Office of the Cabinet

It should ideally be a community effort. If we create a culture of welcoming new members and making them feel like they belong here, they will be more inclined to stay and contribute to the regions future.

The government, in my opinion, should ideally lead by example. If they don’t contribute toward the welcoming and integration of new players in the region then they shouldn’t be in government.

I still have not changed my mind. I do not want the MoE to become tied down in maintaining and implementing the card program should progress and enthusiasm slow.

However, if the players that work on the program remain committed and productive, then, should they desire, I would be open to being a liaison with the cabinet and providing an unbiased perspective in times of disagreement.

Thanks for bringing this up, it had slipped my mind when I was first drafting my post.

Our initial discussion was largely big picture and built around ensuring that the WFE only had the essential information and dispatches present. We have not developed any concrete plans as of yet, and will likely do so in the coming weeks.

Thank you for the follow up questions, I am happy to clarify things.