PNN - Pacifican News Network

Anja Kloestraun, a member of Vrigny’s Party For the Animals, has reportedly flown towards FiHami. Wearing a shark suit and carrying a sign with “Save the sharks!” written on it, she has stood in front of FiHami’s Parliament in order to protest such war against the sharks, and hopes that other Finixi citizens join her in order to pressure the country’s Parliament into ending the Shark War as soon as possible.


Izaakia Accused of “Expansionism” as Krauanagaz and Zuhlgan React to Operation Turquoise Seas

South Cordilia— Tensions escalate as Krauanagaz and Zuhlgan respond sharply to Izaakia’s newly announced Operation Turquoise Seas, which increases patrols and grants the Izaakian navy rights to engage “potentially hostile parties” in key shipping and air routes. Krauanagaz has condemned the operation as “unwarranted expansionism” that threatens regional stability, accusing Izaakia of using the conflict in South Cordilia as a pretext for militarizing critical trade routes. In a statement, the Krauanagazan Secretary of State, Darius Korin, warned of “severe consequences” should Izaakian forces interfere with Krauanagazan or Emeraldian assets or provoke military actions.

Zuhlgan has echoed similar concerns, calling the move a, “direct challenge to sovereignty and security,” in the Gulf region. Zuhlgani officials claim that the operation is part of a broader Izaakian agenda to dominate strategic maritime zones, and have vowed to coordinate with regional allies to protect their shipping lanes. Zuhlgani Foreign Affairs chief, Autark Kula H’kara, has issued a stern warning, stating that Zuhlgan, “will not stand idly by as foreign powers seek to exploit the ongoing conflict for territorial gain.” Both nations are now reviewing their military postures in the Gulf amid rising fears of potential clashes with Izaakian naval forces.

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Heavy Fighting Erupts as Krauanagaz and Emerald Launch Border Offensive

BREAKING— Allied forces have crossed the border into Zuhlgan, marking the beginning of what appears to be a full-scale invasion. Krauanagazan and Emeraldian troops are engaging Zuhlgani defenses in heavy fighting along several key points of the border. Initial reports indicate intense clashes as ground units and armored divisions push into Zuhlgani territory, with airstrikes and artillery fire providing support.

Correspondents near the front lines have described the sound of constant shelling and explosions lighting up the night sky as both sides commit their forces to the escalating battle. According to military sources, the primary objectives appear to include strategic military installations and critical infrastructure near the border.

The Krauanagazan and Emeraldian governments have yet to issue official statements, but analysts suggest this marks a significant escalation in the conflict, with the invasion potentially aiming to dismantle Zuhlgani military capabilities. Local sources in Zuhlgan report that government forces are responding rapidly, with Zuhlgani air defenses and ground troops mounting a fierce resistance.


The Izaakian Foreign Office has criticised statements from Krauangaz and Zhulgan saying “Izaakia has been forced to take these steps to contain damage and chaos that Krauanagaz and Zhuglan are causing with their wars and proxy’s. Izaakia cannot stand idly by and allow that chaos to expand and further impact Izaakian interests. Furthermore, it will not tolerate conflict across the Cape of Good Hope in Keyli.”


10 sharks were killed, a total of 874 FiHami soldiers killed during the Great FiHami-Shark War of 2024. Military Captains issued the official surrender.

Shark Whisperer Ali Aikinata is representing the sharks for the treaty. Current proposals may include ceding the FiHami military base to the sharks, the formation of shark sanctuaries, and legally recognizing sharks as a holy creature.


The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
Kalaki has critised FiHami for going to war with sharks. “We have already seen 87 FiHami soldiers die for every shark killed. At this rate, FiHami may lose all their military personnel before they win this war.”


Montwælda Rombold and the Cabinet to return to Keyli 2 months ahead of the current schedule. The Office for the Montwælda cited specific regional issues to resolve.

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The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
Nexui in West Kalaki was shaken awake by an alleged earthquake at 3:16 AM. There were leaks about an alleged nuclear weapons test in Kalaki but not near any population centers, the Ministry of Defense told the Daily Penguin “We have tested nuclear weapons, in a region 150 kilometers south, away from Nexui.” When asked about the quake, the Ministry simply said “No comment.”


One of Vrigny’s largest furniture store chains, Bricer, has started to sell a new addition to their playful plushy collection: the Sylzak (Blue Shark). Many Vrignyans, not only children who were the target audience for the plushy, have started to buy one to have it at home.

While some, who are members of the PFtA, claim that this is to show support for the sharks who had to fight against FiHami, others just say that the Sylzak is “pretty cute”, and that it looks like a “nice friend”.


Keanuan Foreign Minister Kauai announces that the USI will pay $35 million a year to help K&H in its counter-smuggling operations. On top of that, Izaakia will lease and maintain 4 helicopters to K&H for border controls at the nominal price of $1 per year.


