PNN - Pacifican News Network

Kraudukra Free News

Unexplained Communications Blackout on Pohnarras

BREAKING: Pohnarras Island plunged into a communications blackout as all cell and internet services ceased around 12:00 PM local time. KFN journalists on the island are unreachable. The government’s continued silence raises concerns amid the ongoing crisis. The island has been a battleground, with the Red K insurgency, military operations, and a declared Free-Fire Zone in Parnasos. Over 70,000 civilians remain trapped on Pohnarras according to the latest update. The escalating conflict involves the Federal Army, the Emeraldian Royal Marine Corps, and heightened international pressure on Krauanagaz to suppress the insurgency. The blackout is an alarming development in the crisis, hindering information flow and intensifying fears for the trapped population’s safety. Authorities have yet to provide explanations. The situation on Pohnarras remains critical and shrouded in uncertainty.

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The Izaakian Treasury falls victim to the largest heist in history after a Treasury Cargo plane transporting money from the Imperial Mint in New Mako to the Brodlancian capital of Hopstown was robbed earlier today. It is believed the robbers stowed away on the aircraft ahead of loading, and remained in situ until they Hijacked the plane over Alzacja, they attached parachutes to the cargo before airdropping them into the remote southern forests of Slaughter State. The hijacker’s then disabled the planes communications and navigation before jumping themselves. The plane was escorted by the IAF to landing after it was found to not be responsive.

The perpetrators remain at large, and the government is confident that the police will catch the robbers who managed to steal $1.2 billion.


The government introduces emergency currency control measures. Under the measures it is now illegal to pay for anything over $5000 in cash, and illegal to leave the country with more than $10,000 without prior approval from the government. The Izaakian Federal Police believe it will be impossible to hide $1.2 billion, and they will find the perpetrators


A national binding referendum has been initiated for the elimination of nuclear weapons in the Federal Republic of Besern. The Besernian Electoral Authority has now started to call on all Besernian citizens to check their register of electors, and if need be, apply to vote.

The referendum will take place on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, with stations to be designated and officiated on this 25th, polling beginning on the day at 6.00am, ending at 3.00pm and a transparent count-on-the-spot right after polls have closed. The question is as follows;

Do you wish for the deactivation, elimination and subsequent prohibition of nuclear weapons, currently operated by the Besernian military, under the accords of the Nuclear Armament (Referendum) Act of 2024 and the International Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons?


Kraudukra Free News

BREAKING: Military Withdraws From Pohnarras Island; 70,000 Civilians, Military Equipment Left on Island With Red K Insurgency; Mitallduk, Zuhlgan Hold Emergency Nat’l Security Meetings

BREAKING: The Department of Defense announced on Pasture™ the withdrawal of Federation forces from Pohnarras Island, citing overwhelming financial strain and mounting casualties. The decision leaves over 70,000 civilians and significant amounts of military equipment trapped on Pohnarras Island with the Red K insurgency. KFN reporters, evacuated alongside the military, report witnessing a significant amount of military equipment being left behind due to transportation constraints. Some of the abandoned equipment appears to have been rendered inoperable to prevent misuse by Red K or other militant groups on Pohnarras.

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The Keanuan Election Campaign enters its final week, meaning the first of the 3 Major Televised events. In the opening event each of the main political leaders are interviewed by King Keanu, this is generally seen as an opportunity to outline policies leading into the election, and the questions are usually quite easy on the candidates. The entire show lasts 1hr30 with each leader getting 20minutes of interview time.

The second tv event will happen on Tuesday, and is a more open format, with all the candidates going head to head with questions from the public.

The third TV event will happen on Thursday, the night before the election. This is the most formal debate, and is often seen by leaders as a chance to deal the final blows before the election, this debate is often the most brutal.


The Ateemar imperial navy (AIN) has started naval exercises in the cordilian sea. The reason for the exercises is suspected to be Mitallduk’s recent nuclear test, to which Ateemara has notably responded strongly, even going as far as hinting to the idea of direct intervention if anything similar happens again. The exercises are scheduled to last untill the 27th of February after which the ships involved will return to their standard duties.


Krauanagaz RightVoice

EXCLUSIVE: Emerald Royal Marine Captain Storms Into Federal Army Chief’s Office; Engages in “Shouting Match” Over Pohnarras Withdrawal

Reports from sources at Fort Tallduk Zoa in Alkantara reveal a dramatic confrontation between Captain Johan Kellson of the 1st Marine Division and General Markus Vinton, Chief of Staff of the Federal Army. The heated exchange centered on the strategic implications of the Federation’s withdrawal from Pohnarras Island and criticisms of Krauanagazan civilian leadership. Our sources describe Captain Kellson breaching multiple levels of security, completely disregarding the orders of Military Police to confront General Vinton directly. One source close to Captain Kellson told KRV, “The Captain was infuriated by what he sees as a strategic blunder. He believes the withdrawal undermines the progress made against Red K, and he couldn’t contain his frustration. Kellson felt compelled to challenge the decision at the highest level.” Multiple sources confirm that the discussion escalated into a, “shouting match,” reflecting the deep divisions within the military high command over the handling of the Pohnarras crisis. A source within General Vinton’s circle stated, “Vinton is facing immense pressure, and this clash with Kellson adds to the strain. The disagreement reflects differing perspectives on the overall strategy. The General is resolute that the decision is in the best interest of the Federation, despite dissent within the High Command.”

