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(OOC: ITAK News - #40 by Kliegme) + (OOC: Ironically, I wrote the article draft before the exit poll)

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Stoinian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mircea Ghencea, has called the recent promises by Qaweritoyu’s Prime Minister a “masked moral revolution” that aims to “impose its questionable morality on its citizenry”. Additionaly, the Vegetarian Laws were described as “moral utopianism separating humanity from nature instead of living in harmony with it”. Furthermore, Minister Ghencea questioned with which financial means Qaweritoyu would be able to actualise its plans, speculating on whether taking loans from its partner Izaakia or other nations would be morally consistent with the Prime Minister’s ideology. When asked on why Stoinia would seek to strengthen trade with Qaweritoyu, he said: “Dealing with nations that want to excell morally are notoriously difficult partners to form a commercial relationship with that Stoinia seeks. Within Qaweritoyu’s region, Stoinia has historic trade partners such as Ryccia & Valora and promising prospects such as Yttria & the UPRAN.”


When asked about the new developments in the parliament of Qaweritoyu in a public press conference in the Imperial Court, The Peony said: “I like that they used a lot of words.”


World Watches Anxiously as South Cordilian Leaders Face Pivotal Moment

The escalating conflict in Southern Cordilia has reached a critical juncture, with Krauanagaz and Zuhlgan preparing for an emergency meeting at the World Forum’s HQ on Wednesday next week. Both nations have accused each other of initiating fatal skirmishes in Southern Mitallduk, leading to significant civilian displacement and a deepening humanitarian crisis. The Krauanagazan Human Rights Commission reports that nearly 1.3 million people have been forcibly displaced or displaced, and over 27,000 civilians have been killed since the conflict began. Amidst the widespread chaos, the race to secure Mitallduk’s nuclear arsenal adds a particularly dangerous element to the conflict, with bothKrauanagaz and Zuhlgan vying for control of Mitallduk’s nuclear facility. As the world watches, the upcoming diplomatic talks are crucial in determining whether the region can avoid all-out war.

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After meeting with Izaakian Foreign Secretary Noor Aqaba in Clearhill, Prime Minister Walton has announced that, in relation to the conflict going on in Mitallduk, Qaweritoyu will remain neutral and support conflict resolution.

Prime Minister Walton announced today that next week, he will commence weekly meetings with the Cabinet in order to put together the Government’s Parliamentary schedule for the 2024/2025 Parliamentary year. He urged his counterparts in the Shadow Administration and other parties to do the same.


BREAKING— A source close to Krauanagazan Secretary of State Darius Korin has claimed that in a senior staff meeting earlier today the Secretary referred to the upcoming meeting with Zuhlgan at the World Forum Headquarters as, “a complete waste of time.”

The State Department denies that Secretary Korin made such a statement with a spokesperson stating,

“While it is unfortunate that unverified and potentially misleading information is being circulated, Secretary Korin remains committed to pursuing all available diplomatic avenues. The upcoming meeting at the World Forum is a critical opportunity to address the escalating tensions and work towards a peaceful resolution. Secretary Korin and the entire Krauanagazan delegation are fully dedicated to engaging in constructive dialogue and finding a path forward for the sake of regional stability and humanitarian relief.”

The alleged comment has stirred controversy and skepticism about the potential efficacy of the upcoming talks. However, both Krauanaet Zharan and the Zuhlgani Foreign Affairs Ministry have reiterated their willingness to attend the emergency session, emphasizing the urgent need for a resolution.

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The Ecological Protection Agency, a department under the Ministry of Environment, reports that the population of Itrysh Eels has been on a steady increase since 2023. This was made possible thanks to increased interest from the Kliegmeans and new laws passed after the incident with Termina.


It has emerged this morning that there was an attack on the Prime Minister’s car in the early hours of the morning. The Prime Minister was not in his car and he is safe. He has hired 24/7 security to guard his house and property.

