This is a vote on [GCPR.2209] Amendment to the Charter, which was submitted, debated, and motioned on this thread in accordance with the provisions of the Great Council Convening Resolution.
This amendment requires a 60% majority of valid votes cast, excluding abstentions, to pass, and will remain open during the period listed below:
Read the Amendment
The Assembly of the South Pacific, representing our diverse community as organised under the Coalition, convenes to establish a fundamental law for the region, to uphold democratic principles and rights, and to provide for the security, welfare, and future development of our community.
I. Supremacy
- The Charter is the highest law of the region and holds supremacy over all other laws and regulations.
- Laws that form the foundation of the community and regulate fundamental aspects of regional governance may be marked as constitutional laws and, being so marked, hold precedence over all other laws and regulations.
II. Sovereignty
- The Coalition holds sole sovereignty over the South Pacific, viewed as the region and all venues that support its singular community.
- The Coalition cannot be dissolved, nor can its nature or structure be altered other than through the process provided by the Charter. No illegitimate invaders or usurpers will be recognised.
III. Rights and Freedoms
- Members of the South Pacific, who have joined the region in good faith, will enjoy the rights described in this section, but this list may not be read as toallow limits to the free exercise of other rights.
- To freedom of expression and speech, of the press, and to petition government officials, limited only by reasonable moderation policies.
- To not be ejected or banned without due process of law.
- To have a fair trial and exercise proper defence against criminal accusations before a court of law, to not be subject to bills of attained, to not be tried twice for the same crime, and to not be tried under ex post facto laws.
- To vote and hold public office, subject to reasonable restrictions prescribed by law.
IV. The Assembly
- The Assembly is the supreme legislative authority of the Coalition.
- The Assembly is comprised of all members of the South Pacific who successfully applied for legislator status and have maintained that status with active participation and good behaviour.
- Legislators are admitted and removed by a commission of legislators that operates in a manner prescribed by law.
- The Assembly elects a legislator as Chair of the Assembly to maintain order and decorum, guide legislative debate, and administer the legislative process.
- The Chair may appoint and dismiss deputies, and delegate to them the duties of their office, at their own discretion.
- In the event that the Chair resigns, loses legislator status, or is recalled, the Assembly will elect a new Chair in a manner prescribed by law.
V. The Delegate
- The Delegate is the head of state of the South Pacific, elected in a manner prescribed by law, and they will be the sole person allowed to hold the gameside seat of World Assembly Delegate.
- The Delegate is responsible for assisting in promoting the unity and growth of the region, upholding the security of the region, and performing those tasks that due to game mechanics cannot be performed by others.
VI. The Executive
- The Prime Minister is the head of government of the South Pacific and the leader of the Cabinet, elected in a manner prescribed by law.
- The Prime Minister is responsible for the setting, directing, and implementation of policy related to foreign affairs, defence, community development, and any other policy related to the furtherance of regional interests.
- The Prime Minister appoints ministers to assist in formulating and executing policy in the fields listed in the preceding clause, subject to approval from the Assembly in a manner prescribed by law.
- Ministers hold their offices for the duration of the executive term and at the pleasure of the Prime Minister, or until recall,resignation or loss of legislator status.
- Ministers may appoint and dismiss deputies, and delegate to them the duties of their office, at their own discretion.
- The Prime Minister may issue emergency orders to address immediate and pressing issues created by ambiguity or gaps in the law, but any such order will be reversed if the Assembly does not incorporate it into law within a week of its issuance.
VII. The High Court
- The High Court is the supreme judicial authority of the Coalition.
- The High Court is comprised of a number of Justices appointed and subject to approval from the Assembly in a manner prescribed by law.
- The High Court has exclusive authority over answering questions about the meaning of laws and regulations, reconciling contradictions of law, and voiding any law or regulation upon finding that it violates a superior law.
- The High Court should interpret the law without causing excessive disruption to the intended purposes of the law as originally written, provided that such interpretation does not lead to absurdity.
- The High Court has exclusive authority over indicting individuals and conducting criminal proceedings.
VIII. Regional Security
- The Security Council is comprised of members who have been legislators for at least six months, subject to appointment by the Council and approval from the Assembly in a manner prescribed by law.
- The Council is responsible for the oversight of regional security, the reception of relevant intelligence, the establishment and enforcement of an appropriate cap on endorsements, and the establishment of a line of succession for the delegacy.
- The Council is responsible for establishing, appointing, and directing the operations of a body of trusted nations with high numbers of endorsements, with further provisions prescribed by law or regulation.
- The Council may declare a state of emergency in the event of a coup d’état or invasion until such a time that a legitimate government is restored, and during that time it may take all measures necessary to defeat the coup d’état or invasion with the exception of impeding the business of the Assembly.
- The Council may suspend any of its members upon a conclusion by majority vote that they represent a threat to the security of the region. The Council reports its decision to the Assembly, with such action automatically triggering a recall.
IX. Accountability
- Officers of the Coalition are those whose position is subject to election or appointment subject to approval from the Assembly.
- Officers must be legislators who have not participated to any degree in a coup d’état against the Coalition or its allies, with the exclusion in regular military gameplay as part of an organised military. Officers in breach of this section automatically lose their office.
- Officers may be recalled by the Assembly in a manner prescribed by law, provided that recalls can only be brought due to dereliction of duty, abuse of power, or violations of the law.
- The effect of a recall is immediate removal from office.
X. Administration
- Administrators are responsible for the technical maintenance of the offsite forum, the regional chat, and related infrastructure, but will not be given any responsibilities of a political nature.
- Administrators have autonomy to conduct their own proceedings and manage the composition of the administration and moderation teams, provided that new administrators must secure the approval of a simple majority of the Assembly, and administrators and moderators may be removed by the High Court upon conviction for abuse of powers.
- Administrators must create standard administration and moderation policies. Any change to these policies must be presented to the Assembly for discussion for a period of one week before they take effect.
- Administrators appoint moderators to enforce moderation rules in the Regional Message Board, the offsite forum, the regional chat, and any other regional venue. Officers of the Coalition are ex officio moderators of the channels and categories related to their offices.
XI. Amendments
- The Assembly may amend this Charter or any constitutional law with a majority of three-fifths.
- The Assembly may convene a Great Council, with a simple majority, to significantly revise the laws of the region. A convening resolution must name a presiding officer, set rules of order and eligibility requirements, provided that all legislators at the time of convening must qualify as members.
- Great Councils can only be called once a year, unless in the intervening time the legitimacy of the Coalition has been challenged and the Assembly must reassert constitutional order.
- Great Councils may amend their convening resolution with a simple majority, but may not otherwise affect the normal functioning of the institutions of government.
- Great Councils adopt additions or changes to the Charter and constitutional law with a majority of three-fifths, and additions or changes to general law with a simple majority.
- Great Councils remain convened until a motion to adjourn sine die is adopted with a simple majority.
- Yes
- No
- Abstain
0 voters