PNN - Pacifican News Network

BREAKING— Krauanagaz confirms its naval forces opened fire on what they called a NaGB munitions ship. In a statement the Krauanagazan Defense Department claimed the ship was transporting, “highly sensitive military materials,” to Zuhlgan. Krauanagaz has not yet offered evidence to support their claims.

NaGB has called the attack, "an unprovoked and egregious act of aggression. " The attack on the commercial ship killed 3 of its crew and injured 14.

This is a developing story.

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“Pyhdon has condemned *Aberstopia (@genericsequencealias) for siding with those who want to destabalise this continent.” Al-Gassam said at a press conference this morning in Al-Adhan Cherkhyre

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OOC: Akarina is owned by @isurvivedurm0m

Alcoalitania has placed sanctions on Pyhdon, Krauanagaz, NAGB, and Zhulgan due to increasing conflicts in Southern Cordilia. The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that “This conflict is and will always be a stalemate. The governments of all nations that we have placed sanctions on need to take action to negotiate a ceasefire between all parties.”

Long-time head journalist Nadia Kassab of the Free Media of Alcoalitania, also a notorious critic of “literally all governments” has criticized Pyhdon’s mismanagement of missiles, adding that “Pyhdon’s president is a funny excuse of a politician”. Nadia added that responding to the conflict with a missile is a “great and unnecessary escalation to the war, which will only bring more terror to the people of the targeted nation”.

Nadia also condemned all nations that responded to this with a humorous tone, as the missile reportedly killed thousands; “People are joking about this, but what about the people that died? What about the damages done to the building? The people’s response to this was very ignorant”.


Nicholas and Great Britain makes a formal apology to West Romordia for the events that took place in 2021, where many West Romordian civilians were interrogated and tortured for being suspected of being rebels. The events led to Izaakia invading Nicholas and Great Britain and West Romordia’s independence before they got invaded by NaGB for supporting terrorists some time later. Whilst West Romordian and certain NaGB politicians were pleased with the apology, it is unpopular amongst more hardline Socialist Nationalist Party politicians, with one MP calling Supreme Leader Nicholas McGregor “weak” and “a coward.”


Izaakian Foreign Minister Scarlett Blanc calls the N&GB regimes apologies beyond a joke, and said that Izaakia will continue to press for Romordian independence, and the overthrow of the Nicholas regime. She went on to accuse the regime of systematic human rights abuses.


King Keanu attends the launch of his new documentary film on the lifecycle of electric cars. During the filming he traveled to battery recycling plants in The USI and a car factory in Sedunn as he followed the building of his new bespoke electric vehicle, with features such as a bbq, convertible roof with surfboard mounts and a refrigerator. The aim of the documentary project is to encourage the transition to electric vehicles in K&H and the wider region.


The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
Kalaki is soon to start talks with Izaakia on a military alliance, to the support of the Triangle Alliance. These talks will hopefully increase security in the Western part of Keyli, and increase security in the Gulf of Good Omen.

Kraunítaal, Krauanagaz— Krauanagaz has suffered yet another massive cybersecurity breach according to the nation’s defense department, marking the second major attack on its national infrastructure in less than three months. Early reports from the Krauanagazan Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) indicate that multiple government and private sector systems have been compromised, including sensitive military and financial networks.

According to officials, the breach appears to have been a coordinated attack, with hackers gaining access to classified information and disrupting critical services. Several major banks, telecommunications providers, and energy companies have reported outages and data losses. Government websites and services are also affected, leaving citizens without access to essential online portals.

The DIA has launched an emergency response and is working to contain the breach, but the full extent of the damage is still being assessed. Preliminary investigations suggest the attack may have originated from foreign entities, with fingers being pointed at hostile powers involved in the ongoing Gulf conflict, particularly the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan.

In a statement, the Krauanagazan government condemned the breach as an act of cyber warfare, calling it a “blatant attack on national security and sovereignty.” Officials have warned that this breach could have severe consequences for the country’s defensive capabilities and financial stability.

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OOC: I’m not taking part I am trying to stop Zughlan

Al-Gassam Perishes after Explosion on Highway
Ozjie- Al-Gassam has recently died in a car accident.

‘The President was racing down the highway, when I felt a slight shudder under me. An inferno erupted immediately under him. As soon as he realised his fuel tank had exploded, his car started flying through the air. Everyone in that car was prolly already dead, but then the unthinkable happened. He crashed into a building. The car destroyed the building, leaving rubble all over the place.’ -said a witness.

