›››››01.14.2023‹‹‹‹‹ × ›››››Issue:¶0010003013‹‹‹‹‹
New National Registry
¶More details will be provided to the public and our readers by the (IaN - OPAL - #5 by genericsequencealias).
¶Total living in Nasphilitae include: 17.775.000 as of January 2024.
¶The deterioration of trust and baseline performance towards administration has been steadily declining, most notably in aspects of Corruption and Rule of Law.
Regarding the same class of measurements, political stability and lack of politically-motivated violence has steadily been kept, as it has in the past.
¶Inequality, measured by gini index, has been at a steady decline. However, it is alarmingly high, at 43.61.
¶Finally, it’s note-worthy that the unemployment crisis has been reduced significantly, from 14.91% in 2013 to 5.11% in January of 2024.
¶Kahala of the OPAL will further examine these findings in the next issue with us. Noting that the National Registry is incomplete due to sub-national level territories.
POLITICS I: Political Parties and Electoral Map
¶After the last issue was published, another major event which happened, was the formation of political parties through the dismissal of the P3 Coalition.
¶There were news between the 2nd January and 5th, forecasting that mere 3 parties will participate in the next elections. Not only did the P3 Coalition further decimate along their internal lines, but three new political parties were formed and registered to run on the Constitutional Assembly.
POLITICS II: Co-influence factors
Polling data has been conducted by 7 agencies, each with surprisingly volatile, different results. This is amplified by the fact that the Electoral Law uses a two-round vote, in which the top two candidates proceed to advance for the most seats in second round.
More Information, visit the NSBB website: electionpolls.xlsm - Google Sheets