“In pursuing total devotion to Ha’Fi-Nix and the good she has done to the nation, we have lost sight of the other aspects of the Finixi religion and culture. We exalt all the celebrations and practices devoted to the sun and the fire falcons, but our ancestors venerated the moon, the stars, the sharks, the schools of fish, the storms of the rainy season, the winds, the cats, the insects, the very waves of the ocean that brought our people here, everything. The Finixi people loved the entirety of Pacifica, and now we make a mockery of ourselves. We elect war-hungry fools, we ignore everything but the sun, and even then we make a fool of of our traditions.”

This paragraph stems from the Finixi Right Party member Shi’afi Hana’alei, protesting the “Antarchification” of FiHami. Other people are rallying behind the empassioned speaker, some going as far as to “reclaim their Finixi gender” and have petitioned to remove biological gender markers from FiHami identification.

“Finixi genders and naming customs were far different than the Antarchified versions of today. In ancient FiHami, Ha’Wa was our leader, they could be anyone who leads their family, whether biologically male or female. In the modern day, we always assume biologically female Finixis were matriarchs when that is not always the case. The modern concept of gender was defined by your energy, and your energy was determined by whether a child seemed to be more athletic, or more book-smart, or a leader, or creative. Your name would not be given at birth as it is in Antarchi culture, you had a child name until you reached adulthood and your energy was read by Ha’Wa. Even the family unit was destroyed, the Finixi way was for the athletics to pair with leaders, scholars, and creatives as the protectors of the family unit, while the leaders were the parent figures, and all the children, unpartnered athletics, the creatives, and the scholars would stay home. Now, it is a biological “female” and a biological “male” and their offspring.” An expert on Finixi Gender Studies chimed in. “Society would be much better if we returned to the old ways.”


Fierce Clashes Erupt as Allied Troops Advance into Zuhlgani Borderlands

South Cordilia— A full-scale invasion is now underway as Krauanagazan and Emeraldian forces have crossed into Zuhlgani territory, marking the largest escalation in the ongoing Gulf War. The invasion, which many predicted would serve as a turning point in the conflict, comes after months of heightened tensions between the Gulf powers. As of today, allied forces are locked in fierce combat along key strategic positions on the Krauanagaz-Zuhlgan border, with major engagement points across the frontlines.

The operation commenced in the early hours of Oct. 7 with coordinated airstrikes, targeting Zuhlgani military installations near the border and deeper into the Prira region. Strategic infrastructure hubs around Ozákla were also hit, as allied forces consisting of Krauanagazan mechanized infantry and Emeraldian armored divisions launched a multi-pronged assault, advancing into Zuhlgani territory.

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The ISA (Izaakian Space Agency) launches a rocket nicknamed Quakers Oorts. The mission aims to sample the comet Gentoo 12 as it nears Pacifica in its 80,000 year orbit. The comet is from the Oort Cloud in the extreme outer solar system, and samples will transform our understanding of the outer solar system.


Roiwek Times | In San Marsico
The People’s Space Ministry (San Marsico), and the Liberator’s Space Agency (Marica) have started work on a space rover to collect samples of Tyr, which will be the first time the PSM has launched a space-worthy vehicle in 20 years, while this will be the second space launch for the LSA in 2 years. // Yannick Foze

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Yayyára, Krauanagaz — Despite the tense wartime atmosphere, the candidates running for Krauanaet in the November election have all agreed to attend a televised debate on Saturday evening.

Running for Krauanaet in the snap election is embattled incumbent Lyra Zharan, who is being challenged by another prominent member of the Left Coalition (LI), Taaayya Lithin. Lithin is a first-term Magistrate in the Ludikiari, who has rapidly risen through LI ranks and presides over the Ludikiari as the First Magistrate.

Other candidates running for Krauanaet are Thalira Renkara (SV), Zarys Dukvin (HK), Lurik Taarek (ML), and Selvan Kairn (LS).

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The Sedunnic minister for defence has stated that Sedunnic naval escorts in the Gulf of Good Omen will continue to protect Sedunnic and third party vessels from piracy and that Sedunnic ships will “retaliate against those who attack ships under its protection”. This will apply to traffic at 60°S and south.


Horlanex, one of Vrigny’s main aerospace defence companies has just finished a testing project, in cooperation with the Vrignyan Air Force, of new long range missiles that are capable of being fired by Vrignyan jets.

This offers new posibilities to the Vrignyan Air Force, which have historically depended on guided bombs and dumb bombs due to the Air Force’s ground strike capability preference over total air supremacy.


The Prime Minister has been described by staff in Parliament as ‘gorgousness personified’.

Deputy Prime Minister Garcia’s wife has shared a rare photo of their son.


Prime Minister Walton has announced that there is to be a special session in Parliament this evening to discuss Joanna Barrett’s actions as Prime Minister and to decide on how Barrett should go on sitting in Parliament, if at all.

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The Akarinan ministry of defense has offered to give 115 F/N-19A fighters to Krauanagaz to help in the war with Zuhlgan.

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