[Res.] Resolution Reforming the IACO

Dear Ambassadors,

“Knowledge is power” is a very famous saying, and it still holds truth. We have now seen this power exerted in the recent investigations following bomb attacks in Nicholas and Great Britain. The fact that the investigation has pinned Romordians as the perpetrators gives the impression that the investigations are not truthful. The World Forum currently doesn’t have the capability to launch an independent investigation. However, to ensure stability and provide necessary protection in cases such as those mentioned, it is time that the International Anti-Criminal Organisation really becomes what it should have been from the start.
The following resolution is set to reform the IACO into a usable, impartial, and independent international police cooperation organisation.
I hope we can work together towards improving and passing this resolution.
Thank you.

Jan Saat
Ambassador of the Republic of Eflad

World Forum

RES 18 (2023)

Emblem of the World Forum

Assembly of the World Forum

Distr.: General

DD Month 2023

Resolution 18 adopted by the Assembly on DD Month YYYY

Reforming the International Anti-Criminal Organisation (IACO)

Section A — Purpose

  1. In the light of the investigations following recent terrorist attacks in Nicholas and Great Britain (N&GB) the World Forum recognises the problem of possible malicious usage of the investigations to promote a certain goal.

  2. The International Anti-Criminal Organisation (from hereon, IACO) has great relevance in the prosecution of crimes. However, its powers are heavily restricted to only pursuing arrests. The development of crimes, however, has shown that often a neutral and independent investigation is not given. This resolution aims to provide the World Forum with an opportunity to conduct such an investigation by reforming the IACO into a capable organisation.

Section B — Reforms

  1. The text of Section A shall be replaced by:
To ensure fair and impartial investigations, clarity in highly turbulent cases and to assist nations pursuing criminals, the World Forum hereby establishes the International Anti-Criminal Organisation.
  1. Section B shall be replaced by:
Section B - Goals
  1. The goals of the International Anti-Criminal Organisation (IACO) are to provide fair, impartial, and thorough investigations on subjects determined by the Assembly and to help nations pursue issued World Arrest Warrants and present violators to the International Court per international law.
  1. Section C shall be replaced by:
Section C - Organisation
  1. IACO consists of voluntary member nations.

  2. IACO is headed by a director-general who is elected by a simple majority vote in the Committee for International Law. The term length of a director-general shall be 12 months.

  3. An IACO Investigation Team’s duty is to conduct investigations on a matter decided by the Assembly or by the request of the issuing nation.

  4. An IACO Response Team’s duty is to help national forces enforce World Arrest Warrants.

  1. Section D shall be replaced by:
Section D - Definitions
  1. A World Arrest Warrant (WAW) is an international arrest warrant issued by a member nation requesting international assistance for an arrest.

  2. An incoming state is the state which issued the WAW.

  3. An outgoing state is the state in which the subject of the WAW is held at.

  4. An Investigation Request (IR) is issued by a member nation requesting international assistance for an investigation.

  5. An Investigation Order (IO) is issued by the Assembly launching an investigation.

  1. Section E shall be replaced by:
Section E - Authorities
  1. The IACO has the international authority to conduct investigations when instructed by the Assembly or requested by nations and to help nations pursue WAWs when requested by the incoming nation.

  2. All investigation-related materials gathered by the national investigation force must be handed to the IACO investigation Team immediately after the launch of an IACO investigation and when requested by the investigation Team.

  1. Section F shall be replaced by:
Section F - World Arrest Warrant
  1. A member state may issue a World Arrest Warrant against a person for any crime under the scope of IACO.

  2. All outgoing states of IACO shall be obligated to comply with the WAW and extradite an individual or individuals to the incoming state.

  3. When the offences committed are genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes, outgoing states shall transfer the custody of individuals to IACO.

  4. An outgoing state shall be able to refuse to recognise a WAW if:

  5. the incoming state practises capital punishment or life imprisonment,

  6. the subject or subjects of the WAW are below the age of criminal responsibility in the outgoing state, or

  7. the crime that took place within the incoming state is not recognised as a crime in the outgoing state.

  8. The validity of a WAW may be challenged by any member state of IACO and can be nullified by a two-thirds majority vote among the member states of IACO.

  1. Section G shall be replaced by:
Section G - Enforcement
  1. Any member state of IACO may volunteer their correctional facilities as venues to hold individuals convicted of violating international law.

  2. The Assembly may take standard measures against any nation or nations refusing to cooperate with IACO.


Mr. Ambassador,

apart from the fact, I think we should amend WFR 8 directly and not pass a resolution that amends WFR 8, it would make it easier to understand what exactly changed, I can say that in principal we do support your amendments. If you could provide a fully amended and editorialised version of WFR 8 before we motion for a vote, that would be lovely.

Helene Meise
Vice-Speaker of the World Forum
Ambassador for the Federal Republic of Gianatla

1 Like

Thank you colleague Meise, we have now reworked the resolution as an amendment to WFR8.

