Official Treaties and Trade Agreements of the Krauanagaz Federation

This is going to be where the treaties and trade agreements Krauanagaz has signed will be posted.

Anything posted in this topic is currently in effect.

Trade and Migration Agreement Between the Krauanagaz Federation and the United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver


The Krauanagaz Federation (KF) and the United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver (UKED), hereinafter referred to as the Parties, recognizing the mutual benefits of fostering economic, diplomatic, and cultural ties between their nations, hereby propose the following treaty to govern trade relations and bilateral cooperation.

Article I: Trade Tariffs and Exports

A. The Krauanagaz Federation shall reduce the tariff on wood and timber products imported from the United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver from the standard 8.5% to 1.5%.

B. The United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver shall guarantee that 45% of its uranium ore exports are directed to the Krauanagaz Federation for utilization in nuclear power plants and research purposes.

C. The Krauanagaz Federation shall mandate that 40% of all its grain exports are allocated to the United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver. At least 50% of which shall be sold at 17/20 the manufacturing cost, or at a 15% discount, to UKED vendors.

Article II: Resource Exchange

A. The Krauanagaz Federation offers to sell bauxite, zinc, copper, niobium, and dysprosium to the United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver at a discounted rate of 20% off the market price.

Article III: Bilateral Migration Agreement

A. Both Parties agree to enter into a Bilateral Migration Agreement, ensuring the free flow of people and goods through their borders.

1a. The Krauanagaz Federation will commit to reducing immigration burdens on all [Devnari Alliance] Starhawk Pact member state citizens traveling to the Federation. Such individuals will only require a passport from their nation of origin, granting them the same rights as Krauanagazan Citizens within the borders of Krauanagaz, as long as this treaty remains valid.

2a. The UKED will commit to reducing immigration burdens on all Krauanagazan citizens traveling to the UKED. Such individuals will only require a passport from their nation of origin, granting them the same rights as UKED Citizens within the borders of the UKED, as long as this treaty remains valid.

Article IV: Duration and Termination

A. This treaty shall enter into force upon the mutual agreement of both Parties.

B. The provisions of this treaty shall remain valid for an initial period of 50 years, with the option for renewal upon mutual consent on 10 January 2033.

C. Either Party may terminate this treaty by providing written notice to the other Party, and such termination shall become effective one year after receipt of the notice.

D. Either Party may bring forth a proposed amendment to this agreement at any time. To amend the agreement, both Parties must agree on the amendment.

E. This treaty shall remain valid between the Parties and any legitimate and recognized successor states.

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this treaty on behalf of the Krauanagaz Federation and the United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver, on 10 January 1983.


For the Krauanagaz Federation

K’taza Gallai


10 January 1983

For the United Kingdoms of Emerald and Denver

King Jason II

10 January 1983

1 Like

Treaty of Mitayyal

11 August 1976


The undersigned representatives of the Krauanagaz Federation and the Mitallduk Confederacy (Formerly the Heritio Korosha Confederacy), recognizing the need for regional stability, peace, and cooperation, hereby agree to enter into a ceasefire arrangement to bring an end to hostilities in the Greater Kraudukra region.

Article 1: Cessation of Hostilities

1.1. Both parties commit to an immediate and unconditional cessation of all military actions, including but not limited to, armed conflicts, naval engagements, and aerial operations.

1.2. The ceasefire extends to all territories in dispute, including the Mitallzoatal (Kraudukra) Province and surrounding areas; the Krautllaz Province; and any areas wherein hostilities are ongoing.

Article 2: Establishment of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

2.1. A Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) shall be established in the North Krauanagaz/South Mitallduk region, serving as a buffer to prevent the escalation of tensions.

2.2. Military forces from both parties shall withdraw to agreed-upon positions, and no new military installations or activities shall be conducted within the DMZ.

Article 3: Diplomatic Channels

3.1. Both parties commit to resolving disputes and differences exclusively through diplomatic means.

3.2. Establishment of a robust bilateral diplomatic communication channel to foster continuous dialogue and address concerns promptly.

