A simplified Defence Act, inspired by Belschaft’s draft but strengthening defender provisions and removing mentions to the General Corps.
An act to establish a regional military and regulate its scope of mission
1. General Provisions
(1) This law is a constitutional law and has precedence over all general laws and regulations.
(2) This law considers the following terms:
- Portfolio Minister - the minister appointed by the Prime Minister to oversee the portfolio related to the military.
- Offensive Operation - any operation whose effect is the attack, destruction, vandalisation, subjugation, or colonisation of a region.
- Hostile Act - actions that have a material detrimental effect over the Coalition or its interests, or rhetoric that can be reasonably read as inciting the commission of hostile acts by others.
2. Establishment of a Regional Military
(1) The Special Forces are the sole regional military.
(2) The Prime Minister is the commander-in-chief of the Special Forces and exercises civilian command and control over it.
(3) The Prime Minister may issue lawful orders to the Special Forces, and no member of the same may refuse such lawful order subject to penalties that may be established by law or regulation.
(4) The Prime Minister may issue regulations as they deem necessary to ensure the proper recruitment, maintenance, and overall functioning of the Special Forces in accordance with its scope of mission and regional interests.
(5) The Prime Minister appoints a body of no less than three senior commanders for a term of twelve months, with the approval of the Assembly, to provide military advice and exercise operational command over the Special Forces.
(56) The Portfolio Minister, if one is appointed, may act in the name of the Prime Minister for the purposes of this law, but the Prime Minister retains the authority to overrule any such actions.
3. Scope of Mission
(1) The Special Forces protect the Coalition and its allies, as lawfully directed by civilian and military leadership.
(2) The Special Forces conduct their operations consistent with the objectives of protecting innocent regions from attack, and promoting legitimate, native, democratic institutions abroad.
(3) The Special Forces may not engage in offensive operations except in cases where the Prime Minister directed such action towards any the following:
- Regions that espouse hateful ideologies.
- Regions against with the Coalition is in a state of war, as declared by the Assembly.
- Regions that have committed hostile acts against the Coalition.