In a speech later yesterday, Skye iterated “That is what you get for bombing Malheureuesement. Mission Accomplished, guys! We got him. ” There was no context given to this statement


Krauanagaz Threatens Retaliation After Devastating Cyberattack as Zuhlgan Denies Responsibility

The Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan has officially denied responsibility for the recent cybersecurity breach that has again crippled Krauanagaz’s national infrastructure. In a statement released by Zuhlgan’s Foreign Ministry, officials rejected accusations of involvement in the attack, calling them “baseless and inflammatory.”

“Zuhlgan categorically denies any role in the recent cyberattacks against Krauanagaz. We have no interest in escalating tensions through such methods, and we view these allegations as an attempt by Krauanagaz to shift blame for its own internal failures,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Adesh Tarnas. “We call on Krauanagaz to refrain from further provocations and focus on resolving its internal crises rather than accusing foreign states.”

Full Article


Patriarch Aleksej II, the leader of the Romordian Church and recently made a government member by Goran Zagorac (the new leader of East Romordia after the military coup) has denounced the Britolasic Church (the largest Christian denomination in NaGB), calling it “heretical”.

As a result, the Britolasic Church has been banned in East Romordia. All East Romordian memembers of the Britolasic Church must publicly swear allegiance to the Romordian Church and denounce the Britolasic Church. Failure to do so will result in arrest.


Roiwek Times | In San Marsico
San Marsico President Weliki Vanzuik and Marica President Joanna Kiloa voiced their condolences for the people of Phydon-Falistrica after Al-Gassam died in a car accident. “We are sad to hear that Al-Gassam has passed away, but we must move on.” - Weliki Vanzuik at a speech in Xaikor// Alki Gruik


Krauanagaz Launches Missile Strike on Zuhlgani Cyberwarfare Infrastructure in Major Escalation

BREAKING— Krauanagaz has launched a missile strike against Zuhlgani cyberwarfare infrastructure, marking a significant escalation in the ongoing Gulf conflict and the first direct military strike by either side within the territory of the other. The operation targeted key Zuhlgani facilities believed to house cyber operations responsible for recent devastating cyberattacks on Krauanagaz.

According to Krauanagazan defense officials, the missile strike destroyed several buildings linked to Zuhlgani cyber operations, crippling what Krauanagaz claims are the very centers coordinating cyber aggression against its national infrastructure.

“This was a calculated strike on the nerve centers of hostile operations designed to destabilize our nation. We acted to protect our sovereignty,” a Krauanagazan government spokesperson stated.

Zuhlgan has condemned the strike as a “blatant act of war” and vowed retaliation, raising fears of further escalation. Zuhlgani state media reported that several people were killed or injured in the strike, though exact figures remain unclear.

International analysts warn that this unprecedented attack could lead to a broader military confrontation between the two South Cordilian powers. The World Forum has called for urgent diplomatic talks, with fears growing that the conflict could spiral further out of control.


The Jakubian presidential debate has recently occurred on October 1. The highly anticipated moment saw an attempt from the Jakubian Liberal Party to make a small movement as the Coalition Party and Conservative Party hold their positions as the two largest parties. Despite the strong pushes from the Coalition Party and the Conservative Party, having both presidential and vice-presidential candidates be incumbents, is still seen to have a slight majority in the overall election.

Fabian Stachurski, current head of the Jakubian parliament, has seen a significant loss in favor after it was revealed that he had taken 1.2 million Jakubian Dollars from lobbying groups who stood against his supported policies.


BREAKING— Yayyára is engulfed in chaos as fires rage across the city following a massive barrage of missiles launched from Zuhlgan. Sirens blare through the streets, with civilians scrambling for safety as military targets were struck, but widespread collateral damage has left entire districts in ruins. Reports are emerging of significant casualties, and thousands are feared displaced. This marks a dangerous escalation in the conflict, with tensions at an all-time high following Krauanagaz’s missile strikes inside Zuhlgan earlier today.


The Daily Penguin - Kalaki
Kalaki started talks about giving Krauanagaz (@Kobegr01) 12 MRAD Air Defense systems. “These systems will increase Krauanagaz’s defenses, and also will allow safe return of citizens to their homes”-Kalo Gryuik, Ministry of Defense - Kalaki. Kalaki has also started mobilizing troops to help in the rebuild of Krauanagaz.


Not long after the Patriarch of the Romordian Church denounced the Britolasic Church, West Romordian rebels publicly beheaded members of a small Britolasic church in a village in rebel-controlled territory in front of all the villagers.


The Marica Journal
The Triangle Alliance nations have increased Naval training in the Bay of Alika in Kalaki, most of the training are coastal defenses and assaults . This training will start usage of new amphibious CROC amphibious landing ships, and new Amphibious launch ships.