Article 4: Humanitarian Measures

4.1. Both parties shall facilitate the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid to affected populations in the Kraudukra Sea region.

4.2. The establishment of safe zones for the protection of civilians and the efficient storage and distribution of necessary humanitarian assistance shall be conducted by both parties.

Article 5: War Crimes and Criminal Acts

5.1. Both parties shall actively cooperate with the proper authorities to investigate and address allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other criminal acts perpetrated by individuals under their command.

5.2. Perpetrators of such crimes shall be promptly brought to justice through fair and impartial legal proceedings.

5.3. A joint committee comprising qualified judicial representatives from both parties and facilitated by neutral third-party mediators shall be established to address the need for any War Tribunal.

Article 6: Dispute Resolution Mechanism

6.1. A joint committee comprising representatives from both parties and facilitated by neutral third-party mediators shall be established to address any disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement.

6.2. The committee shall work towards resolving disputes through negotiation, mediation, or other peaceful means.

Article 7: Duration and Review

7.1. The ceasefire agreement and its additional provisions shall be in effect indefinitely, subject to periodic reviews to assess their effectiveness and relevance.

7.2. Either party may propose amendments or modifications to the agreement, subject to mutual consent and in consideration of evolving circumstances.


First Amendment: Drone and Satellite Surveillance Operations

Ratified 2 February, 1993

1.1. Both parties recognize the importance of ensuring compliance with the ceasefire agreement and related provisions through surveillance operations.

1.2. Surveillance operations may include the use of drones and satellites for monitoring activities within the Kraudukra Sea region.

1.3. Surveillance activities shall be conducted in accordance with international law and norms, respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both parties.

1.4. Both parties agree to provide advance notification to the other party before conducting surveillance operations, specifying the nature, scope, and purpose of such activities.

1.5. The information gathered through surveillance operations shall be used solely for the purpose of monitoring and ensuring compliance with the ceasefire agreement.

1.6. Both parties commit to avoiding any actions that may interfere with or obstruct the surveillance operations of the other party.

1.7. In the event of disputes arising from surveillance activities, the joint committee established under Article 7 of the ceasefire agreement shall address and resolve such disputes through diplomatic means.


For the Krauanagaz Federation

Lusius Veridan
Lusius Veridan
General of the Army
11 August 1976

For the Mitallduk Confederacy

Kalais Dukvin
Kalais Dukvin
11 August, 1976


Reaffirming their commitment to regional stability, peace, and cooperation, the Mitallduk Confederacy and the Krauanagaz Federation enter into this Comprehensive Accord to address outstanding issues, foster reconciliation, and build a foundation for enduring collaboration.


  1. The historical ties and shared cultural heritage that bind the Mitallduk Confederacy and the Krauanagaz Federation.
  2. The need for inclusive, transparent, and equitable solutions to challenges arising from past conflicts and current geopolitical dynamics.
  3. The imperative of sustainable resource management, environmental conservation, and shared responsibility for the protection of the Kraudukra Sea and its ecosystems.
  4. The importance of nuclear transparency, mutual understanding, and confidence-building measures to ensure regional security and prevent misunderstandings.
  5. The necessity of effective border management, dispute resolution mechanisms, and confidence-building measures to promote long-term stability and cooperation.
  6. The role of third-party collaboration in resolving disputes and fostering diplomatic solutions based on international norms and principles.
  7. The significance of joint maritime security efforts to ensure freedom of navigation, prevent conflicts, and safeguard the interests of both Parties in the Kraudukra Sea.
  8. The shared commitment to preserving the Tallaz Barrier Reef ecosystem and addressing environmental challenges through collaborative efforts.
  9. The mutual interest in counter-terrorism efforts to address threats such as Red K and other terror groups that may jeopardize regional security.


