The Skyline of Longbow Artery, showing Irradiated Light mingle in the atmosphere of the Nexus
Longbow Artery The Data Frontiers Weather: Class Two Light Storm
Nexus Broadcasting Service - Vance Delta Prefecture Service Area
“…Which is why you should always be weary of Light Storms. Usually, the onset of radiation isn’t high, but a quick onset can result in exponentially higher chances of cancer. Turning back over to our host, Carol Lattice.”
“Well thanks, Carol. If you’re just joining us tonight, I’m Robert Vea, the Nexus Broadcasting Anchor for Longbow Artery. We were just talking about possible weather forecasts in and around VDP. Anyways, Athos, you got something for us?”
“Yeah, actually. A developing situation today, a protest occurred yesterday at Crystalina Shipyards concerning weapons use. The shipyard’s staff responded with deadly force. Around 250~ people died, another 1000~ or so were injured, and reports indicate the facility went into hard lockdown, assuming terrorists. According to official report, the station sounded the “All Hands, Prepare to Repel Boarders” alarm. Reports are still coming in as we speak. Athos, NBS.”
“Thanks, Athos. We’ll be cutting to break, thanks for listening in on VDP’s Branch of the Nexus Broadcasting Service. This has been Evening News for Delta Haven Hub. We’ll see you tomorrow at 28:00.”
New Spring erupts in Blakton Mining Area
Earlier this week, Melroy Drakulo, a prisoner working in Slobourn Mine, climbed over the Blakton Cliffs and was immediately killed when his restraints electrocuted him, causing him to fall an incredible distance, break through the bedrock, and creating a new spring of lava that he got fried in. We can contain the new spring so we can safely get moltite out of it. This will bring immense profits to our country. Czipo is good! “Mistake Alert” under questioning after column collapse
Earlier this week, a strange alert came on the television of many people living in Rockell, Tyraescar, which cited a Chorpto verse saying “Pillars fall by the sinner”. It was scary, but it was completely innocuous before the next day, a lava column collapsed, killing a crew of 5 prisoners. It is suspected that someone was warning us of an impending event and the government tried to cover it up. Count Teloiv secret has been revealed
Count Teloiv has a severe lung condition. It’s all been a ploy by the government to hide the fact that one of them has a severe condition that makes them unviable to serve without a severe aid. It’s going to leave the nation with a man who leave the aids doubting his abilities. He would also probably insert ideas such as “universal healthcare” and boost industries that shouldn’t be boosted! Depose this man now! Frudring Abolished
Queen Jhorjhia has abolished the Frudring and has ordered any remaining coins or bills be given in at the recycling center, as they will be useful to make something actually important. The Frudring’s value has been declared Nullivojh and all shops will run on the Jhorjhian Value Plan from now on.
The Royal Senate has just voted to establish an Economic Committee to research different economic systems and evaluate how they might be used in Colonus. In the meantime, High Lord Scytheros has authorized select companies to begin selling their products throughout the sector
Trianar has declared a crusade in a newly-discovered region slightly to the Galactic North of its borders, against a “Destructive, assimilating collective consciousness” that they have identified as the “Nekoroxan Horde.” They have created an exclusion zone sent out to all nations that they have contact with, advising them to not enter the region to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. There has apparently been more specific details relayed to Calerost, but to all other nations, the details remain limited to that in this dispatch.
Acting Captain Vthara, who was in charge of a Colonian patrol ship navigating the Vanti-Mandi border, has discovered a Vanti warship from the time of the Queendom Wars. Although the entire crew was found dead in their cryo pods, there has been an unprecedented treasure trove of Vanti media found on board, offering the first sample of the Vanti language in centuries
The Commissioning Ceremony of RNDFV Admiral Elizabeth occurred today. The Fleet Carrier was brought off the line today at Toril Drive Yards, with space-worthiness trials taking place later this week. She will be embarking her first Starcraft from Focusia Production Plant, and embarking a full crew to supplant the skeleton crew later.
In a highly contested vote, the Royal Senate has approved Hexadecimal’s request to “reproduce” (to create an ai child), on the condition that limits on their intelligence are followed to avoid creating another “super ai”.
In one of his first acts as emperor of the Colonus Pact, High Lord Scytheros has decriminalized sharing Colonian history with other nations outside of diplomatic channels
Civilian Defence announces Kusu Specialised Scrappers to assist in long distance diplomatic operations
This morning the Civilian Defence announced that the Kusu Specialised Scrappers are to act as escorts for diplomats over long warping distances.
This has occurred after the Kusu Specialised Scrapper Rooy proposed the idea, stating “…sending Diplomats inexperienced with warps of long distance into the warp for more than 12 hours is dangerous.” The Civilian Defence was quick to adopt the proposed idea, stating that “The last Diplomats sent on a 24 hour warp reported they were ‘disoriented’ and ‘felt venerable’.” and that “…It’s logical to have the Scrappers more experienced Captains and specially built ships to transport them”
Since there formations at 1932 BBT the Kusu Specialised Scrappers have specialised in recycling military assets, but also locating missing ships, including those stuck in the warp because of failed warp drives.
The Rooy said that “As our borders are opening, individuals long distance travelling to and from Rehy is becoming of common: more ships can become of lost further away. We have been training personnel for this, using similar techniques to aid diplomats is simple.”
The Kusu Specialised Scrappers will be escorting any future diplomatic missions that require warping longer than 12 hours. The Civilian Defence also said that their ships will also be used in long distance expeditions. Currently, no such expeditions are planed.
3 ABT Nevarst T’non gets its newest addition, the MMK!
Nevarst T’non, the biggest satellite of Dgek Neva, has been adorned with a special encryption device named the Myebiabih Myhxabh Knyhtobinanhohu (MMK). This encryption device is an Enigma-style device with 121 moving parts that changes letters 847 different times. This high level of encryption is boosted with the addition of a vast plugboard, which boosts the amount to a range of 847-921 times. It is an extreme amount of encryption, so any codebreaker is useless. and you can only access our code if you have an equivalent machine. Good luck, Abnoeon Onakohteu Kbbonkas…