Constitution of Spiritus as the legitimate government of Spiritus and resolves to recognise any legally enacted successor government.

1.3 Spiritus recognises the Coalition of The South Pacific under the Charter of The South Pacific as the legitimate government of The South Pacific and resolves to recognise any legally enacted successor government.

1.4 Both signatories extend a permanent Embassy to the other in their respective Embassy district and the creation of an Envoy to serve as diplomatic representative to the other party in order to further civil communication between communities.

1.5 Both signatories agree to not extend recognition to the other party in the event that a government comes to power contrary to the accepted legal procedures and laws of the signatory as defined by the Charter of the South Pacific and the Constitution of Spiritus respectively.

Article 2 - Military, Security and Counter-Intelligence

2.The signatories pledge to support the sovereignty of both The South Pacific and Spiritus wherever possible in line with this Treaty and our shared ideals.

2.1 Both signatories commit to never involving themselves, either directly or by providing indirect support, in any effort to invade or infringe on the sovereignty of the home region of the other signatory.

2.2 Both The South Pacific and Spiritus agree to share important intelligence with the other party should it pertain to threats domestic or external against their community or region.

2.3 Both The South Pacific and Spiritus commit to not partaking in espionage against each signatory, or infringing the sovereignty of the other signatory in any manner unless specifically requested by the primary authority of the other signatory.

2.4 Both signatories commit to deploying their respective militaries (or any successor military) in defence of each-other when necessary for the duration of this agreement.

2.5 Both signatories commit to partaking in shared operations and war-games in Warzones to better deepen the bond between the signatories whenever possible and whenever consistent with the laws and policies of each signatory.

2.6 Each military shall arrange for a Liaison to the other as a means of communication and facilitating shared experiences with the pre-approval of the other signatory.

2.7 Both signatories agree in the interests of competition and wider gameplay that being on opposing sides in operations shall not fracture or damage relations between the signatories unless it involves the invasion of either homeland of the other or a treatied ally.

Article 3 - Cultural and Community Cooperation

3.The South Pacific and Spiritus hereby pledge to endeavour to incorporate a joint cultural event between the communities where possible as part of the festival celebrating this document.

3.1 Both signatories should endeavour to create activities which are open to both communities as a means of creating a shared environment.

3.2 The signing of this document shall be officially commemorated by a signing ceremony between the President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spiritus and the Delegate and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the South Pacific.

3.3 The signatories should endeavour to collaborate on joint cultural efforts during major NationStates events to better strengthen and advance their relationship.

3.4 The signatories affirm that Lampshades are both mandatory and fashionable headwear for citizens of both regions. We further mandate that ducks are cool.

3.5 Following the passage of this document, both signatories pledge that Spiritus will only be allowed to import Lampshades from the South Pacific and that the South Pacific will only be allowed to import ducks from Spiritus.

Article 4 - Administration of Agreement

4.The South Pacific and Spiritus may choose to conclude this formal relationship at any time by giving a minimum of 14 days notice to either party via the embassy of the respective party on their forum.

4.1 Each region reserves the right to cancel this treaty by public announcement and official notification.

4.2 Both signatories should endeavor to seek a solution to any issues that arise before seeking an conclusion to the Accord. They pledge to resolve any differences in a peaceful and non-confrontational manner and will not threaten or force either side to adhere to their wishes.

4.3 This Treaty will come into effect once ratified by the Assembly of the South Pacific and the Regional Assembly of Spiritus following a signing ceremony as mentioned in 3.2.

4.4 One year from ratification, both parties shall gather to discuss the relationship and ensure there is communication between both parties.

4.5 This treaty will be considered null and void should the Coalition of the South Pacific or the Elemental Republic of Spiritus cease to exist without any legally enacted successor governments, subject to re-ratification by successor authorities as necessary.

This treaty was ratified by the Assembly of the South Pacific on 27 March 2015 at 18:52 UTC.

[2439.DE.C] | Discretionary Edits compilation from the Chair Vol. III Done

This discretionary edit was presented to the Assembly for comment and was adopted on
Sunday, 15th September, 2024.

Debate thread