As I said in response to the previous Kris/Henn omnibus, I would like a line included which defines the Delegate as voting and approving in accordance with the direction of the Prime Minister.
Extremely small, but there’s a numbering error starting here. It should be “5”.
My concerns that I expressed on the Henn/Kris omnibus still apply about giving the authority for voter registration processing to the Security Council. They would be slightly mitigated if greater accountability measures for the Security Council were to be implemented (as discussed below). I’ll answer the responses given in that thread:
The current Legislator Committee Act includes a provision that allows the CRS to reject an applicant who is a threat to regional security. We could include a similar provision.
I find this highly unlikely given structural activity levels on the CRS.
I realize we have had this debate many times, but I personally would prefer to move to instant runoff voting for all positions/elections, and that would include this. The top two candidates can still be identified before moving to the on-site voting round.
I would prefer in final reconciliation that we note the preference of GC members for a General Corps-led military rather than a Prime Minister-led military in the two competing versions of the Defense Act that were voted on.
I would like to propose two additional clauses to this article of the Regional Security Act:
(4) The Council will select from among its members a Chair who will be primarily responsible for overseeing the business of the Council, communicating with other branches of government and the public, and overseeing any programs to promote endorsements for officials trusted to maintain higher endorsements. The Assembly will be notified upon the election of a new Chair. The current Delegate may not serve as Chair.
(5) On July 1, the presiding officer of the Assembly shall initiate a retention vote for each member of the Council. If the Assembly does not vote in favor of retention of a Councillor by a simple majority, they will be removed from the Security Council.
The first clause is important because it establishes accountability for who on the Council has the authority to speak for the Council and is responsible for overseeing one of the core functions of the Council (endorsement promotion) which has recently been neglected. Establishing an accountable official for these core functions will help ensure they are accomplished.
The second clause is important for further accountability. If members of the Council have lost the confidence of a majority of the region, then they aren’t reliable and cannot be trusted to maintain regional security. Meeting this incredibly low threshold should not be difficult for any active and engaged members of the Council.
I don’t think we should prohibit communications which criticize allies of the Coalition as there are times where the government is consciously issuing statements against actions by an ally (our spat with TNP over quorum raiding comes to mind)
I disagree with the portion of this clause requiring Security Council approval to ban a nation that is not a low influence nation. If a nation is subject to a moderation (OOC) ban, the Security Council (IC) has no role in determining that ban’s ability to be executed.
I agree with previously expressed concerns about the role of the Dean of the Assembly. The position seems unaccountable, unnecessary, and like its responsibilities can be carried out by other officials.