PNN - Pacifican News Network

Power Plant in Johnia

Today, the first nuclear power plant opened in Johnia. Called the Altas Nuclear Power Facility, the nuclear power plant serves to help with energy problems in Johnia. The power plant uses new technology developed by The Douglas’s Humania Nuclear Research Team. Officials state this new power plant could have positive effects for reducing energy costs within the area.

Starting construction 6 years ago, the Altas Power Plant was founded by Douglas Johnson, a nuclear physicist. The project saw an increase of jobs within Johnia, all going to help construct the power plant. It even had an effect on the education system, schools began to help prepare kids for a possibly job at the power plant.

Radical environments have protest the opening of the power plant, Logan Jarr stating “Nature feels, man! This is wrong!” Unsurprisingly Logan was soon found to be using illegal drugs within their home.

The power plant holds promise for Johnia, and if it does well enough, we could see Nuclear power being embraced in more major cities

Geo-farm for Samia

After some careful planning, hard labor, and determination, a new mega farming complex has been open in Samia. Using the local Frank river as a natural water source, the complex is built upon the hillside, north of Core Samia.

The farming facility hopes to bring a more local food supply to the area. Not having to relay so much on other cities in Humania for food.

The facility is currently run by Metrick Jones, famous writer of the book “My Simple Farm Life”, Metrick promises that the facility shall provide food for all of Humania.

Anti-Air Advancements

The Humania Military seeking to further establish a military superiority, has began production of the Bullfrog Anti-Aircraft Gun.

The vehicle has been designed to target and destroy hostile enemy aircrafts using a long range anti-air gun. The vehicle is also included with a “Scrambler” System that can mess up the electronics of enemy fighters.

A field test was taken today, with the Bullfrog having a 69% accuracy.