  1. Their resolve to build a future characterized by trust, cooperation, and respect for each other’s sovereignty.
  2. Their commitment to addressing the legitimate concerns of displaced individuals, promoting repatriation, and fostering reconciliation.
  3. Their dedication to sustainable fisheries management, nuclear engagement, border cooperation, and third-party mediation to resolve disputes.
  4. Their shared responsibility for the protection of the marine environment, conservation of natural resources, and efforts to combat terrorism.


  1. That this Comprehensive Accord will serve as a framework for enduring collaboration, contributing to regional peace and prosperity.
  2. That the success of this Accord relies on the genuine implementation of its provisions, continuous dialogue, and the spirit of cooperation.

Article I

Repatriation and Reconciliation

1.1 Establishment of the Repatriation Commission

1.1.1 The Repatriation Commission shall be established within 90 days of the signing of this agreement.

1.1.2 The Commission shall consist of an equal number of representatives from both the Mitallduk Confederacy and the Krauanagaz Federation, appointed through diplomatic channels.

1.1.3 The Commission’s neutrality and oversight shall be ensured by the appointment of an impartial international body agreed upon by both Parties. The international body may include representatives from reputable humanitarian organizations, international legal experts, and conflict resolution specialists.

1.2 Structured Repatriation Process

1.2.1 The Repatriation Commission shall develop a detailed plan for the repatriation process, outlining the steps and procedures to be followed.

1.2.2 The process shall prioritize the voluntary return of Mitalldukish individuals displaced during the Civil War, ensuring their safety and dignity.

1.2.3 Mechanisms for identity verification and eligibility checks shall be transparent, consistent, and conducted in accordance with international human rights standards.

1.3 Verification of Identities and Eligibility

1.3.1 The Repatriation Commission shall establish a comprehensive system for the verification of identities, including the use of official documents, interviews, and community testimonials.

1.3.2 Eligibility criteria shall be clearly defined, considering factors such as residency, familial ties, and historical connection to the affected regions.

1.3.3 Appeals processes shall be established to address cases where individuals contest their eligibility, ensuring a fair and impartial review.

1.4 Reparations Fund

1.4.1 The Reparations Fund shall be established simultaneously with the Repatriation Commission, with initial contributions from both Parties.

1.4.2 The Fund shall be managed by an independent financial institution, selected in consultation with both Parties, to ensure transparency and accountability.

1.4.3 Financial compensation shall be provided to eligible individuals, with amounts determined based on the nature and extent of historical injustices suffered.

1.5 Community Development Initiatives

1.5.1 The Reparations Fund shall allocate a portion of its resources to community development initiatives in areas affected by past conflicts.

1.5.2 Community development projects shall focus on infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other essential services, with input from local communities and relevant stakeholders.

1.6 Acknowledgment of Historical Injustices

1.6.1 Both Parties commit to acknowledging the historical injustices and hardships faced by individuals who sought shelter during past conflicts.

1.6.2 Official statements of acknowledgment shall be issued by the leaders of both Parties, expressing remorse for the suffering endured by affected communities.

1.7 Monitoring and Reporting

1.7.1 The Repatriation Commission shall provide regular updates on the progress of the repatriation process, reparations disbursement, and community development initiatives.

1.7.2 An independent monitoring mechanism, composed of representatives from international organizations specializing in human rights and conflict resolution, shall be established to assess and report on the implementation of Article 1.

Article II

Sustainable Fisheries

2.1 A Fisheries Management Authority shall be established to oversee the implementation of a permit system for fishing inside Krauanagazan parts of the Kraudukra Sea. Quotas, seasonal restrictions, and monitoring mechanisms shall be enforced to promote sustainable fishing practices and protect marine ecosystems.

2.2 The Parties shall collaborate on scientific research and data-sharing initiatives to support informed decision-making and adaptive management strategies for marine conservation.

