The Charter of the Partnership for Sovereignty

Charter of the Partnership for Sovereignty

The signatories, committed to the values of self-determination, regional sovereignty, and respect for the World Assembly and its members, hereby enter into the Partnership for Sovereignty.

Article I. Statement of Principles.

Section 1- Self Determination. The Partnership for Sovereignty stands in support of the right of natives of a region to determine the status of their own region.

  1. The Partnership for Sovereignty supports Security Council liberation proposals when natives in the target region have consented to the passage of the liberation, especially when the target region is at imminent risk of destruction.
  2. The Partnership for Sovereignty opposes Security Council liberation proposals when natives in the target region are opposed to the passage of the liberation, except when the target region supports fascism or hateful ideologies and/or where the region has regularly launched unprovoked attacks against other regions.
  3. The Partnership for Sovereignty opposes the practice of approval raiding. Signatories will act against it, including through diplomatic and defensive military action, as each region considers appropriate in the circumstances.

Section 2- Positive Community. The Partnership for Sovereignty stands in support of positive contributions to the building of a better NationStates.

  1. The Partnership for Sovereignty supports well-written Commendations for nations or regions which have made significant contributions to defending except where the target nation or region declines their own Commendation.
  2. The Partnership for Sovereignty supports well-written Commendations or Condemnations for nations or regions which have made significant contributions to roleplaying, Issue writing or answering, region-building, interregional diplomacy, trading cards, and/or other parts of NationStates except where the target nation or region declines their own Commendation or Condemnation.

Section 3- Respect. The Partnership for Sovereignty stands in support of the stated goals, institutions, and processes of the World Assembly and opposes bad-faith efforts to undermine or circumvent them.

  1. The Partnership for Sovereignty opposes not only approval raiding, but any and all bad-faith efforts or proposals that manipulate, mislead and/or subvert the intentions of the World Assembly’s voters, and will endeavor to counteract such disinformation.
  2. The Partnership for Sovereignty opposes efforts to manipulate the Security Council to directly harm signatory regions and defenders.

Article II. Setting Vote Recommendations.

Section 1. Each member region may appoint a delegation to participate in private discussions about voting with other member regions of the Partnership for Sovereignty. Each delegation shall have one vote in decisions of the Partnership for Sovereignty.

Section 2. Any representative to the Partnership for Sovereignty may request that the Partnership set a recommendation on a vote for any Security Council proposal prior to on site voting based on the idea such a vote recommendation will fulfill the values in Article I.

Section 3. After discussion, any representative may motion for a vote on a vote recommendation, such a vote will last 24 hours or until all members have voted. A vote recommendation includes the option preferred by the parties and the reasoning published for the recommendation. In order to issue a recommendation, a quorum of one-half of delegations must be reached, and three-fifths of non-abstaining representatives must support the recommendation. If the proposed vote recommendation does not reach this threshold, the Partnership will not issue a vote recommendation on that Security Council proposal.

Section 4. After a vote recommendation is issued, the recommendation will be published in a NationStates Dispatch for public viewing. Members are encouraged to further distribute the recommendation through appropriate methods to ensure the citizens of the member region are made aware of the vote recommendation.

Section 5. Once the relevant Security Council proposal reaches a vote, the Delegates and World Assembly residents of member regions are strongly encouraged to vote in line with the Partnership’s recommendation.

Article III. Voting Activation Network.

Section 1. Delegations to the Partnership for Sovereignty may coordinate advocacy regarding drafting and voting on Security Council proposals.

Section 2. Delegations to the Partnership for Sovereignty shall maintain a list of contacts with other friendly regions to contact when a voting recommendation is issued by the Partnership for Sovereignty.

Article IV. Membership Guidelines.

Section 1. Any region that wishes to join the Partnership for Sovereignty must contact the responsible authority in a member region to request entry to the Partnership. The member region’s delegation must present the question of the region’s admission to the Partnership for Sovereignty. By requesting admission to the Partnership, a region agrees to abide by the terms of this Charter if admitted.

Section 2. Following discussion of the application, a 72 hour vote will be held and, if three-fourths of non-abstaining delegations concur, with a quorum of one-half of voting delegations, the region shall be admitted.

Section 3. Should an application vote fail to reach quorum, discussion of the application shall continue for one week, after which a second vote is held. Should the second vote fail to reach quorum, the application is automatically rejected.

Section 4. An existing member of the Partnership shall be automatically expelled if they declare a formal raiding alignment.

Section 5. An existing member of the Partnership may be expelled for any reason if three-fourths of voting delegations concur in a 72 hour vote. A member region may not vote on its own expulsion.

Section 6. An existing member of the Partnership may withdraw at any time.

Article V. Amending the Partnership for Sovereignty Charter

Section 1. Any delegation may propose an amendment to the Partnership for Sovereignty Charter. After discussion, the delegations must unanimously support an amendment to the Partnership for Sovereignty Charter.

Section 2. After the delegations pass an amendment to the Charter, it shall only take effect after it completes the treaty amendment process in all of the signatory regions.

The Charter was amended on 23 May 2021. The Assembly of the South Pacific ratified the amendment on 21 April 2021:


Article II. Setting Vote Recommendations.

Section 3. After discussion, any representative may motion for a vote on a vote recommendation, such a vote will last 24 hours or until all members have voted. A vote recommendation includes the option preferred by the parties and the reasoning published for the recommendation. In order to issue a recommendation, [subtract]60% of voting representatives must support the recommendation[/subtract] a quorum of one-half of delegations must be reached, and three-fifths of non-abstaining representatives must support the recommendation. If the proposed vote recommendation does not reach this threshold, the Partnership will not issue a vote recommendation on that Security Council proposal.

Article IV. Membership Guidelines.

Section 2. Following discussion of the application, a 72 hour vote will be held and, if three-fourths of [subtract]voting delegations concur[/subtract] non-abstaining delegations concur, with a quorum of one-half of voting delegations, the region shall be admitted.

Section 3. Should an application vote fail to reach quorum, discussion of the application shall continue for one week, after which a second vote is held. Should the second vote fail to reach quorum, the application is automatically rejected.

[2439.DE.C] | Discretionary Edits compilation from the Chair Vol. III Done

This discretionary edit was presented to the Assembly for comment and was adopted on
Sunday, 15th September, 2024.

Debate thread