World Forum

RES 19 (2024)

Emblem of the World Forum

Assembly of the World Forum

Distr.: General

DD Month 2024

WFR 19 - Reforming the International Anti-Criminal Organisation (IACO) - Amending WFR8

Section A — Purpose

  1. In the light of the investigations following recent terrorist attacks in Nicholas and Great Britain (N&GB) and the attack by British forces into Romordia, the World Forum recognises the problem of possible malicious usage of the investigations to promote a certain goal.

  2. The International Anti-Criminal Organisation (from hereon, IACO) has great relevance in the prosecution of crimes. However, its powers are heavily restricted to only pursuing arrests. The development of crimes, however, has shown that often a neutral and independent investigation is not given. This resolution aims to provide the World Forum with an opportunity to conduct such an investigation by reforming the IACO into a capable organisation.

Section B - Amendments

Section A - Introduction

To maintain greater security and order, we hereby establish the International Anti-Criminal Organisation.
To ensure fair and impartial investigations and clarity in highly turbulent cases, the World Forum hereby established the International Anti-Criminal Organisation.

Section B - Terms

Section B - Goals

  • Genocide — the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation

  • IACO (pronounced ee-ah-ko) — International Anti-Criminal Organisation

  • Incoming state — State that issued the World Arrest Warrant

  • Outgoing state — State that holds the subject or subjects of the World Arrest Warrant

  • WAW — World Arrest Warrant

  1. The goals of the International Anti-Criminal Organisation (IACO) are to provide fair, impartial and thorough investigations on subjects determined by the Assembly and to help nations pursue issued World Arrest Warrants and present violators to the International Court per international law.

Section C - Mandate

Section C - Organisation

IACO shall:
  1. Be an international organisation featuring the voluntary membership of states within the World Forum,

  2. Help facilitate the legal extradition of criminals from one state to another, and

  3. Assist in bringing violators of international law before the International Court.

  1. IACO consists of voluntary member nations.

  2. IACO is headed by a director-general who is elected by a simple majority vote in the Committee for International Law. The term length of a director-general shall be 12 months.

  3. An IACO Investigation Team’s duty is to conduct investigations on a matter decided by the Assembly or by the request of the issuing nation.

  4. An IACO Response Team’s duty is to help national forces enforce World Arrest Warrants.

Section D - Responsibilities of the Assembly

Section D - Definitions

The Assembly shall be responsible to pass resolutions to
  1. define the crimes that shall exist under the scope of IACO and

  2. define what constitutes a crime against humanity or war crime in addition to the provisions of the Grovne Convention.

  1. A World Arrest Warrant (WAW) is issued by an international arrest warrant issued by a member nation requesting international assistance for an arrest.

  2. An incoming state is the state which issued the WAW.

  3. An outgoing state is the state in which the subject of the WAW is held at.

  4. An Investigation Request (IR) is issued by a member nation requesting international assistance for an investigation.

  5. An Investigation Order (IO) is issued by the Assembly launching an investigation.

Section E - World Arrest Warrant

  1. A member state may issue a World Arrest Warrant against a person for any crime under the scope of IACO.

  2. All outgoing states of IACO shall be obligated to comply with the WAW and extradite an individual or individuals to the incoming state.

  3. When the offences committed are genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes, outgoing states shall transfer the custody of individuals to IACO.

  4. An outgoing state shall be able to refuse to recognise a WAW if:

  5. the incoming state practises capital punishment or life imprisonment,

  6. the subject or subjects of the WAW are below the age of criminal responsibility in the outgoing state, or

  7. the crime that took place within the incoming state is not recognised as a crime in the outgoing state.

  8. The validity of a WAW may be challenged by any member state of IACO and can be nullified by a simple majority vote among the member states of IACO.

Section E - Authorities

  1. The IACO has the international authority to conduct investigations when instruced by the Assembly or requested by nations and help nations pursue WAWs when requested by the incoming nation.

  2. All investigation relted materials gathered by the national investigation force must be handed to the IACO investigation Team immediately after the launch of an IACO investigation and when requested by the investigation Team.

Section F - Enforcement

  1. Any member state of IACO may volunteer their correctional facilities as venues to hold individuals convicted of violating international law.

  2. Member states of IACO that fail to act on a valid WAW may be suspended or expelled by a simple majority vote among other member states of IACO.

Section F - World Arrest Warrant

  1. A member state may issue a World Arrest Warrant against a person for any crime under the scope of IACO.

  2. All outgoing states of IACO shall be obligated to comply with the WAW and extradite an individual or individuals to the incoming state.

  3. When the offences committed are genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes, outgoing states shall transfer the custody of individuals to IACO.

  4. An outgoing state shall be able to refuse to recognise a WAW if:

    1. the incoming state practises capital punishment or life imprisonment,

    2. the subject or subjects of the WAW are below the age of criminal responsibility in the outgoing state, or

    3. the crime that took place within the incoming state is not recognised as a crime in the outgoing state.

