NAACN (Nasphilitae Aggregate-Articulate-Critical News)



2024. Constituent Assembly elections results (First-Round)

Constituent Elections:

(First-Round of) Constituent Assembly elections were held on 30th January 2024., in accordance to the Election Ordinance enacted earlier this year.
The Ordinance divides the process and seat allocation of the Upper House(intended to represent localities) and the Lower House(intended to represent unified will), with the latter being envisioned as a two-round election, in which the top two of the candidates from the first round proceed to the second round.

This weeks elections included municipal (local), regional and country (national) levels. The future elected government, which is to be formed a week (11.02.) after the second round (04.02), with a mandate until the 20th May 2025.
Detailed analysis of the results will not be provided until after the second round is completed.


2024. Constituent Assembly elections breakdown
Municipial No. Upper House Seats National % Lower House Seats (1R) Minimum Quota Lower House (2R)
UML 113 113 12% 11
SDVP 30 30 8% 6
SRP 98 98 14% 13
The Center 104 104 17% 28
Opportunity Party 103 103 19% 28
CGC 25 34 7.5% 6
ADLA 80 89 13.5% 10
NNP 24 42 8% 6

  • Total Upper House Seats: 613
  • Total Lower House Seats: 225
  • Lower House Seats contested for R2: 173
  • Upper House allocation method: Majoritarian (+City weighted)
  • Lower House allocation method: Multi-Round (R1 Webster; R2 Adjusted D'Hondt)
  • Local & Upper House Elections:

    Lower House (Round 1) Elections: