PNN - Pacifican News Network

The United States of Izaakia confirms that it’s operations against Ryccia in Valora will continue despite the ceasefire on the Eastern Front.

Ikaranara has refused a ceasefire with the Junta, saying “We don’t make peace with terrorists.”

The Sea Meadow Project in Izaakia has released its annual statistics on the presence of sea grass meadows off the coasts of Izaakia. The once depleted and highly ecologically important ecosystem has increased by 20 fold in the last 10 years to a total area of 524 square miles. The ecosystem also plays a part of Izaakias net zero commitments as sea meadows sequester 8 times more carbon than terrestrial tropical forests.

Qaweritoyu: President Elliott has declared that Parliament will sit this week, for the full week, to make up the lost days in session due to the adjustment of the October 2022 General Election.

Doge Land has refused the offer of a cease-fire. In a public statement, a government spokesperson said “Doge Land will never rest until every last one of these monsters is in prison or in hell.”

The junta has commanded the navy to begin an “all-out assault” on the enemy forces blockading Ryccia.

Upon realising a faltered ceasefire, A Peonic and a Ryccian Junta commander walked to the frontline border, shot their pistols in the air, and walked back to their lines. The war is to resume

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Footage of an Unknown Naval Vessel has begun to blow up on social media after the numbers 21, and it being a size of a Standard Emeraldian Battleship. This has caused conspiracy theorists to go wild, saying that the ERN has something to hide, especially after the Video was taken down via request by the Emeraldian Royal Government. Names of this Mysterious ships include, BBX-21, BX-21, ERNS BB-21, ERXS-B-21-X, etc.

An announcement by the Vice-Chancellor is to be broadcasted within the next two hours. Rumours predict that this could be an announcement of greater military action against the Ryccian junta, however some citizens claim that this could be a Besernian declaration of war against the Ryccian junta.

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Sallodesian President George D. Smith gave his last political insights as President in an exclusive interview with the Zimbron Republic.

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Popular Ikaranarean Youwatcher Rellan Gaming’s playthrough of Fists of Steel 4’s “Century rise” mod has reached 50 million views. In his playthrough, titled by fans “The Oligarchy,” he carved up the entire South Pacific between a coalition of Ikaranara, (which he played) Ryccia, Sugovia, Huawan, Valkyria, Besern, Weisserstien, and Kliegme. In response to the Junta’s invasion of Doge Land, he has started seizing Ryccian territories in the game.

Fanmade map of his game so far:

T.C.P. International Broadcast:
The Outlaw Declaration” is signed among invited parties on Merimang Island.
Merimang Group is formed as an umbrella pressure group with international aspirations. The groups’ representative Speaker addressed both the state and the international community in a broadcast.
T.C.P. International - The Communion of Press - #5 by genericsequencealias

Following a legislative amendment, Phase III of the Esfalsan Free Trade Initiative will no longer include automatic exceptions for World Forum sanctions.

Frost Fighters were seen flying above the skies of Transsuneria in formation as they heralded the rotation of the guard. The 2nd task force of the Imperial 11th Fleet was later seen sailing to port with the Commander of the task force publicly informing Transsunerian authorities of the Taskforce’s intent to assist Transsunerian authorities police their seas in addition to the joint air patrols. The task force is believed to be comprised of 2 missile cruisers, 2 ASW destroyers and the support carrier, Peregrine, whose complement will handle joint air operations until they are rotated out.

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A Ryccian submarine has fired off missiles towards the city of Hai Men, as well as other cities. It is unclear what type of missiles they were, but it is understood some have hit their targets.



ABM and SAM missiles are shot across of Huawan as the nation scrambles it’s fighter defence to detonate these missiles. Most of the warheads detonated before impact.

Two warheads however hit Hai Men in IR Hai Men in the eastern commercial district and the southern industrial hinterlands.

This is a developing story



Chemical attacks were triggered in IR Hai Men citizens of the eastern commercial district. The Hai Men immigration office and refugee camp was in the contamination zone.

Emergency chemical containment teams were dispatched to contain the spread as emergency hospital workers move to treat the wounded. The Governor of Hai Men issued a city-wide lockdown and the rescue of civilians in the Contamination radius

It is estimated that thousands of people died.

This is a developing story



Some Paramedics in Hai Men experienced nausea and breathing depression upon handling patients in the contamination zone.

Chemical containment teams have restricted the area and are advising citizens to dispose clothes and seek higher ground and clean air.

Rescue aid from SR Hai Lan and surrounding cities rapidly sent extra medical aid to the citizens of Hai Men.

Refugees from the Rycco-Cordilian war and some soldiers from the Izaakian military base in Hai Men are also among the ones attacked.

Soldiers and the Paramilitary police have been dispatched to secure the city and the contamination zone.

All flights in Huawan are grounded as the Royal Palace issued an Imperial Assent to Emergency Level 2, the highest emergency level since the Lotus Fire Civil War

If you have symptoms of Nausea, seizures, hard of breathing and suffocation. seek immediate medical attention immediately. All citizens in Hai Men are in effective lockdown immediately, please return to your home’s until further notice.


The scheduled naval assault has not occurred. Sources indicate that navy commanders are not responding to orders from Castiana.

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King Andrei III has publicly issued a statement condemning the junta’s chemical attack on Huawan. Aside from sending humanitarian aid to Huawan, the King also questioned the honour of the Ryccian military by stating: “The junta has once again shown its dishonourable nature by attacking harmless civilians half a continent away. I once again urge all Ryccian troops to disobey further orders from the military junta. Enough harmless civilians have died as is. You still have a choice left and you know what the honourable course of action is if you still have some honour left.”