Question for the Nation below you


Does BN like to cook?

Very much yes.

is BN currently in a war in one of the RP worlds?

Yes. Two!

Has BN ever considered doing any art form, whether writing, film, drawing, etc?

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Yes, I’m actually kind of a poet and want to one day write a novel, rn i have a idea for a short story but am waiting to have time to write it. I have also done amateur photography for a while. I’m pretty bad at drawing though.

Does BN have any worldbuilding projects outside of TSPRP?

Yes. It’s a D&D Campaign

Does BN Like D&D?

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I think I would be me and my friend group haven’t ever been able to.

Does BN’s nation take inspiration from real nations?

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Certainly not.

Does BN hate being sniped?

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I am the sniper.

Does BN have peacocks?

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Does BN use TikTok?

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Yes, but I’m thinking of deleting it

Does BN have any uncommon hobbies?

If LEGO Trains specifically counts, then yes.
Has BN ever played a Super Mario game before?

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Yes, I had New Super Mario Bros. 2 on my 3ds as a kid.

What is BN’s favorite genre of world (Sci-fi, fantasy, etc). If BN writes, is their favorite to write in different than their favorite to consume?

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Some sort of sci-fi, I would think. But more of the Dune than the Star Trek variety, if that makes sense.

What was the longest flight BN ever took?

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13 hour flight from ORD to HND (13~ Hour) for a connection to visit my grandparents in Thailand.

What is BN’s favorite kind of chocolate?

My taste in chocolate is like my sense of humor, the darker the better. I’d say around 83% cacao is my favorite.

What’s BN’s favorite book and why?

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Literally 1984. Man in dystopia tries to rise up against government, fails, hilarity insues.

What is BN’s favorite movie and why?

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Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. It’s a good movie, a good Professor Layton movie, and also (imo) the first actually good video game movie ever made.

What is BN’s opinion on the question of whether the reduced anisotropy, more optimized Li/Al ratios, and other improved qualities of third-generation aluminum-lithium alloys will successfully maintain the properties competitiveness of aluminum alloys against newer alternatives such as CFRPs and titanium, thereby securing the continued relevance of aluminum as a significant material in modern aircraft structures?

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No Opinion (Not qualified, I could totally harass my dad if you really want to know, he’s an aerospace engineer)

Can BN perform a cartwheel?

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Absolutely not

Is the BN the best fiddle player that’s ever been?

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No, that would be Johnny as he bested the devil

What’s BN’s favorite writing tool? Fountain pen, ball point, roller, etc.

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