Article III

Cooperative Nuclear Engagement

4.1 Mitallduk shall maintain sovereignty over its nuclear program, subject to internal oversight mechanisms for safety and security. Both Parties shall engage in open and reciprocal discussions on potential limitations for future nuclear testing, with the aim of fostering regional security and trust.

4.2 Confidence-building measures shall include transparency initiatives, such as information exchanges and annual joint inspections, to promote mutual understanding and reduce tensions related to nuclear activities.

Article IV

Border Management and Confidence-Building

4.1 Bilateral agreements shall be pursued to manage border issues, ensuring mutual respect for territorial boundaries and fostering long-term stability. Mechanisms for dispute resolution and arbitration shall be established to address disagreements arising from border disputes. Joint monitoring mechanisms shall be established to prevent border incursions and maintain peace along disputed areas. Confidence-building measures shall include cultural exchanges, joint projects, and diplomatic engagements to foster understanding and cooperation.

4.2 Both Parties affirm their sovereignty over claimed territories based on historical ties and local governance structures. Bilateral agreements shall be pursued to manage border issues, ensuring mutual respect for territorial boundaries and fostering long-term stability.

4.3 Joint governance structures may be established for areas of shared jurisdiction, with mechanisms for conflict resolution and cooperation outlined in bilateral agreements, or by referendum.

Article V

Third-Party Collaboration for Dispute Resolution

5.1 Third-party mediators with diplomatic experience and regional expertise shall be engaged to resolve disputes, with a commitment to abide by the outcomes of mediation processes. Disputes involving territorial claims, resource allocation, and sovereignty shall be subject to mutually agreed upon third-party mediation.

5.2 The Parties shall cooperate with mediators in good faith, providing relevant information and participating constructively in mediation proceedings. Agreements reached through mediation shall be binding and enforceable under international and domestic law.

Article VI

Joint Maritime Security

6.1 A Joint Maritime Security Task Force shall be established to ensure freedom of navigation, prevent naval interference, and address territorial disputes. Collaborative patrols, surveillance operations, and joint exercises shall be undertaken to monitor and deter illegal maritime activities, promoting regional security and stability.

6.2 Communication and coordination mechanisms shall be established to facilitate the exchange of information and the timely response to maritime incidents. Joint training programs and capacity-building initiatives shall be implemented to enhance maritime security capabilities and promote interoperability between naval forces.

Article VII

Ecosystem Preservation and Environmental Cooperation

9.1 A Joint Conservation Committee shall oversee the protection of the Tallaz Barrier Reef ecosystem, with responsibilities including monitoring, research, and conservation management. A bilateral agreement shall be developed to ban offshore oil drilling, outlining terms, responsibilities, and robust enforcement measures to safeguard the marine environment.

9.2 The Parties shall collaborate on scientific research, habitat restoration, and pollution control efforts to address environmental challenges and promote the sustainable use of natural resources. Information-sharing mechanisms shall be established to facilitate the exchange of data and best practices in environmental management.

Article VIII

Counter-terrorism Partnership

10.1 Krauanagaz and Mitallduk commit to the establishment of a Joint Counter-terrorism Task Force, tasked with sharing intelligence reports, coordinating operations, and combating threats including but not limited to Red K. A collaborative intelligence-sharing program shall be initiated to address and counteract the activities of minor terror groups, ensuring regional security and stability.

10.2 The Parties shall exchange information on terrorist threats, conduct joint investigations, and implement measures to address and counteract the activities of Red K and other terror groups, and militias.

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned representatives of the Mitallduk Confederacy and the Krauanagaz Federation affix their signatures to this Comprehensive Accord in the city of Münnen, Eflad, on this 13 February 2024, marking a historic milestone in their shared pursuit of a peaceful and cooperative future.

For the Krauanagaz Federation

Temiprizhirven te ti Krauanaet
Lyra Zharan
13 February 2024

For the Mitallduk Confederacy

Office of the Mitallarkava
Lukian Kullan
13 February 2024

In Witness

Efladian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Foreign Minister
@Eflad Foreign Minister
13 February 2024