PNN - Pacifican News Network


Baseband/Broadband Storm (II)

Previous or part I of the report here

Urgent Regulation Passes

The previously requested task force formation to combat an exploit using the Bluetooth protocol revealed on Stream on the 5th of December, had been formed.
The Full text of the regulation is available here, passing on the 7th of December.
Chapter I creates the NUSP Task Force; Which is tasked with creating a new state-wide protocol to be used with the domestic TCP/ACISPv4.
Chapter II mandates citizens, state actors, and businesses to abide by temporary mitigation strategies.
Chapter III obliged the creation of an RFC (Reporting Facultative Commission), which is to release updates on the Joint Service for the general public and international audiences.
Chapter IV further mandates temporary mitigations with outside communications (international).
Chapter V mandates that myself only report these things.

RFC01 and RFC02

RFC01, created by Chapter III of the above regulation, had been released and is available here.
It details the protocols, licenses, and computing history in Nasphilitae.

RFC02, available here is a technical breakdown of how the Bluetooth Profile is being used to access the Data Link Layer of the OSI model.

Judicial papers from the 4 detainees on: Gabriel Ishaton, Raymond Newman, “Zendee”, and “Shepherd”

Upon the release of the four detainees, The Prosecutor for Critical Infrastructure and Telecommunications (Gabriel Ishaton), was requested to provide reasoning for detainment by the local Courthouse of Clayinn. However, they’ve been released by the local law enforcement. Forwarding the request to the General Prosecutor, it has been revealed that the local law enforcement released the detainees upon being contacted by “Shepherd”, an employee from The AID Department for Law Enforcement.
The NUSP Task Force had employed Raymond Newman as the revision author for RFCs. Newman comes from a contact center profession background and worked in a firm during 2019 called “Wirewarehouse”, which was located in Starfall, where one of the detainees was from, near New Sorthane. During 2019., mass unemployment occurred due to the regime change, specifically targetting the ITO of the company.

A central power plant black-out occurred earlier this morning effecting the northern Regions of Nasphilitae, which are ~50km away from Clayinn. Nasphilitae is bordered by the TCC to the North, though the attack is only nation-wide, thanks to the regulation passed. This attack has been publicised as an attacker going under the alias of “Zendee”.

Reported by Lumen, imperatively now