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Kliegmean sources has confirmed that Kliegmean Humanitarian aid has successfully withdrawn from the island safely, and is now heading home. It is expected that Humanitarian aid will end for Krauganaz, due to the fact that there now is no way to safely deliver such aid to the Island’s population.


King Keanu bars 6 independent candidates and one Social Action Party candidate from the election due to either criminal records or inability to verify the 20 signatures required to stand as Chief.
Additionally, 5 party members from the party selection lists have been barred due to criminal records that had not previously been disclosed to the parties.


The Sedunnic ministers for Business and Industry and Civil Defence have announced that 3D printers and similar products can be purchased VAT-free if owners volunteer their printers for emergency use by Sedunnic civilian, military and rescue agencies. The purpose is to increase availability of spare parts during local or national emergencies. Owners will soon be able to register their machines online, but previously purchased machines are not tax-deductible. Manufacturers of systems used by Sedunnic agencies and utilities are understood to be required to adapt their future designs to allow replacement with 3D-printed parts to a higher degree.


Sedunnic President Vimmru Innienn has sent out an invitation to leaders of nuclear-weapon states who have not signed or ratified the TPNW to “discuss responsible testing, non-proliferation and steps toward reducing the world’s nuclear arsenals”. Sedunn has signed but not ratified the TPNW and is understood to be willing to reduce its arsenal or disarm if all other nations do as well, a position shared by many leaders.


A new poll has show a surge in approval of the governing coalition, as well as an individual approval of the coalition parties. When asked why, many participants said that the strong position of the coalition on the TPNW and it’s announced ratification show that the coalition can work together. Many also cite the promised “Index” and trizonal model for foreign trade as reasons to believe this government.


Montwælda Rombold pelted by Framboise Madeleine, a cake associated with protest and the foundation of the opposition party led by Charles Boulangerie, and booed whilst visiting Manta City. The city is home to the Izaakian nuclear arsenal, and a stronghold for the Framboise Madeleine, the city is also regularly polled as having the highest level of support for a nuclear deterrent.


Deputy Prime Minister Garcia has hosted the Alton Film and TV Awards.

Deputy Prime Minister Garcia’s wife is sporting a wrist tattoo in solidarity for the LGBTQ+ community.

Deputy Prime Minister Garcia has responded to rumours that there were unfinished Bills he refused to present to Parliament, saying. ‘Yeah, of course there were.’

Former Prime Minister Gordon Watts has discussed whether he thinks he will ever hold office again as Prime Minister. He says he thinks anything is possible in light of Deputy Prime Minister Garcia’s recent return to office as Prime Minister.

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Ta’ana Times

Opinion: The Decline of Krauanagaz and the Betrayal of the Mitalldukish

By Ya’oran Gallai

In a recent opinion piece, Ya’oran Gallai criticizes the Krauanagaz Federation’s handling of the Pohnarras withdrawal and the Münnen Summit. The “shouting match” between Captain Johan Kellson and General Markus Vinton at Federal Army Headquarters in Alkantara is cited as evidence of internal strife within the Federation’s military command. Gallai points to the Federation’s decision to withdraw from Pohnarras Island as a sign of strategic vulnerability, highlighting financial strain and escalating casualties as indicators of a lack of commitment to quelling the Red K insurgency. The plight of the Mitalldukish on mainland Krauanagaz and of those stranded on Pohnarras Island raises questions about the Federation’s ability to protect its own people. The opinion piece also criticizes the Münnen Protocols, endorsed by Mitallarkava Kullan, as a misguided attempt to avoid inevitable conflict, and questions Daman Kullan’s candidacy, suggesting he inherits a flawed diplomatic approach from his parent. Gallai calls for Mitallduk citizens to choose a leader who prioritizes security, welfare, and traditional values in the face of the Krauanagaz threat.


Charles Boulangerie, the leader of the opposition party Framboise Madeleine comes out in favour of de-nuclearisation but not on TPNW terms. He threw his considerable weight behind the Sedunnic proposal.
It is currently unclear whether the president would be able to ratify the TPNW if he presented it to parliament. The Blancist faction of the liberals are strongly in favour of a nuclear deterrent.


Empress Relia has formally summoned the leaders of various political parties to the Imperial Palace in order to “mediate” talks regarding Ryccia’s reaction to the TPNW. It is believed the Prime Minister ordered this conference in the hopes of preserving the grand coalition by attempting to persuade the right to accept Sedunn’s offer for dialogue.


President Rombold has announced a nationwide tour where he plans on visiting all 19 states in a bit to shore up support. In political circles, this is widely seen as a make or break tour for his premiership.


The Scope

Breaking: Opposition Proposes Res. to Initiate Krauanaet SNAP Election Process Citing “Gross Negligence and Incompetence” in Zharan Admin

Lor’nai’da Sentro (LS) chairman, Magistrate Selvan Kairn, along with 53 other Magistrates, has proposed a resolution for a SNAP election in the Krauanagaz Federation. The unprecedented call comes amid escalating tensions surrounding the Red K threat and other militant groups plaguing the nation. Magistrate Kairn expressed grave concerns over the perceived lack of purpose and direction from the Zharan administration in addressing the Red K threat. He emphasized the urgent need for decisive action, citing the administration’s purported negligence and incompetence in tackling the pressing security challenges.

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