  5. The validity of a WAW may be challenged by any member state of IACO and can be nullified by a two-thirds majority vote among the member states of IACO.

Section G - Organizational structure

  1. IACO shall be headed by a director-general who shall be elected by a simple majority vote in the Committee for International Law.

  2. The director-general shall serve for a term of six months.

  3. The Committee for International Law shall determine, by a simple majority vote, the headquarters of IACO.

Section G - Enforcement

  1. Any member state of IACO may volunteer their correctional facilities as venues to hold individuals convicted of violating international law.

  2. The Assembly may take standard measures against any nation or nations refusing to cooperate with IACO.

OOC: I corrected some formatting issues.

Dear Colleagues,

after no objections to this draft, we move to vote on this resolution.

Jan Saats
Speaker of the World Forum, Ambassador for the Republic of Eflad

We formally second the motion to vote.

Helene Meise
Vice-Speaker of the World Forum, Ambassador for the Federal Republic of Gianatla

1 Like


Office of the Speaker of the World Forum

Dear colleagues,

after our motion to vote has been seconded, the vote on the Reforming the International Anti-Criminal Organisation (IACO) - Amending WFR8 in its latest form has been opened. It will close after three (3) days on the 2024-02-07T21:55:00Z2024-02-10T21:55:00Z

Reforming the International Anti-Criminal Organisation (IACO) - Amending WFR8
  • Aye
  • Abstain
  • Nay
0 voters

Jan Saats
Speaker of the World Forum, Ambassador for the Republic of Eflad

1 Like

The Central Bailtemmic Republic opposes this proposal and encourages its fellow member states to vote against it as well.

While the ambassador from Eflad may like to describe the complete absence of discussion surrounding as seeing ‘no objections,’ the truth is that there has been no proper consideration of this proposal and there thus are no proper grounds for its adoption. The prospect of adopting a resolution without any substantative debate flies in the face of the goal of the World Forum to promote international dialogue and consensus-building — there can certainly be no such dialogue and consensus-building when the Assembly instead seeks to rubber-stamp a proposal by a lone author without ever debating its merits. Some proposals may receive no objections simply because of a lack of interest. The Central Bailtemmic Republic certainly has no interest in an amendment that has no practical effect other than to waste international funding on creating a new investigative body from scratch with glaring problems, including but not limited to:

  • No consideration of due process, evidence admissibility, double jeopardy, or other aspects of justice systems that may be unique from country to country.
  • No consideration of potential biases in an investigative team, nor any provisions to ensure the impartiality of investigations.
  • No consideration of national sovereignty, including each nation’s sovereign right to control over the enforcement of its own laws.

On another note, the CBR looks forward to seeing the day when the Assembly ‘instruced’ the IACO to gather ‘investigation relted materials.’

Li Huang
Representative of the Central Bailtemmic Republic

Dear Ambassador Huang,

I appreciate your criticism; however, I pity it only comes at this moment. If there had been a way for any ambassador and representative to engage in a debate since this resolution draft was proposed in June last year, if I may remind you, after the terrible casus belli for the recent Romordian war. There were ample opportunities to engage in a debate and provide some critique, not just criticism. It is not my task as ambassador to pursue others to debate a resolution. As Speaker, I have continuously reminded the members to engage in a debate. Judging by the lack of it, there seems to be no opposition.

Your argument of “no interest” falls into water, as we say in Eflad, because it shows that the ambassadors aren’t doing their jobs. Now that is for them to think about, but what angers me the most is the claim of no use or “no practical effect.”

We have seen again and again that local investigations can be jeopardized, influenced, and used for certain, sometimes political, goals. Time has shown that we need an independent international agency that can aid the local police forces as well as conduct supra- and international investigations and arrests. I honestly do not see where the IACO infringes on due process, evidence admissibility, etc. On the contrary, due process would be guaranteed, if not in the country due to its laws, at least at the international court. The courage to claim that IACO has no respect for national sovereignty is beyond me. All members of the IACO are voluntary, and if you are trying to hint at investigations launched in non-member states, I can only advise you to leave the World Forum, as it itself can take measures against non-member states. What kind of thinking is this, honestly‽

I sincerely apologise for the typo that made it into the resolution; that shouldn’t have happened and it will be corrected. We are all humans, and it happens, but if the merit of a resolution is judged by an insignificant typo, then we have arrived at the lowest of arguments.

I urge my fellow ambassadors to vote aye on this matter to enable the WF and, with that, the international community to fulfill, or at least try to fulfill, one of the goals in the charter: “security.”

Thank you!

Jan Saats
Speaker of the World Forum, Ambassador for the Republic of Eflad



Office of the Speaker of the World Forum

Dear colleagues,
in accordance with WFR 1d Sec. D 5 and 6 the vote has been closed with four (4) votes Aye, three (3) votes Nay and one (1) abstention the resolution has passed.

Jan Saats
Speaker of the World Forum, Ambassador for the Republic of Eflad