Deputy Prime Minister Garcia has condemned the attack on the Prime Minister’s car. He is calling on the nation to stand against violence. He said, ‘Just like that, we could have had no Prime Minister this morning. Stand against violence.’

The Coalition Government’s Majority has been reduced from 165 to 164 as Hetty Ramos becomes the newest Deputy Speaker. Following her election, the Deputy Speaker resigned her Party to become Independent, as is required of Speakers and Deputy Speakers.

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Yayyára, Krauanagaz— The Krauanagazan Defense Department has released a statement announcing the withdrawal of Coalition forces from Kevpríg Province in Southern Krauanagaz. The forces have been deployed alongside Kevpríg Provincial Militia units since February combatting Red K militant activity in the region.

The announcement comes amid a rapidly escalating conflict developing in Mitallduk, where Krauanagaz and Zuhlgan are seemingly vying for regional dominance. The Defense Department emphasized that the fight against Red K and MOT militants in Southern Krauanagaz was ongoing, and expressed confidence in the Kevpríg Provincial Militia’s ability to supress the violence and apprehend the perpetrators.

The statement did not clarify whether the units were being redeployed elsewhere or if they are just being rotated out to be replaced with new divisions.

Minister-President Tapoa has held a speech in the capital Paparā saying to Pekelaui citizens his plans to modernize the nation’s service industry by being a leader in cryptocurrencies. The plan includes a national digital currency that everyone can use in the islands nation.


Leader of the Opposition Charles Boulangerie of the Framboise Madeleine Party announces his retirement from politics in order to spend more time on his family and concentrate on improving his health through rehabilitation.

Charles Boulangerie has been one of the most consequential politicians of the last decade. He first served as Chancellor of the Exchequer under the Conservative Government of Ernest LeRogue before defecting to the liberal party of Stella Blanc and causing the Le Rogue Premiership to collapse. During his short time in opposition he was assaulted by PM Valkyrie Mountbatten, who caused Boulangerie to become paralysed. Later the wheelchair bound Boulangerie became Foreign Secretary under President Blanc, before resigning over her policy in N&GB and forming a new party the Framboise Madeleine.

Under his leadership the party has grown from strength to strength gaining vote share and becoming the main opposition party in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Boulangerie regained motion in his legs earlier this year following a successful spinal surgery.

In his resignation speech, he called on his party and the nation not to take democracy for granted, and to fight for peace. Montwælda Rombold described Boulangerie as a man of principle and a dedicated public servant.


24 dead and13 missing after the Southern section of Cecino Bridge on the A4 Highway in Picentania, Andrendia, collapsed into the Picentino River. The Bridge was under maintenance and a wrong maneuver by one of the cranes hit the Beidge’s Southern section’s third support beam causing the collapse of the road. The slow traffic created by the maintanance on the bridge caused a large collumn of cars to fall alongside the bridge in the waters of the river, 20 meters below. The authorities are currently searching for the missing people in the River and recovering the bodies of the victims. All traffic on the A4 Highway in Picentania will be temporarily rerouted onto other roads.


Prime Minister Margarita Solaya has ruptured her spleen, according to a statement released by her office. She is currently undergoing care at Francisco Arbanne Medical Hospital in Valencia.

The Office of the Prime Minister released the following statement:

Prime Minister Solaya is undergoing emergency treatment at the Francisco Arbanne Medical Hospital in Valencia after suffering a spontaneous splenic injury. While it is unclear Prime Minister Solaya’s current state, she is expected to survive. In the meantime, Deputy Prime Minister Aloe Román has assumed the duties of the Prime Minister.


The 5 members of the surfing cult accused of kidnapping the Coron’shi have all been charged with high treason. The surfing cult is being held in FiHami’s highest security prison while a trial is in process.


BREAKING— In a video posted to the social media network, Pasture, a multi-story apartment building in Southern Mitallduk is seen allegedly being struck by a Krauanagazan artillery shell. The Krauanagazan Defense Department has not confirmed or denied the claim, but did say that an investigation into the incident has begun.

