PNN - Pacifican News Network

Krauanagaz Moves to DEFCON 3; Suspends Military Leave and Recalls all Servicemembers to Units

BREAKING — The Krauanagazan Defense Department has announced that military leave has been suspended and that all servicemembers have been called to their units. Krauanaet Zharan’s office released a statement saying that Krauanagaz was moving to Defense Condition 3, DEFCON 3, an elevated level of military readiness. Sources in the Defense Department say that Federal forces are conducting, “pre-deployment checks,” and mobilizing reserve forces.

Krauanagaz’s move to DEFCON 3 is a significant escalation, reflecting the gravity of the situation. This heightened state of military readiness indicates that Krauanagaz is preparing for potential conflict or other large-scale emergencies. “We are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and security of our nation,” said Defense Secretary Haratal N’gevayya in a brief statement, declining to answer questions.

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