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Med Karazh Police Raid University Campus After Student Protest, Hundreds Reportedly Arrested; Krauanagaz Expresses Concern Over Democratic Values

BREAKING: According to exclusive reporting from The Scope, Mitalldukish police in Med Karazh carried out a raid on Zhanari Provincial University following a large student protest outside a campaign event yesterday, resulting in the arrest of hundreds on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to domestic terrorism. Eyewitnesses reported a heavy police presence on the campus, with searches and detentions in dorms and classrooms. The Krauanagazan State Department expressed concern over potential violations of democratic values, while more vocal critics argue that such actions will stifle dissent in the run-up to the May general election. Magistrate Selvan Kairn (LS-PK) of the Krauanagazan Ludikiari harshly criticized the Zharan administration and questioned the State Department’s response. The incident comes amid delicate diplomatic ties post-Münnen Summit, raising questions about adherence to democratic principles outlined in the Münnen Protocols and potential international implications. The fallout may impact the Zhanari KM primary elections on March 16, adding complexity to the evolving dynamics in Mitallduk politics.

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