How’s your day been?

It’s a just a formal spammy check in. Feel free to share as much or as little as you want. But in full regards, how’s your day been?

And if you’re feeling down, feel free to consult to this.


For me, my day has been fine. Educational-wise, I don’t have much work, classes were a breeze today. However, I have a lot of NS work to complete, especially on the political side, and I have some other, OOC stuff (non-educational) to do too.

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Hello my day was great

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The Author:
People are rarely honest or detailed enough to provide meaningful information on topics like these; Isn’t that dubious?

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There is no absolute requirement to share. None of that is defined (or even mentioned!) in the OP.

Of the ages, that’s great to hear.

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Medium bad

Anything interesting, or just a boring mediocre bad day?

Really just a boring mediocre bad day, Physics test coming up that I’m not prepared for, too much Calc 2 in it, it was nice that it rained today though

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My knowledge of those two classes is too limited to help you, sorry. Rain is always nice tho. It’s so soothing to hear rain on the roof.

Rained today for me too!


No rain for me :frowning:

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It’s flooding here ;-;

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Today is just a normal boring day for me

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It looks like it’s raining from where I live, but it’s just cloudy. All this rain!

How badly?

User: Long, busy busy busy day ahead.

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2 meetings left ||3 papers left.
5 meetings done || 1 paper done.

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Sunny, but humid and hot today. Not great, and I have some work to do that I keep procrastinating on! I obvs don’t want to do it :frowning: