To that end, the Voting Act does provide for a security check process. I’m not in support of wildly accusing people of treason without merit.
The Assembly can provide for its own organization, via both the clause I’ve updated earlier and its inherent power to legislate. Plus, our existing system says that any legislator can open a vote if the Chair doesn’t.
In the absence of a solid replacement draft, I’m alright with that.
Then I’d ask you to propose your own draft or drafts of legislation.
These ideas are not legislation. That was my original intent with that statement, that one’s on me for not clarifying, but nonetheless.
Why would you need to legislate the existence of the military as your first step? I would imagine that the PM (who would be in charge of the military in this draft and in the first Charter the Great Council passed) elected immediately after the adoption of this omnibus would keep the SPSF as an institution, to their detriment at the voting booth otherwise.
This is our largest disagreement and where I doubt we’ll find common ground no matter how long we’re here. To me, there is something appealing about having that blank slate, and working to fill it out.