According to Barrier Islands Civil Liberties Union (BICLU) observers in Mitallduk, dozens of civilians were injured in the explosion and at least 2 people were killed. The blast significantly damaged the upper floors of the building, rendering it unfit for occupancy. However some of the residents have nowhere else to go.

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Yayyára, Krauanagaz— In a 6-3 ruling, the Capital District Court has ruled that changing the date of a scheduled legislative election goes against the principles of the Federation Charter. In the ruling, the majority said that any alteration to the election timeline undermines the democratic process and violates the foundational principles of the Federation Charter, which guarantees the right to regular and timely elections.

The decision comes after a contentious debate within the Krauanagazan parliament, the Ludoraiya, where some lawmakers had proposed accelerating the election due to the ongoing conflict and faltering public confidence in the ruling government. Opponents argued that such a move would set a dangerous precedent and could be used to erode democratic norms.

“The court’s ruling reaffirms the importance of maintaining the integrity of our electoral processes,” said District Judge Eliana Varik. “Regular elections are a cornerstone of our democracy and any deviation from this schedule must be thoroughly justified and in line with constitutional provisions.”

The ruling mandates that the legislative election proceed as originally scheduled, despite the challenges posed by the current conflict. The government has been instructed to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and accessibility of the election for all eligible voters. The court also found that constitutional snap elections may take place no sooner than 60 days following the certification of a SNAP Election resolution. However, the court mandated that the recently approved snap election for Krauanaet must take place during this year’s scheduled legislative elections.

Reactions to the ruling have been mixed, with supporters praising it as a victory for democracy, while critics argue that it fails to account for the extraordinary circumstances facing the nation. The government now faces the dual challenge of managing an upcoming national election in November while also addressing the escalating conflict and humanitarian crisis in Mitallduk.

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Pohnarras, Krauanagaz— A trusted source inside the Krauanagazan Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) the has stated that investigation into the explosion of the hijacked Izaakian cargo vessel has experienced a significant breakthrough, and said that Emeraldian Intelligence and the Federal Defense Intelligence Agency have become involved in the investigation. Suggesting that a larger scheme may be afoot.

Minister-President Tapoa received Stoinian Minister of Energy Cornel Pîrvu today for the inaugurational ceremony of the Coral Link interconnector’s second power cable. The expansion is a 1400 MW submarine DC power cable connecting Mārunga’s Ahi Whenua geothermal reactor with the Siculites & Pekelau. Construction began five years ago and suffered some delays due to the Ryccian junta’s coup. Now the $ 2.3 billion project is operational and provides Pekelau & the Siculites of a reliable & sustainable energy source. Pekelaui citizens have celebrated the completion of the project and are calling MP Tapoa the Energy King for tackling Pekelau’s increased energy demand over the decade relying on oil imports.

To celebrate the inauguration, the Pekelaui government launched 36 Bush War era military vehicles bought from Sallodesia into the South Pacific Ocean to form additional coral reefs. This way, the Pekelaui government hopes to restore lost parts of the reef due to pollution.


Headlines Today

Krauanagaz Aid Package Suspended

The Huawanese Parliament has unanimously voted to suspend the Krauanagaz aid package until the crisis in the south ends. Royal Prime Minister Guliu Mikuri says that the act of potentially having the aid and reconstruction package being used for war is “irresponsible”. It is expected that there will be high level talks with the Krauanagazian Ludoraiya very soon.

Increased Military Presence in Southern Border

With increased tensions in Southern Cordilia, Huawan has mobilized some of its troops and vehicles to its southern border in preparation for a military and diplomatic intervention in the Krauanagaz-Mitallduk-Zhuglan crisis. Although it is unclear if Huawan will actually proceed with an intervention due to stalled discussions, there are calls to resolve the situation and open communication channels in the WF.