PNN - Pacifican News Network

As Princess Relia, Duchess of Sebeș, visits victims of the Ryccian civil war in Azimi, the Vlaicu administration has committed a reconstruction budget of $ 1.2 billion to rebuild the torn nation. Furthermore, talks have begun on ways individual citizens could help to raise capital for the Ryccian government.

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It has been reported that the meetings between the states of Evinea and Emerald-Denver are currently ongoing. There has only been news of the proposed Mutual Defense Pact being discussed, but other ideas of discussion have yet to be announced.

Cybernan Police crackles down on the famous organized crime on the Autonomous City’s poorest district, Watson, the Kyogaku (教学) Gang. Reporters say that after a frequent skirmish on the City Center-Kirōshi Bridge (Yue Bridge) between another organized crime gang the Ainoshima (相島) which rules the Winston sub-district of Watson both encountered eachother on the bridge and then the skirmish began causing chaos on the bridge by gunfire and explosions from a vehicle. The Truama Team of Medical Emergency Services responded “This is a serious problem, people kept getting in the crossfire with these gangs, thankly we have the police that cracked down one of the biggests that enslaves the poor people of Watson. Both in the poorest subdistricts of the city! Kibarashi and Winston needs help from them. God be with them all!”

The sequel game to the popular sci-fi first person shooter franchise Aura has made $ 650 million in sales within 24 hours. Breaking francgise records as millions praise the game where players fight against alien hordes on mysterious rings.

In other news, Sunrise Triad elements of the emergency response teams dispatched to aid Huawan & Kliegme have started to return home. Government officials are looking into relief funds to help rebuild the damages.


Kliegmean Broadcast Studios have resumed the screening of the hit TV Show “Рок-Тихоня”(Quiet Rock), after it’s screening on saturday was cancelled due to Emergency News. Episode 05, which had been postponed, was watched by 17.8% of the nation, which is a new record.

Quiet Rock depicts the story of Artesia Glenova, a socially anxious college student, who practices Guitar to get friends.

In Ludville, there has been reports of mass armed protesters outside major Ludvillian Cities. The Ludvillian National Guard has so far refused to take up arms against their brethren, citing freedom of expression. The Union Government has now begun trying to contact the Ludvillian Government to potentially handle the situation. A report will be given later on the situation at 10:30.


Since the nuclear accident of the Ya Nuclear Plant, mobilisation of a few anti nuclear energy groups have taken the streets in Rhayna advocating for the shut down of the Rhaynan nuclear energy program and the cancellation of the construction of the Makrys Aionas long term containment facility.

Even though the political campaign period hasn’t started and the Green Movement Party leaders haven’t stated their stand in the situation, statistics point out for an slight increase in votes for the party.

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BREAKING NEWS: Contact With The Ludvillian Government has been lost. Reports of a military coup being underway are beginning to spread. The Starhawk Pact Of Foreign Affairs has ordered all Starhawk Pact Military Personnel and Citizens to evacuate Ludville following Emeraldian Intelligence confirming that the Ludvillian National Guard, Police, and Defence Force have all turned against the Free State’s Government.


The United States of Izaakia set to build walls on all of its international borders, citing potential security threats from parties in Hazelia and recent weaknesses exposed on the Keylian borders by the Ryccian assassination of President Blanc. It is currently unclear how far towards the South Pole the wall will extent.

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The Frost Empire has made an advancement in railgun technology using 3d printed parts to boost the capabilities of railgun. This is a developing story.


President Pike agrees a timetable for his resignation after his position has become untenable. This marks the 5th leader to leave office within the past 4 years.

The Thalapadian navy has installed the experimental Apollo high powered laser sistem on some ships for testing


Sukhonbu has revealed an modernized model for the MK-51 interceptor, the MK-51B, which includes a passive radar for the detection of Stealth Aircraft, amongst other additions.

It is reported that contracts have been already signed to deliver 50 MK-51B to the Kliegmean Air Force, and modernize the initial MK-51 Fleet


Reports Of A Coup In Ludvill have been confirmed after Gen. Ian Botov declared Ludville free from the Starhawk Pact, while also stating that Ludville is currently under the National Administration Council, a Military Junta made up of Nationalist Military Leaders. Figures such as Minister Jake Ludov and the Infamous Former Governor and Communist Leader Nathan Squirov whereabouts are currently unknown.

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Following reports from Ludville, Stoinian peace keeping troops all over UKED have been put on high alert. Experts speculate reinforcements will be deployed should the situation turn hot.


The Foreign Ministry of Kliegme has condemned the “Recent development that may threaten the peace in Bareland”, and stated that they are monitoring the situation carefully.


Frost Peacekeepers in the Frost Spirasian Occupation zone have been put on high alert. A military spokesperson stated that there was a severe concern over the potential Ludville unrest spilling across the border into Spiras from the UKED. The Empire has vowed to maintain the stability of the occupational zone and promised to react swiftly in the event of another invasion of Spiras by hostile factions originating from the UKED establishing safe corridors for Spirasian refugees to evacuate from potential warzones.


The Chair of the 1918 Committee has said that candidates for leadership of the liberal party and therefore the country have until Wednesday 8th of February to meet the threshold of 20 members required to stand for the election.

General the Duchess Clara Storm has launched a campaign to become leader of the Liberal Party. Until recently she was General in Command of the Izaakian Special Air Service, following 20 years of distinguished service. She led several missions in N&GB including the capture of Nicholas, the operation in Valora to rescue 2 downed airmen from a Ryccian Prison, the Strike that prevented the assassins of President Blanc from escaping and Rescuing Empress Astrid from the attempted coup by Ernest Le Rogue, for which she received a duchy.
Widely known as the Iron Duchess, she is seen as an experienced and savvy pair of hands. She joined parliament late last year in a bi-election for the vacant seat that President Blanc held. She is known to be more socially conservative, however she is known to be a committed reformer which has led to the recent successes of the SAS.

In a shocking turn of events the Termina Commerce Confederacy has suspended the export licenses of Vexen Village and Kaiji Valley preventing them from exporting goods and services abroad. The move has angered both City-States and has sent shockwaves across the Confederacy. Analysts have viewed the suspension of the export license as a means to punish both City-States who are suspected of acting as proxies for the USI and Ryccian Federation respectively. It is also suspected that the two city-states have been undermining the overall Terminan markets as their competition for influence has spilled onto the day to day affairs of Terminans.