Office of the Cabinet

Weekly Cabinet Update (11/6-11/12)

Cultural Activity

This week saw two events: a Sunday night stream of Millennium Actress and a Tetris Thursday! Both activities brought TSPers together and we look forward to continuing to run events. Also, we have been making use of the forum’s upcoming events feature to schedule our events.

The Ministry of Culture has also been planning a few interregional events, so be on the lookout for some of that in the near future!

SPSF Activity

@Pronoun was promoted to Commander this week! Huge congratulations to Pronoun for this achievement and thanks for his hard work in building up the SPSF and its infrastructure.

The following SPSF members have participated in Libcord activities this week during update:
Purple Hyacinth: 7 updates
Pronoun: 3 updates
Hephaestus: 2 updates
Chickenswillwin: 1 update
Lirozonia: 1 update

In total, SPSF members have participated in the following this week:
Detags: 93
Defenses: 18
Liberations: 1
Supports: 1

Additionally, off update, we have been supporting the Delegate transition in The East Pacific.

Other Activity

There has been discussion in the Ministry of Engagement regarding the exact breakdown of a potential points reward system, where card program members will get a certain amount of points for donating high-value cards to the program, which can then be redeemed for cards that the program has.

@Sulen was appointed to the position of OWL Director and has begun to put up OWL votes.

@EmC was nominated by the Cabinet to the Legislator Committee. The nomination is currently up for discussion in the Assembly, where it needs to be approved.

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